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"Hey, baby." "Hi, Kenny." Kenny removed his arms from my waist and moved from behind me so he was standing in front of me. Wiping the rest of my tears off my face he rested his palm on my cheek and rested his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry baby. I haven't been the greatest or most supportive recently." I nodded in agreement "Why? Why all the secrets, disrespectful attitude, and dickish behavior? I'm scared Kendrich. I don't know what to do. We're supposed to be a team but I feel like I'm the only one doing anything." “I'm sorry Lily. I really am. I didn't mean to make you feel that way baby." I nodded but didn't say anything. We just held onto each other as we moved to sit in the chairs outside my mom's room. Surgeons and nurses rush past us. I look back into mom's room which is empty. I look at Kendrich in horror and run after the surgeons, praying and hoping to God that she's not going into surgery. There's a certain point where we can't cross, but for a split second, I saw her, my mom. I wanted to pass out. My mom was pale as a ghost. 'Why her? She doesn't deserve this. She can't leave me... I don't know what I'll do if I lost her... I can't lose her. Please don't make me let her go.' We go home and laid down on the bed. I'm still crying at the news I received not too long ago. (A/N: Italics are flashbacks.) Dr. Manzares came from the closed-off room with a look mixed between sadness and pain. His clothes were covered in blood, but I didn't mind. The next words he spoke broke me. "We did everything we could to save her, but I'm sorry she lost too much and we- I-I couldn't. "He stopped and took a deep breath "She's gone." I passed out into Kendrich's arms. By the time we got home, I was awake and I was asking Kendrich if what Dr.Manzares said was true and he nodded his head yes with tears running down his face as he came over to lay in bed with me. That night was a night full of crying. The next morning I get a call from Vanessa, I declined it and turned back around on the bed trying to go back to sleep several more calls come and finally on the twelfth call I finally picked up. "Yes, Vanessa?" "When are you coming back? I'm dying here back at the office without you, please come back soon." "I'll be, *sniffle*, in a couple of days." I clear my throat and say "You know what I'll be back tomorrow. I have to explain why I was out for so long." "Thank god! I can't wait to hear what you have to say and I have some news for you to hear as well! I'll see you tomorrow Lily!" I said nothing and hang up the phone. 'I'll have to work if I wanna get my mom out of my mind. Today I'll sleep though.' Hours later I'm woken up by someone shaking my shoulder. Grumpy and tired I turn the other way, but whoever it is kept shaking my shoulder. Finally, I sit up in bed causing the sheets covering me to slide off of me exposing my midnight black satin chemise sleepwear. I rub my eyes to relieve some of the sleepiness from my eyes. Once my eyes are fully open, they widen in shock. Here before me is Dalia and Vanessa "You've got to bullshitting me right now." Dalia was the first to say something "Nope. You realize it's 8 o'clock... at night." I look outside and it's dark as s**t outside then I look over at my nightstand and it says 8:10 pm. I let out an exasperated sigh and shook my head no. Dalia again shocked me when she started dragging me to my bathroom and started turning on my shower telling me to hop in and then running back out to where Vanessa was. I shrug my shoulders and hop into the steaming hot shower. (A/N: Bold text is when it's Vanessa's P.O.V) Everything in the office is a mess, my temporary personal assistant can't seem to do anything right. I can't even remember the poor women's name for God's sake! I'm all over the place! As soon as I get to my office I call Lilyana, praying she picks up. She doesn't pick up right away, but after the twelfth time she finally picks up. "Yes, Vanessa?" I sigh in relief. "When are you coming back? I'm dying here back at the office without you, please come back soon." "I'll be, *sniffle*, in a couple of days." I hear her sniffle and I'm about to ask her what's wrong, but she clears her throat and says "You know what I'll be back tomorrow. I have to explain why I was out for so long." "Thank god! I can't wait to hear what you have to say and I have some news for you to hear as well! I'll see you tomorrow Lily!" I was legit jumping up and down for joy when a knock came from my door. I calm down and run to sit in my chair. "Come in," I say. Ms. Antar pops her head in, fully walks in with her phone in hand. "Ms. Antar you know the policy about phones don't you?" "Yes, but I think you might want to read this Ms.White." "What is it about?" "Lilyana." That's all I needed to hear "Let me see." It's an article on f******k about a car crash that caused one death. The person who was killed was Jessica Green, mother of Lilyana Green, my assistant. My eyes widen in shock. 'That's why she hasn't been here the past week. She's suffering. Damn!.' "Ms. Antar, will you accompany me to see Ms.Green later on this afternoon?" "Yes, I will go with you. Just let me call the nanny first." Again my eyes widen in shock, "You have a kid?" "Yes, ma'am I do." I let her go and make a call. "Damn I need to hang out with my co-workers more. Anyway, I have too much to do right now. Work time!" Five o'clock comes too quickly for my liking. Ms. Antar comes into my office for the second time today."Are we still going to Lilyana's house?" "Of course. We're going to have a girl's night out if you don't mind." A surprised look is placed on her face but is replaced with a mischievous smile. "Well, what are you waiting for boss? Let's go!" I laugh lightly at Ms.Antar's eagerness and grab my purse and a couple of files to work on tonight when I get home. An hour-long drive we finally reached. I see a man outside a gray stoned house, it was a pretty large house, it even has a stone garage attached under the house. "How did you know where Lily lived?" "Her files." "So that means you know where all your workers live?" "I don't read through a person's file unless I have to." Silence surrounds us until we walk up the steps to the man. He looks up at us with a questioning stare. "How can I help you? " " I'm Lilyana's boss Vanessa White and I'm her coworker, Dalia Antar." "I've heard of you Ms.Antar along with your antics in the office with Lily. I'm her boyfriend Kendrich Hairston." I blink in surprise. "We came here because we heard about what happened to her mother and we wanted to help ease the pain." "She's barely eating and getting out of bed anymore. Do whatever you can to help her please." He said as he unlocked the door and told us where to find her. We walk up the stairs and find her hiding under her covers. I shake her to wake her up it doesn't work so I move over to have Dalia have a try. Dalia shook her which caused her to wake up. She rubbed her eyes and looked at us with surprised eyes and a few words were exchanged between Dalia and Lily before Dalia dragged her off to the bathroom. She walked out and looked at me "We have A LOT of work to do." 'How fun.' Rolling my eyes mentally.
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