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The day couldn't get any better, or so I thought….. Mates. They say mates are your one and only. The one who completes you. The one who will love you unconditionally. The one who will never hurt. Lies. Everyone talks about the bright side of the mate bond but they never talk about the downside. You'll be owned by someone else for eternity. Even after your soul leaves this world, they find each other in the afterworld. Or should I refer to it as hell? Some may find it offensive that I don't trust matebond. Can you disagree with me that it's not an obsession rather than love? How could you fall for someone in a first meeting without even knowing their nature? You just can't. Everyone delude themselves into believing it's love but the truth is they are obsessed with something that was made only for them. I know it goes against my werewolf nature to defy matebond, but how can anyone blame me when I grew up with the worst example of mates? My dad, an Alpha who was looked down on by others because of his bloodthirsty nature, never treated my mom with decency. He even brought demise to our pack and to my childhood. He did something horrible years ago. He was a greedy bastard but more than that he was a coward. He hated everything and everyone who was more powerful than him. His hate for the stronger lead him to attack an innocent pack. Not only did he killed everyone but he raped an innocent mother child and child too. After he killed everyone he even burned the pack down. Why? Because that pack was the last Lycan wolf pack. Just because they were built stronger than any werewolf or Lycan, they were attacked and killed. My dad did everything without getting into the limelight but his dirty deed came into light a few years back. He was punished for his deed but I had to pay the price too. (Do you remember the Alpha from "blaze" who has killed male lead's pack? He's her father.) My mom committed suicide right after he was whipped to death and the five years old me was shifted under another pack's care. I grew up with the pack that wasn't mine, a pack where everyone sneered at me in disgust. I was the dirt spot for my pack which they desperately wanted to remove but was unable to. I can't say I blame them, especially after what my "father" has done. I hated him to the core too. I wished I was never born from his sperm. But now that I'm born, I can't change anything. The only thing I can change is my fate. And I will change it. I may be a coward. I may be selfish. But I will never let anything destroy my happiness. I will use any means to make myself, even if I end up hurting others. Why would I care about others when no one ever gave a f**k about me? I have been alone my whole life and I don't plan on changing anytime soon. That's what I have been planning, but life never goes your way. "This way please," the former secretary of the office I'm going to work for, led me towards the CEO's office. As we neared the door my heartbeat increased. My wolf is restless today and I have no idea what is going on with her. I tried asking her a few times but each time I ended up getting growled at by her. Not the best way to start the day. The former secretary knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter. Once we got the "enter" from inside, we stepped into the room. "Alpha, your new secretary, Ms Blue Hart, is here," she introduced me. And me? I stood frozen to my foot with my breath stuck in my throat. No, don't tell me he is my…. No, that's not it, right? Maybe I'm smitten by his looks? He's a total dreamboat so my reaction is understandable. He paused doing whatever he was doing and raised his eyes in my direction. The moment his Amber eyes met my green ones, I saw my worst nightmare roaring to life. Mate. Mate. Mate. My wolf howled in happiness. Oh my f*****g goddess! f**k! Why! I don't need a mate. I don't plan on mating, ever. That is the last thing I ever want to happen to me. No, Blue. Calm down. He's a human. He won't know I'm his mate if I'm careful. That's right. Take a deep breath. "Ms. Hart?" My new boss said. "Yes?" "Are you alright?" He asked. "Yes. I'm sorry about that." "No problem but don't do that again. Your job requires you to always be focused," he commanded. I nodded in agreement, not knowing how else to react. He's the strict type. "Ms. Brown has already shown you around, I assume?" He asked. "Yes, Mr Oliver." "That's good. Ms Brown, show her to her desk and explain her work to her." "Already did, Alpha," Ms Brown said. "Then you two can go back now," Mr Oliver said. "Yes, Alpha," Mr Brown bowed down and motioned me to follow her outside. Thank god we're getting out of here. It's getting hard to control my wolf. "Oh, and Ms Hart," he suddenly called out to me, making me almost lose my balance. "Yes?" I choked out. "The pack members are supposed to call me Alpha, not Mr Oliver." "I'll keep that in mind, Alpha," I forced a smile and then got out of the room. "I've already told you everything you need to know. I'll take my leave now. All the best for your future," Ms Brown patted on my shoulder encouragingly and took her leave. I plopped on my desk with my head in my hand. This wasn't my plan at all. I just wanted a job that pays well so I can spend it all on myself. How did I end it with a liability instead? I don't want to think about it. I murmured to myself and busied myself into work. Morning passed by in a blur and Afternoon came. That's when the phone on my desk rang. "Hello," I spoke politely into the phone. I should learn how to keep it professional. And I'm doing it well so far. As long as I don't lose my composure, nothing will happen. "I'm having lunch with my brothers. Can you book a table for us at the nearest restaurant?" Mr Oliver spoke in his damn husky voice. This is already passing me off. Why does the matebond have to take effect so soon? "Yes, do you have any suggestions for the restaurant or do you want me to book the ones I know?" I asked. "I'll leave the decision to you," he said. "Table for three, right?" I asked for confirmation. "Table for four. You're required to be by my side until you get off work, Ms Hart," he reminded me. "Right, I'll book the table for four,'' I said but he had already hung up the phone. Wow, so rude. If he wasn't paying me so well I'd have screamed at him for not cutting the call when the other person is talking. Well, if he is rude or not, that's not my business. I went back to work until Mr bossman came out of his office. He motioned me to follow him and I silently followed him into his car and then into the restaurant where we're supposed to have our lunch. The other two were already on the table, waiting for us. As we neared the table, they turned to look at us. My eyes immediately met Blue ones. And guess what? It's the double f**k for me. Mate. My wolf howled for the second time. I averted my eyes from his, only to meet with the brown, almost black ones. And guess what? Triple f**k! Mate. My wolf howled for the third time. My legs almost gave up on me and it took every ounce of my willpower to drag myself to the table. I didn't want a mate but the moon goddess didn't send me one but three. Three! For f**k sake, what am I supposed to do? Well, when life gives you lemon, you make a lemonade. ***
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