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(Blue Willow Hart's POV) Ms. Hart, you can leave now. Ezra called me. I followed his order without asking the reason. Why? Because I'm happy to leave early. I could care less why he asked me to leave a tad early. I organized my desk because I don't like messy things. Call me a neat freak for all I care but I love to keep things tidy. I don't like messes, it spikes up my anxiety. "Before you leave for the day, remember to book our flights to New York a week from today and clear up my schedule for a week," I was startled by his voice. Ezra was leaning against the door frame with his shirt folded up to his elbow. He has taken off his jacket so now he is now in a shirt, dress pants and a waistcoat which fits his frame well. I almost drooled at the sight before I pinched myself to stop daydreaming. "I have already booked our flight and also cleared your schedule for a week starting next week," I replied. I had to look down and act like I'm organizing my desk while I'm already done with it. His scorching gaze is making me flustered, which I absolutely hate. "I'll leave now then. Have a good night," I took my leave in a hurry. I felt his gaze on my back as I left his line of sight. Once I entered the elevator, I let out a sigh of relief. I don't know why but I've felt him stare at me from time to time. It started a month ago and it makes me nervous for no apparent reason. There is something about his gaze that makes me anxious. The same can't be said about my wolf. She is loving his attention. She turns all mussy whenever he looks over. It irritates me. I don't want to get involved with any of my mates. I don't want to pay attention to them, nor do I want them to give me attention. And yet my heart pounds when Ezra so much as looks my way. Fucking mate bond! I plopped on the sofa, exhausted. Why is it so hard to hide from your mates? I have to keep my guards high and gates to my hearts closed so they can't find a single crack to crawl in. It is getting harder and harder to control my emotions. They're all jumbled up. My wolf wants me to accept this connection but my brain warns me about what happened with my mother. She loved my father with all her heart but what did she get in return? A bastard mate who couldn't get satisfied with a mate only. Not only that he used to pass my mother around to all the males of his pack as if she is a toy that can be shared. He was a s**t in the name of a mate and that's why I always have this lingering fear regarding mates. Especially if they're Alphas. What if they turn out the same as my father? Will I have to live the life of my mother? Getting raped day after day and watching my own mate f*****g any holes he can? My wolf is already so weak, it would be easy to break me. As an omega, I could never be strong or never can resist my Alpha. If I want to protect myself, I need to cut any weed that can possibly harm me. That is the only way I can live. That is the only way I know how to live. But what about our happiness? My wolf asked. We are happy alone. I replied. No, we are not. We live like a corpse. Day after day, we master our fake smiles. When have we smiled genuinely? Never. So where is the happiness you talk about? She argued. So, what do I do? I'm doing everything in my power to keep us happy. We have everything we want. What more do you want? I asked. I don't need superficial happiness. I want our mate. She growled. And mate is something you'll never get. I will never accept them. I growled back. Why do I need to suffer because of your fear of mates? Have you ever tried to accept them? No, you did not. You're just a f*****g coward who only knows how to hide from their problems. She did not just say that! What did you just say? I growled. You're a f*****g coward, Blue Willow Hart. Because of you, I shifted into a f*****g omega. Because of your pathetic weak self, I can't even get close to my mates. She growled and then blocked the link between us. I can sense her fury, which highlighted mine. "f**k!" I cursed. "If you regret being born as my wolf so much, why don't you just go and beg Moon Goddess to pair you with someone else." I cursed for an hour straight before my anger subsided a little bit. I dragged myself into my bed, exhausted out of my mind. I rolled on the bed most of the night, unable to sleep. It was near sunrise when I finally closed my eyes. It was the weekend the next day so I slept through the day. As I lay awake on my bed, my brain traced back to the conversation with my wolf. My mood turned for the worst after thinking about her. What a way to start the day! It left a bad taste in my mouth just thinking about how much damage my unwanted mates have caused. My wolf has been fighting with me all the time because of them. I keep being on edge and it's making me stressed out. Worse is that I keep thinking back to what my parents were like. Their toxic relationship keeps warning me to watch out. Everything is giving me a headache. Ding. My phone dinged, reminding me to book the hotel for our trip. I pulled myself together and got to work. I searched for a hotel which Ezra might find decent. I looked at some pictures uploaded by the site and found it pleasant. The room was good. And the reviews of the hotel were good too. They are known for their professionalism. That is a good thing. Oberon must need some relaxing time before his second match. Oh, did I ever mention Oberon is a professional boxer? Now you know. And while I'm at it, let me give a brief introduction about the triplets. The first one is Alarik Oliver, the firstborn. He is turning thirty this year, two years younger than me. He owns quite a few tattoo shops across the globe. And, yeah he has tattoos on his body. He has a flirty personality, which ladies love. He is quite obsessed with cars. He has short hair, with a buff body and that is why he is known as the "gangster daddy." Yes, the pack females named him that. He is also known as an "ocean eyes hottie." *rolls eyes* *Sigh* The next one is Ezra Oliver. He is a businessman who owns one of the largest law firms. He also co-owns a b**m club. He is listed among the top three of the most eligible bachelors. Let's get into more depth. He is a man who is obsessed with whiskey. He has built a whole damn bar for his whiskey collection in his house. Nothing is sexier than a man who drinks whiskey. He sometimes drinks during work and looks so damn irresistible with a whiskey in his hands. He might be the one drinking but it always leaves me drunk. His eyes too resemble the color of whiskey. Sexy, I know. I'm not ashamed to accept that I ogle him often. I mean I can stare at attractive men, right? There's nothing wrong with it. One more thing you might need to know is that he has a killer physique. Don't let me start on his body because it will take me forever to finish. You just need to know that it's exquisite. That's the only way to describe his body. He looks straight out of Greek God fantasy. Oh, let's not forget that he is an empath. Yes, you heard me right. Strange for an Alpha to be an empath, right? But you know what's more strange? Only a handful of people know about this. He hides it so well you could never imagine him to be an empath. Everyone just thinks he has a resting b***h face and that he is a man of few words. Next comes our professional boxer, Oberon Oliver. It doesn't come as a surprise that he is obsessed with the gym. He has a personal gym built in the mansion. He also loves traveling. He travels more than he stays in the pack. It's rare to see him in the pack. Like Alarik, he too has tattoos on his body, which look sexy on his buff body. Especially the tattoo on his thick arms. As he is a world-famous boxer, he has a fan base of his own. Women from all around the world are crazy about him. Also, the reason why his matches are the most crowded ones. Not only him but the other two too. Together they are known as "Greek God, daddies." There are quite a lot of fan-fics made after them. Now that I'm aware of it all, it irritates me. I'm being ridiculous, I know but I feel too possessive about them. No matter how much I try not to notice, I end up being too aware of them. I want to be free from them but rejection is out of the way. They don't know I'm their mate. I can't let them find out. I can't risk it. It's no secret in the pack that they are waiting to find their mate if they have one. They are already so crazy about it when they don't know if they have a mate. Imagine what they will do if they find out they have a mate. I have no doubt they'll do anything to keep me to themselves. They'll chain me up if they have to, I know they will. And that's why they can never find out I'm their mate. They're better off thinking they're mateless. ***
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