Chapter 5- Bloody awesome

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“Hey, sissy! I read your message just now,” Mickey said on the phone as he sat in the boarding gate area of the airport. He was on his way now to Thailand like he planned two weeks ago. “Sweet, I just want to check if you are alright. How’s London?” Andy asked. “Great! It’s cold. I was in the meeting when you called me,” Mickey replied to his twin sister Andy. “How are you and the three buggers?” he kiddingly asked. “Ugh! Three times the trouble! I’ve vomited three times this day!” Andy huffed. “I’m sorry….” Mickey mumbled, “Anyways, Just chill and relax, okay? I’ll check Charlene for you,” he assured his twin. One of the main reasons he would visit the country was to see his best-friend Charlene, who was broken and in deep water because of her ex-husband Max. The lady had been his buddy too ever since she worked with Andy in the office. “Thanks, Mics,” “No worries, take care, sissy. I will call you soon as I reach the….” Mickey paused as he saw a familiar lady who had just sat at the nearby bench. “I mean, I reach Thailand,” he chuckled. “I think I saw Mia,” he added. “Oh, your Mia loves!” Andy teased. She knew her twin had a big-time crush on Mia Ryans. Their former neighbor and her High school classmate Jen’s sister. Mickey was a fan of Mia and was somehow got broken when he found out that she was already dating Theon Carter back when she was doing her vampire series in Hollywood. “Yes…” Mickey giggled. It had been a while since he last saw her though they met quite a few times in some gatherings. She and her sister Jen was also Charlene’s friends, and they had a small circle of friends in Thailand. “Okay, just say hi to her, or maybe ask for her number. It’s your chance Mickey,” Andy teased. “Andy!” “Just kidding!” “Okay, bye! Take care, and I love you,” Mickey bade before standing up to approach Mia. “Mia?” Mia’s eyes gaped wide. “Mickey?!” “I knew it!” Mickey smilingly said, pretending he just walked by to greet her. “How is it going?” he asked, sitting on the empty seat next to Mia. “Great! On my way back to Thailand,” Mia answered. “You?” “Same! I planned to visit Charlene, you know….” Mickey grinned “Oh, s**t! Yes! Oh yes!!” Mia exclaimed. She seemed to remember something. “Yeah. She’s fine, though. It’s going to be a surprise,” Mickey said. The information about Charlene’s divorce just came out recently, and it was a piece of big news for everyone close to the couple. “Sweet, we are still neighbors, but we moved two floors up,” Mia sadly replied. “I reckon, Adeline told me,” “Yes. So I hope to hang out with you guys soon,” “Yes, let’s bring the smile on her face,” Mickey excitedly said. He knew for sure Mia wanted to make Charlene happy again. “We will. I will visit Charlene once I settle. I’ve got a long holiday, so I’m pretty sure I’d see her often,” Mia agreed. “I wasn’t sure which door she moved, though,” Mickey said, scratching his hair. He didn’t know which floor Charlene was living on at the moment since he forgot to ask Adeline the last time they talked. “I heard she moved to our old place, I miss that lady, and I can't wait to speak with her about her and Max’s troubles,” Mia replied. “Me too, but I would wait for her in the lobby. Hope we arrived on time so I could surprise her. Adeline just told me her schedules,” Mickey replied. “Don’t worry, she’s staying on the tenth floor,” Mia smiled. Mickey and Mia spoke for more until it was time to board the plane. He was somehow happy to talk with the lady. Mia was still a beauty and somehow regretted not asking her before. Sitting down on the first-class seat, Mickey took his phone out and dialed Mika’s number to check his son, Miggy. For the last two weeks, he brought his son with him in the office to bond with him. Mickey knew it wasn’t a perfect place for them, but he couldn’t care less. Whenever he had free time, he played and talked with Miggy. “Hey, big bro!” Mika answered Mickey’s call. “Hey…How is my little man?” “He’s fine! Let me take him. He’s playing with Adrienne,” Mika responded as she walked out of the room. Together with the Davidson's, his youngest sister and his son were now in Disneyland to celebrate Julio’s birthday. Minutes later, Mika appeared on the screen with Miggy. “Say hi to daddy!” she smiled as she put him on her lap. “Daddy!! How are you, daddy?” Miggy sweetly asked Mickey. “I’m okay, son. Are you having fun?” Mickey asked back. “Yes!! Miggy is happy!” “I’m glad to hear that,” Mickey smiled, “See you soon, okay?” “Yes, daddy! I love you!” “I love you, too, my boy,” Mickey beamed. “Mika, I need to cut this call,” he added as the flight attendant looked at him. “Sure, Have a safe flight, Mics,” Mika answered, “Say bye, daddy!” “Bye! Love you!” Miggy bade. “Love you more,” Mickey hung up the call and placed back his phone inside his shirt pocket. A while later, the plane took off and left the airport. Mickey closed his eyes to catch up on some sleep. “So far, this is a smooth flight,” Mickey said as he and Mia talked inside the plane. He woke up when the pilot announced that they were about four hours away now to Thailand. After stretching and walking, Mia sat on the vacant seat next to him. “Yup,” Mia snorted. “I can’t wait until we get landed and be on my bed with my…” she paused. “With my pillows and a warm blanket!” she continued. Mickey smiled. “Yup, me too! I so want to stretch my body and sleep!” he seconded. Aside from checking on Charlene, he wanted to take more time chilling and relaxing time under the sun and warm weather. New York had been cold and foggy lately that he yearned for some sunlight. “How’s Jen and the twins?” Mickey asked. His high school batchmate, Jen, had given birth to a set of twins about more than a year ago. The year when his son Miggy was too. Mia beamed wide at Mickey. “They’re perfect! Growing up so fast!” Mickey smiled. His son Miggy would be turning two next month, and he was looking forward to celebrating that day with him and his family. “Yeah. Time flies so fast,” he said. Few people knew he had a son. He wasn’t telling it not because he was ashamed, but he wanted to live his own affairs privately. The two continued talking about Mia’s studies in London and the real estate business Mickey planned to open soon with his dad’s family in the city. “Mickey, I’m gonna head back to my seat,” Mia said. “Oh, sure! I’ll see you later,” Mickey smiled. Mia went back to her seat while Mickey took his laptop and finished some reports he needed to send to his dad since he would be the one taking over his spot while he was away. Hours later, he finally arrived in the country. Mickey and Mia went together with all the board checking and whatnot. She also had ready service outside the airport, and he went with them since they would be going to the same place and city. “Good luck with your surprise!” Mia told Mickey in the lobby. “Thanks, love,” Mickey replied as he sat at the lobby’s couch. They asked the receptionist and said Charlene wasn’t home yet. He planned to surprise her because she didn’t have any idea he was coming. “See you later, Mics,” Mia bade, Mickey waved at Mia. “See you later, Mia,” Mickey waited for Charlene for some time. He kept checking outside to see if Charlene had arrived. A while later, Mickey saw the Rickshaw service parked in front of the building's lobby. He noticed the driver helping and assisting a pregnant lady in stepping out of it. It was Charlene. Mickey then prepared himself and stood up to wait for her. He saw Charlene busily taking something inside her bag as she walked, so he decided to stand in her way that Charlene slightly bumped onto his body. “Are you f*****g blind?” He kiddingly hissed. Charlene’s eyes widened as she looked at him in shock. He was sure she recognized him right away. “Mickey!!!!!!!” Charlene almost shouted. “Oh, MY Great Buddha! Mickey!” she shrieked. Mickey smiled widely at Charlene. “Yes, Blind and knocked up woman!” he kiddingly answered before drawing his large arms and embracing Charlene tight, “Oh, God. Why are you so small?!” he teased while squeezing her. Charlene hugged Mickey’s lean body around and planted her face on his broad chest. “Oh, my… why are you here?” she mumbled as the tears started to cry. “Oww….” Mickey mumbled, hearing Charlene’s hoarse voice and a wet spot on his shirt. He then rubbed her back with comforting circles before peppering kisses on her hair, “Why? You didn't want me to visit you?” he chucklingly grumbled. Poking Mickey’s side, “I miss you….” Charlene sniffled. “Aw, I miss you too! That’s why I’m here,” Mickey replied, “Are you crying?” he asked. Breaking the hug, “No, I’m drooling,” Charlene kidded as she giggled. “Still silly!” Charlene nudged her head up and looked at Mickey. She scanned her eyes at his still gorgeous face, “God! You are still handsome,” she praised, “Thank you!” Mickey laughingly bantered, looking down, “You’re still small, but damn, you are glowing, lady,” he said as he gawked his eyes at Charlene’s body with a bit protruding belly. He was amazed to see the lady pregnant and pretty. Charlene usually flaunted her stomach whenever she got a food baby, but now it was real. “Silly!” Charlene exclaimed, slapping Mickey’s arm Mickey’s eyes were still locked on Charlene’s belly, “Can I touch?” he smilingly asked, Charlene nodded. “Oh, sure,” Mickey then touched Charlene’s bump with his sizeable palms, “Oh, my!” he mumbled in amazement before kneeling to face Charlene’s stomach, “Hello, there,” he murmured, placing his ear on top of her tummy, “It's me, uncle Mickey! Nice to meet you!” he sweetly said before kissing it and putting his ear back, Charlene looked down at Mickey as he talked with her babies in her tummy. Mickey noticed her sad face. “Hey, stop crying!” Mickey mumbled as he hugged the preggy lady again, “Bad for your baby!” Charlene scowled, “You didn’t know?” She scowlingly asked as side glared at Mickey, “Didn’t know what?” Mickey puzzledly asked. Charlene just smirked. “Come upstairs, I’ll tell you,” she replied before tugging Mickey’s hand, Shrugging his shoulders, “Okay,” Mickey said as he followed Charlene. The rest of the day went fine with him. He brought his stuff to Charlene’s apartment and lived with her for days. Mickey made sure Charlene was happy and healthy. He served and prepared her food every morning and even for lunch and dinner. Charlene was a special friend that he didn’t want to lose. They almost lost her once, and that was because of her husband’s stupidity. He promised her he would avenge her and made sure Max would taste the wrath he prepared for him. Mickey began hanging up with his old friends while he stayed in the city. The next day, He, Charlene, Mia, Jen, Jamie, Adeline, and Diego bonded one time without the kids. They went to Phorn’s place to eat before bar hopping around the city to drink and party. He was enjoying his stay until the day he had to bring Charlene to the hospital one morning. The lady bled and almost lost her babies out of stress. Fortunately, he was there to attend to her needs at the hospital. “Mickey…you didn’t need to stay here tonight,” Charlene said soon as Jen and Mia left to visit her. The doctor extended her confinement at the hospital for one more day to observe her thoroughly. She was supposed to get discharged this morning. “But I’m worried for you,” Mickey replied. “No, come on, you’ll be only here for days! Please enjoy your stay in the city,” Charlene insisted. “No…” “Mickey… I’ll be fine. The doctors and nurses are here to check on me,” “Charlene…” “Please, Mics. I want you to enjoy your holiday. I may be the reason why you are here but don’t waste your time,” Charlene replied. “Gibson will pick me up tomorrow, and you can come here as well if you’re not that hangover enough,” she sneered. Mickey smiled at Charlene. “Fine,” he raised his hand. “I’m gonna drink beer and chill, maybe pick up a ladyboy,” he kidded “Mickey!?” “Just kidding,” Mickey laughed. “Okay, go home now. Bring all the fruits Mia and Jen left and make me smoothies tomorrow,” she smiled, wiggling her brows. Mickey looked at the table full of flowers and baskets of fresh fruits from Charlene’s colleagues and friends. “Okay,” he smiled as she prepared the things he would bring back to Charlene’s apartment. A while later, he was ready to leave. It was only four in the afternoon, but he planned to freshen up and rest first before going out tonight. “Bye, Mics. See you tomorrow, enjoy your night,” Charlene said as she hugged Mickey. “Yup, let me know if you needed anything, yes?” Mickey replied, brushing Charlene’s hair. “Yup, and Mics…” Charlene mumbled, breaking the hug. “What?” “And don’t forget to bring condoms, Mickey,” Charlene snickered. “Ugh! Leave me alone!” Mickey laughed. “Well, not unless you plan to have another kid again, then don’t wear any….” Charlene snorted. “You don’t want to feel guilty again, do you?” she raised her brow. Mickey exhaled. “Yes,” It was one of the deepest secrets only Charlene knows. He had a fling years ago that ended up in pregnancy. The woman terminated it even though he assured her he would support her and the baby. No one knew about it but Charlene. “Bye, Charlene,” Mickey turned, opened the door, and was about to leave when Charlene yelled. “Okay, bye!! Please, have safe s*x!” Mickey looked at Charlene and flipped his middle finger on her, making Charlene laugh out loud. Some of the patients or even the nurses at the nurse station mustve heard what she said. Later that night, after resting and chilling for a while, he decided to go out of the apartment and start hunting. He doesn’t usually do it, but there were moments when he found a lady interesting. He’d find ways to know her and take things to somewhere they both agreed to do. Mickey wore non-fancy clothes, unlike when he was in the states. Just a simple white shirt and above-knee slim khaki shorts and white loafers. The weather was a bit humid that he thought it was going to rain heavily later. Once he was ready, he went to a restaurant nearby and ate his dinner. After paying his bill, he went to Phorn’s place to drink a beer. “Mickey!!” Phorn greeted him. It was a friend he met through Charlene.“We have an open mic! Sing for us!” he said right away. “What?!” “Go! Tomorrow is the drag show, and open mic today,” Phorn repeated. “Nah, I only need a beer,” Mickey smirked. “Okay, but if you want, the stage is ready for you,” “Okay. Let me sit at the bar and think about it,” Mickey nodded. About two glasses of beers later, Mickey had started conversing with some people he knew at the bar. He was about to finish his fifth glass when Phorn asked him to sing again. Tipsy that he was, Mickey agreed with it and walked towards the stage. He sat on the chair and took a seemed-to-be new guitar resting on the stand. He adjusted its tune before strumming to hear if he made it right. Like his twin Andy, they were inclined to play musical instruments like piano and guitar. They were blessed with good voices too. Once the tune was fine, Mickey introduced himself first before strumming his favorite piece he made with his own acoustic rendition some time ago. The Tennessee Waltz was initially sung by a lady singer. In the middle of his song, he noticed the bar’s door opened. A pretty long-haired woman in overalls stepped inside and planted her eyes on him. She stayed there for some time before Phorn asked her to sit at the bar. She did and again looked at him with so much interest. Since he was wearing his eyeglasses, the lady must’ve noticed that he was staring and watching her while he sang. After the song, everybody clapped and cheered, including the beautiful lady. Mickey found her indeed stunning in her simplicity. The applause died down, but for some reason, she ended up clapping for seconds. Mickey discerned how mortified the lady was when she finally noticed herself clapping alone. She turned her back right away after cringing in embarrassment. He smiled before shaking his head. He wanted her to face him again to see her closer. “Ahm… since we have a lovely and beautiful lady here who enjoyed my song, I hope you wouldn’t mind me singing another one again…” He announced, looking at her, who just turned her back to face him. “This is for you, my lady,” he said before singing another classic acoustic song again by Elvis Presley- Always on my mind. For some reason, he found it a perfect piece for her. Mickey saw how brightly the lady's eyes shone when he strummed the guitar and while she listened to his song. Her orbs were locked on him as she sipped the drink she was holding. He sincerely and proudly performed the song until it was over. The lady didn’t clap, and he noticed her spacing out. “Did you like it?” Mickey smilingly asked as he descended and walked towards the stunned lady. The eyes that spoke a thousand emotions were bright even in dimmed space. Her lips were thin and red, and her nose was chiseled into perfection. “H…hey…. yeah…” she finally replied. “It was bloody awesome….” Mickey noticed her accent, and he knew right away she wasn’t from the states. He nodded before offering his hand to shake. “Andrew… The name is Andrew,” he introduced himself. She didn’t accept his hand right away as she scanned her eyes on him before looking at his hand. Shaking Mickey’s hand, “Lexi….”
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