Snow White: The Rise and Fall

2117 Words
Snow White was merely a title for the beautiful women across the Schneewhitten Kingdom ever since the beginning of it's founding, the title itself reserved to the most gorgeous, beautiful, and almost perfect in Royalty and Nobility alike, individuals whose prestige status demands honorable respect. Status worthy of mention, commoners as well as peasants alike rarely obtains the title however, those given the title meant ascending between Middle-class and High-class so it's a great privilege for those who were given the status. Hence, the Kingdom of Schneewhitten was greatly known for their glamorous structural houses, mansions and the wealth to provide a luxurious places in the vast entirety of the Kingdom. They were made of magical white ceramics covering every inch of the land as if the snow never melted at the first place during the winter. Everything reflects the golden, yellow rays of the sun, bright but pleasing to the eyes in comparison from the other Kingdoms, so much so that Snow as a young girl whose first contact with the outside white, pure world had to keep her head down from the blinding light before her golden eyes can adjust to the splendor of her Father's Kingdom. She could not erased nor even try to forget how majestic the Kingdom were, the rich and expansive pearls were used as the streets where they walked. White, she describes, pale as her skin. She was in awe, she remembers her Mother along with her seated in the Royal Carriage where they're taken in grand luxury over the view of the cities and towns. People in white, gold, and blue bowed in respect as they passed through. The soldiers, warriors of the Kingdom marching along the streets clad in armor with their swords in their belt gleams under the sun, still they valiantly curtsied themselves in the presence of the Queen and the young daughter of the Queen. To believe that nothing changed in the last thousands of years in the Kingdom was surreal, almost difficult to believe how time can a metal rust over the years, how their meals can spoiled, and men fall short and die but a thousands years didn't affect her home. "Delightfully wonderful isn't my dear?" her Mother spoke again, as clear as the gushing waters from their garden, "I used to run across the pearly streets, your Grandmother Duchess always scolded me after I left muddy footprints from the gardens." she laughs softly before looking at her daughter who tries her best to pay attention to her words yet the scene of the unknown outside steals her eyes away. "Mother, what is that sweet smell in the air?" this time, Snow spares a glace before she leans away her arms on the carriage windows. Curiosity webbed her features, climbing to her Mother's lap expecting an answer. "Roses dear." Mother answers gently. "My favorite ones, your Father ordained it to be." "But I don't see the flowers anywhere, Mother." Snow peered in through the slides of the curtains for a moment, sparing another glace at her with her brow quirked. "Well, you will see a rare sight not even the other neighboring kingdoms has. Perhaps we haven't seen, what matters my dear Snow White," she pats her head with a smile. "it is beautiful." As the carriage rode them to a bridge, clear, blue water flowing under. A water supply across the Kingdom to supply the agricultural resources among many other things taught by her appointed personal teacher. The bridges were made of colorful tainted glasses and the ones she sees in picture, each of them perfectly formed according to the bridge's arched form. Only then, her Mother slides the windows open did Snow witnessed the pointed castles sat upon the high hill overlooks the city where their carriage rides on, reaching the blue skies with ambition to ascend higher than the Tower of Babel, yet they dare not succumb to destruction in offending the heavens. Red dots covers, littered over the castle's roof and to the very tips of the tower then right there realization struck her head as soon she learns it was roses. Snow's golden eyes widened in awe, in amazement, enamored and in bewilderment all in all she understood why the people regarded her as the embodiment of the Schneewhitten Kingdom, why the Royal King and Queen named her after the title of Snow White. Everything that resides within the Kingdom was beautiful and she, a Princess is the Fairest of them all. "How did the roses get up there?" excitement filled her voice, looking back and fourth between the castle tops and her Mother who keeps an amused expression over her soft features. "Well," she gestures her daughter to come closer, Snow immediately coming to an attention, leaning an ear while her Mother's voice echoes in gentle waves, "you see..." her voice trails off. Snow White remembers, memories rushing back to her that she may have left her in the surging cruelty of the world but her voice never does. At times her voice was as soft as the wool of the sheep in the farms they once had visited, a radiant ray of sunrise when her clarity voice calls out her name, sometimes in a gentle fawn when she sees her husband. Her Mother the Queen of Schneewhitten can be kind, a young woman of damsel submissive to her King but never, never did she held back her words to demand what is virtuous in righteousness. Her Mother has was like a sun, beautiful at it's sight but her fuming wrath scorches every man and woman provoking her patience. She commands, demands the respect she deserves. The Queen was a force to reckon with, much fiercer than the King. Though her voice may be laced with gentleness, she feels an odd feeling, a sense of importance that her words also holds a sharp, stern edge within it.     "I had a little Mirror to help with." The so-called True Mirror before it became a Magic Mirror under the reign of the Evil Queen remains in the King and Queen's chambers until her Mother's health begins to fail, one day she just... spilled blood and along with her health becoming corrupt, her mind followed soon after a year. A developing incurable sickness that forces her to vomit blood out of system each day which also affects her sanity. Those were the memories she tries to bury along with her Mother during that day. The day she mourned the death of the Queen of Schneewhitten as well as the woman gave birthed to her gone, like the wind. "I am in tears in the day of your final rest, than the day I rejoiced walking with you to our wedding ceremony." Her Father told in her Mother's grave after everyone, from the people up to his loyal subjects dispersed leaving the King and Snow White in anguish tears. Her heart broke but never in equal to her Father. Her Father was just as loving as the Queen, every aspect of him she loved but that love turned to loathing when he had married a woman in his conquest. Later, the King died of mysterious cause leaving the Queen of foreign land to take over every inch the white kingdom has to offer including the souls inside the Palace, even herself Snow Schneewiten. A Royal by blood, clearly her eyes lingers in awareness over the glimpse of the newly crowned Queen’s intense gaze over her meant something along the lines as filthy than the peasants. Snow sneered, clueless didn’t partake a space in her own intelligence, a fine quality the wretched Queen could not have nor will she ever obtain it in the near future. Her pale features contorted from a sneer to a scowl the moment she came shoulders to shoulder with Queen in the hallways, the urge to bite her lips was unbecoming but when was she a woman of outward appearances? Certainly it won’t be today she will readily change miraculously to a refined Royal Princess. If only the Queen dies then she can have the throne. Funny really, Snow muses to herself how the evident rising of the power play is at hand. Her heels came in contact with the porcelain floor followed by her maid-servants accompanied her along the way to her only known safe covering, her bed chamber. Though, one of these days, Snow glanced behind her maids, not even them will be her allies the longer the Queen has an iron gripped on the throne. It’s the harsh reality indeed Darkness loomed over the heart of the Schneewhiten Kingdom, more so inside the depths of the Princess. "I will never bow down to that wicked woman, not even in death." Her servants behind her flinched as they looked at each other in worry, the ferocity Snow White unleashed. On that day she swore by any means necessary she will not kneel in her presence. She refused! Heaven and earth may came crashing down above or beneath her but she will not, ever again bend the knee for the woman. And the Huntsman knows fully well of what the forest holds in for her. "Your Highness, there are no dwarfs like the legend says, only the Seven Monsters eager to feast upon humans." Snow White narrowed her eyes at him, facing him with as much ferocity that she can muster. Oh how she longed to bury this man to the depths of hell, bruised him piece by piece all over his body. The imagery of him begging for mercy only grows dangerously near where she can raise a fist to repeatedly bash him against tree her back was against him. What if the fabled Seven Monsters exist? She clicks her tongue. "You think that will stop me from trying to escape from this hellish place, you insufferable man!" Snow spat an insult, anger seeping in through her heart, the Huntsman once again taken aback from the loud volume she can muster, "I do not fear what lies in the Forest, I do not care if those Seven Monsters sends shivers down the spine of the most powerful men." Snow White took a deep breath before composing herself. Breathe... take a deep breath, in and out until the wax has melted off a candle, she thought to herself in order to appease her mind.The potency of anger does no good in her state of mind. The last time she did... blood as red as the crimson blood flowed down her knife with cold, expressionless eyes. "If you want to escape then you could've taken the northeast of the Kingdom, why did you choose this place!?" he retorts. This Princess does not know anything about geography isn't? "You are seeking death in this place, is this what you want?!" "Fool!" Snow White barked, baring her teeth in an unladylike way that she was sure her Mother would scold her if she were this day, "Why do you care? If the Queen wants me dead then you can wait when the Monsters devour my body so you can rip off what the wench wants!" "Madness, I do not plan an innocent woman. I have morals to uphold and to cast aside it will dishonor my family." any trace of the man's face turned solemn, sinister. She calmed a tad bit, a part of her wanted to believe every words he says, she also cannot deny  from what she learned from the life teaching the ways of the survival of it's way, lies can be easily taken without knowing it can stab in one's back painfully. "Let me help you." he started, his eyes without a hint nor a speck of humor, "I swear on my life." Upon hearing his words, the weigh he carries meant not a mere, flowery words to trick her. Anyone in this world that by uttering those five words were a solemn vow, an unbreakable promise. Swearing an oath to a Royalty like her, the Schneewhitten blood runs in her vein. Not even the Evil Queen possessed this great power. "You do realize, that you are proclaiming an oath means your loyalty forever remains with me. You are bound by Magic, by Magic if you foolish actions prompts you to betray me then it cause your death." Snow emphasized, goodness this man does not know anything about Magic does he? "Yes, my forefathers pledged their loyalty for many generations and yours are not new." The Huntsman looked up waiting for the Princess' response in which, only a sigh made it's way from her lips gravely.
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