Chapter # 2 -{little do you know}

1950 Words
ANDY'S P.O.V- I stood there, completely flabbergasted as I watched her quickly walk half run away from me. Never in my life have I ever seen someone obviously try to get away from me in such a hurry. Had I scared her? Was she still in pain? I could tell that she was embarrassed by the forming crowd around us. Was she embarrassed of me touching her in front of so many people? The thought sent my mind racing in a different direction and I stopped it immediately. Touching her.... In front of so many people.... Damnit Andy! Shut the f**k up. Noticing that people were really starting to notice who I was now, I ditched the idea of getting a snow cone and began to walk away through the crowd, but just before I really started to get further away I caught site of a bracelet on the ground where we had been standing. It was gold with a few little charms. I had this overwhelming feeling that it was hers. I picked it up and shoved it in my pocket and then continued off again. Did she even know who I was? I couldn't get the thought out of my mind. I couldn't get her face out of my mind. Her cute little rosey freckled face. And those beautiful blue eyes... She was so innocently nervous. When I put my hands on her and forced her to look at me. She was like a deer in head lights. I wondered if any man had ever touched her. At all. DAMNIT ANDY STOP IT. Not here. Not now. I ran a hand through my hair, attempting to push the thoughts out of my mind once again. It wasn't working. I grabbed a cig out of my pack and lit it quickly. The way she smelled.... It was a fresh clean smell. An innocent smell. I groaned in my head. Stop it Andy. I kept repeating it over and over in my head as I marched angrily back to the stage. We were going to play in about 15 minutes now. I had to get ahold of myself. I couldn't go on like this. What was so special about her? No. The question was, what wasn't special about her? Her face was perfect. Her nervous innocence provoked the monster in me so hard, it shook me to my core. Those few minutes of contact and those few words exchanged had my thoughts in a whirl. I just couldn't explain it. This had never happened to me. I had never ever before in my life been so Intrigued by a single human being. A human I didn't even know. Hell I didn't even know her name. She was so tiny too, for all I knew she could be 16... Ughh... I had to stop. Stop right now. I couldn't let these thoughts go any further or I was going to be in big trouble. Or I wasn't going to be able to stop myself... BELLAS P.O.V- My chest was starting to ache from the pounding my heart was giving it. I could not believe the reaction that simple, stupid encounter had provoked from my body. I was practically shaking. Having a panic attack. Maybe it was the crowd of eyes that were watching the little show. I hated being the center of attention. Or maybe it was the attentive, commanding touch of Andy's hands. I was kind of ok, until he forced me to look at him again. The look his eyes have mine set me into panic mode. Something inside me told me to run. I had never felt that way in my entire life. And it almost made me mad. I didn't even know the guy. I mean I was grateful that he was caring enough to check out my nose and see if I was ok. That was very nice of him. But he was.... I don't know. Intimidating was the only word I could find. I still couldn't believe that I had run into him like that. Of all people. I wasn't going to tell Ellie, she'd be jealous. And speaking of Ellie, almost as soon as I began to get away from Andy, my phone rang and it was her. Black Veil Brides were going to be on in 15 minutes. Just great. I would have to see him again... But he wouldn't notice me in the crowd. He'd be too busy jumping around singing. Reaching out to the fans. When I finally reached Ellie and Emmett at BVBs STAGE, Ellie squealed with relief. "Yaaaaay! Come on girl!" Before I could protest, she was pulling Emmett and I through a crowd of protesting people, inching her way to the front. She was persistent and she would get to the front if she really wanted to. This was her favorite band... Or should I say Andy.... I put my hand to my forehead and shook it back and forth as we finally stopped moving. "Ooooooh stop it Bell, they aren't that bad. We didn't get to see them last warped tour so who knows, you might actually like their music now." Oh year and I'm sure they had changed completely...I rolled my eyes away from her. We had made our way to the barrier and I looked directly up at the stage, swallowing back the lump that had formed in my throat. Yeah, it wasn't that I was dreading listening to their music, I was dreading Andy seeing me. I had rushed away from him so quickly I felt bad. I just was way too overwhelmed by him I didn't want to have a complete break down in front of him and everyone in the vicinity. I was so stupid though. Obsessing over it. I'm sure he just brushed it off and hadn't given it a second thought. I mean he was Andy Biersack. He knew so many people. There were so many people here. He had so many fans. It was just a small little collision and it was over with now. I didn't need to be embarrassed. Yeah... Everything was cool. I needed to keep my cool for Ellie. This was her moment. This was her biggest excitement of the day. The drummer, CC was the first one out and everyone began to scream. Yeah, I knew all of their names. With Ellies obsession, how could I not. Again I rolled my eyes. I jumped as Ellie squeezed my arm and practically screamed into my ear. The rest of them poured onto the stage. I caught site of Andy and could almost barely keep it together. Hey, I thought I had had this talk with myself and that everything was ok. I wasn't Ellie. I wasn't obsessed with him. He wasn't all that..... And right after I thought that thought he looked directly at me and smiled from ear to ear. I scrunched my nose up at him, instantaneously. Like I had no control over my own body. I regretted doing so immediately due to the sting I felt. And Andy raised an eyebrow at me. Dammit, look away, look away!!!! He was gonna draw attention to me again.... Thankfully he did right as he reached the mic. A feeling of relief washed over my body. I was sure Ellie would notice, but she didn't. "How are ya'll mother fuckers doing!?" He almost growled into the mic. Everyone screamed around me causing me to wince a bit. "Good!!! Let's get this mother f*****g show started!!!" The music suddenly blasted through the speakers almost knocking me off of my feet. He looked down at me for a split second for he started to sing. Immediately he was jumping around and head banging. Hands flew up from the crowd, desperately trying to touch him every time he got close to them. I tried to keep my eyes averted, instead watching Jake play his guitar. I focused hard on his fingers moving across the strings. The longer they played the more sweaty I became. Everyone in the crowd was rocking against my back. I held onto the guardrail, bracing myself as best as possible. I usually didn't stand right up front watching bands unless they were my favorites. And let's just say BVB wasn't one of my favorites and their fans were a little intense. "We love you guys and playing you ya'll. This is gonna be our last song, we hope to see you when we start our world wide tour in October!" Again more loud screams. I was relieved that this was almost over. I wanted to check out some other bands. This felt like it was going on forever. Maybe it was because Andy kept giving me little sideways glances and he even winked at me. Was he trying to embarrass me? Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, Andy bent down right in front of me, reached out and grabbed onto my arm. He pulled me over the barricade so I was now right against the stage. He held onto my arm still. Firmly. He was on his knees. My chest was right against the side of the stage. And he sang into my face. "Then I lost it all Dead and broken. My back's against the wall. Cut me open. I'm just trying to breathe, Just trying to figure it out. Because I built these walls to watch them crumbling down. I said, "Then I lost it all." And who can save me now?" Chills erupted on the top of my head, traveling all the way down my spine and into my toes. My stomach was swimming with butterflies and my heart was racing once again. He looked me directly in the eyes, making it impossible for me to look away. Jinxx started his violin solo and Andy quickly leaned down further, putting his lips to my ear. "Look." My eyes followed his stare and I looked at his wrist. My bracelet!!!! I gasped. I hadn't even noticed that I had lost it. My grandma had given that to me the year before she died. I choked on tears that threatened to spill. I would have been devastated if I had lost it. I quickly looked back into his eyes, overcome with emotion I couldn't control. Gratitude. He put his lips to my ear again. "Meet me backstage after." And then he gently let me go, stood up and began to sing again. The security guard helped me back over the barrier. I could feel the people standing there part so I had space to stand. I didn't dare look at anyone around me. I could feel eyes burning into the back of my head. "Isabella!!!!" Ellie hissed into my ear. I flinched away from her. I was looking up Andy, frozen in the stare he held me in. I couldn't face Ellie. Not yet. Because honestly, I didn't know where this was going. ANDY'S P.O.V- It was too late. I knew it from the moment she looked into my eyes and I could see the sheer vulnerability shining in through. I knew it from the moment I could feel her body tremble and shake under my hands. It was simple. I wanted her. And I was going to have her. From the moment I had told myself I needed to stop these thoughts or I wouldn't be able to control myself, I had already known that it was too late. I was pretty much, speaking out of my asshole... To myself. There was no controlling myself when I wanted something. Nothing would stand in my way. Not even her.
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