
1047 Words
Emilia found her way around the school pretty easy. The place was huge and gave her hogwarts vibes, but she had everything down pact by lunch. When she had walked into the courtyard for lunch with her bag she looked around again for Carter. When someone suddenly shouted, "America!" Turning she saw Carter's bar friend, sitting on a table. He was wearing the school's soccer uniform and smiled at her widely. Walking to her, the guy looked down at her, "I'm sorry for last night. I guess I had been a little too aggressive. I didn't mean to be, come sit with me." Emilia almost ran, she didn't want to sit with Marcellus, he had the same cocky vibe Javier did. Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye, Emilia found Carter sitting under a tree reading. Moving from the weird, stranger Emilia softly said, "No thanks...whoever you are." Marcellus scowled and almost grabbed her but everyone's eyes were on him. He watched Emilia walk to his cousin's loner table and sit down. Emilia smiled at Carter and teased, "For someone who I thought I'd see I didn't see much." Carter couldn't help but smile, "Sorry love, I do go to class." Emilia chuckled and then looked at his covered hands and arms. "You have to hide your tattoos here?" Carter sighed and nodded. He loved his ink but when he enrolled and they saw him, they made it known he couldn't be showing off his ink. He had to wear sleeves and fingerless gloves at all times. Emilia pouted, "Well we should start a petition, I think they're cool." Carter smiled and told her thanks. The two sat eating their lunch, but then Carter noticed the strange looks she was getting. Everyone was worried about her, she was sitting with who they thought satan had spawned. They demonized him, everyone did. It was really annoying. Emilia caught on to and softly asked, "Are they looking at me or you?" Carter smiled, "You because you're sitting with me." Emilia looked at him curiously, "Why would that be a problem? You're great." Carter sighed sadly, "You just met me Emilia." Emilia smiled widely, "I know. And I'm good judge of character. You're sweet, smart, funny...you have a slight mystery to you. But I like it." Carter couldn't stop the megawatt smile that stretched across his face. It caused everyone to whisper and gawk at the two in shock. For the remainder of lunch, eyes were on the pair observing them. When it was time for them to go to their classes, Emilia was heading to her Physics class when she was stopped. A beautiful girl by the name of Cindy looked at her with mock concern, "Are you okay?" Emilia c****d an eyebrow confused, "Ugh yes? Are you?" Cindy let out a titter of laughter, "Yes, I meant I heard you were speaking to my ex, and I was just worried." Emilia looked at Cindy even more confused, "Ugh your ex...?" Cindy smirked, "Carter." Emilia nodded, "Oh yeah I sat with him at lunch." Cindy nodded, "Yeah well you seem like a sweet girl, just didn't want you to get hurt." Emilia looked her with a "What the f**k?" face making Cindy look over her shoulder over at her friends. They all made a "Do it" gestured at her friend and Cindy leaned in and whispered, "He's dangerous okay? He's got a record. Just keep your distance." Nodding slowly Emilia walked away quickly. Cindy watched her go and giggled deviously as she strutted to find her man. Seeing Carter sketching in the west wing, Cindy fixed her shirt and walked to him. "What you drawing?" Carter looked up and sighed, "Go away Cindy." Cindy glared at Carter brushing her off, "Come on, don't be like that Carter." Carter continued sketching and ignored his persistent ex like a bee. Never one to be swayed by attitude, Cindy waited until his pencil left the paper and roughly snatched Carter's sketch pad. Seeing a drawing of Emilia laughing Cindy scowled jealous. "Oh so the new American HAS caught your attention like Marcel said. Well you should know she knows about you. A nice girl shouldn't fall victim to you." Cindy looked up through her lashes, "Like I did." Carter snatched his sketch pad from the annoying little tart, "You were never nice Cindy. You were a c**k thirsty hoe looking for a good time and when I ended it you became a crusader for my misery." Carter pushed past her, "Leave me alone, and stay away from Emilia." Cindy watched him go with tears in her eyes. She hated Carter, but parts of her still missed him. Still loved him. Carter was walking down the hall when he literally ran into Emilia. She gasped when her binder spilled it's contents. Emilia looked up and then smiled widely seeing Carter. "Hey! You know I was just thinking I had forgotten to get your number!" Emilia tossed her brown curls over shoulder as she crouched down to get her stuff. Carter helped her get her stuff up and when they were done he pulled out his phone for her. Emilia put her number in, and pressed call. Her phone buzzed in her pocket as she called herself while looking at his stressed face. "You okay?" Carter slowly nodded. "Yeah, did someone talk to you today? About me?" Emilia looked at him closely, "No one important no." Carter slowly smiled as she took a selfie on his phone and then took out her phone. Carter smiled when she snapped his picture and saved his number. "See you around?" Emilia asked hopefully making Carter nod eagerly, "Yes you will." The rest of the day Emilia went through her classes bored senseless and thinking of Carter. She knew his ex had been either lying or blurring the actual truth to make him look bad to her. Marcellus tried the same thing, but she knew a bad person from a good. And despite the feeling of nervousness when Carter was around she knew it wasn't because she thought he'd hurt her. She was almost positive he had the capability. But she was more worried that he'd hurt her. And even worse, she worried she'd like it.
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