Chapter 2: What I've Created

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The prince, adorned in regal attire, leans his staff over his shoulder with a sinister grin plastered on his face. In an almost lascivious manner, he begins to loosen his shirt and unbutton it with his black slacks. The garments hang loosely around his hips as he pulls out a robe. Once the robe is secured, he locks up his royal staff. Feeling completely overwhelmed and uncertain of her current situation, Raven blushes profusely while avoiding eye contact. She slaps herself lightly on the cheek as though trying to escape a dream-like state. After all, she had been recently stolen from her home without warning or explanation. "Excuse me," she hesitantly says, "Can you please tell me why I am here and what is happening?" The prince hums in response before retorting with a question of his own. "I'll make a deal with you," he proposes slyly. "If I answer your question...yes?" As Raven contemplates the offer, she expresses her lack of trust in the prince's intentions and reiterates her desire to return home. The prince tilts his head curiously and sits in his lavish chair. He leans back leisurely with his legs spread apart while putting his fingertips together before raising an eyebrow suggestively. "Ah, smarter than I thought," he remarks with a hint of admiration. "I figured my charms would have seduced you already." Raven, feeling a sense of frustration and incredulity at the audacity of the prince's comment, scoffs in response and tightly folds her arms across her chest. The prince, seemingly unfazed by her reaction, proposes a challenge: "If you figure out my name, I'll let you go," he says with a hint of arrogance. Raven, unsure if she wants to participate in this game, asks him what will happen if she fails to guess correctly. With an insidious smile creeping on his lips, the prince responds with a threat that sends shivers down Raven's spine: "You stay with me forever and have my child..." Disgusted and repulsed by his proposition, Raven spits back at him with defiance: "f**k you! I don't want anything with you in it!" The prince's demeanor changes as he emits a low growl deep in his throat. His eyes glow a menacing shade of gray as his aura turns more threatening, causing Raven to gulp nervously. Ruffling his black and red locks in a demonic manner, the prince unleashes another disturbing remark: "I could always just eat you... and not in a pleasurable way." He takes pleasure in seeing fear reflected in those around him, especially in their pretty violet eyes. With each passing moment, Raven feels increasingly uneasy and trapped in this dangerous situation. The prince continues exerting power over her as he threatens her again: "Be good, and Daddy will treat you well. Disobey, I will ensure you remember your place in my world." As he edges closer toward her with an unsettling glint in his eye, Raven instinctively backs away from him. Feeling overwhelmed and unable to breathe under these suffocating circumstances, Raven sits on the bed while the prince follows closely behind her. He pulls a punishment tool from the wall above the mattress, intensifying Raven's fear and apprehension. The prince then elaborates on his twisted mindset: "You must understand, dear, I don't love you, and I never will. But I do like one thing about you - that you're warm. I am a lustful being, you know." He speaks nonchalantly of his previous wives, who were immaculate but now dead, leaving Raven with a sense of dread and horror at her potential fate. In this moment of darkness and danger, Raven realizes she is trapped in a world where her only choices are between terrible options. She desperately hopes for an escape from this living nightmare. "Oh my," Raven gasped, freezing in place as her heart raced with fear. "I believe you know what this means," the prince declared sternly, his eyes darkening with foreboding. "You require punishment." Raven desperately tried to pull herself away from him, but he was too quick and agile for her. He firmly grabbed her thighs, hoisting her up over his broad shoulder. Raven uttered a piercing cry as she was suspended in midair, her dress lifted, and a whip clutched tightly in the prince's other hand. She squirmed helplessly against the cold surface of his desk as the prince pressed down on most of her back with one large hand. The crack of the whip echoed throughout the room as it lashed against Raven's delicate skin, drawing blood from her lower back. The prince watched with fascination and disgust as Raven whimpered and cried softly under his relentless assault. Despite wanting to taste her blood dripping down her legs, he reluctantly pulled the bone whip away from her wounded flesh. "Learn to listen," he scolded harshly, "and you won't feel physical pain from me unless it's pleasurable." Raven nodded weakly in response, unable to focus on anything except the searing pain coursing through her body. As she curled up on the floor in agony, the prince pinched his nose in irritation before finally relenting and lifting her gently onto the bed. He instructed one of his maids to tend to her wounds while he sat by silently watching over her. Despite enjoying inflicting pain upon humans like Raven, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at how fragile they were compared to him. Yet even so, he relished knowing that he had instilled a deep fear within her. As she slept fitfully beside him, Raven turned restlessly, unconsciously grabbing onto the prince's arm and digging her nails deeply into his flesh. A perverted grin spread across his face as he realized she had secretly desired him all along, despite denying it vehemently. With a sly and self-satisfied grin plastered across his face, the mischievous prince had put Raven through her paces until she was utterly spent. At the sudden shift in weight next to her on the bed, Raven stirred from her slumber and turned her gaze toward him. The heat of a deep blush spread across her cheeks when she saw that he had left some flickering candles burning nearby, illuminating his nude form for her viewing pleasure. Her eyes were transfixed by the sight before her, unable to peel away as she reached out with trembling fingers to trace over two strange scars that marred his broad, muscular back. In response to her touch, the prince lets out a low purr of satisfaction and chuckles seductively as he turns towards her. Though Raven attempts to avoid looking down at his impressive physique, she is drawn inexorably toward his piercing gaze, which gleams with an unwavering desire. This intense stare causes her to clench her legs together tightly in anticipation. Suddenly, the prince pushes Raven onto the bed and looms over her with a smug smirk playing on his lips. He licks slowly down the smooth curve of her neck with a black snake-like tongue while Raven groans beneath him, pressing against his chiseled abs with both hands. As if sensing this growing desire within her, Raven feels a tight knot forming in the pit of her stomach even as it burns hotly with wild passion. "Someone seems like a naughty girl...fantasizing about me doing this," purrs the prince into Raven's ear as he leans close enough for their breaths to mingle enticingly. "I-I don't know what you mean..." manages Raven weakly. "You don't?" he chuckles darkly before parting Raven's thighs forcefully so that he can slide one hand between them. Raven gasps as he teases her sensitive clit, causing her to squirm beneath him in ecstasy. He leans down to suck on her n*****s, eliciting a throaty moan from Raven's lips that echoes throughout the room. As if not content with this, the prince then slides one finger inside Raven's slick entrance and begins to pump it slowly in and out while continuing to play with her swollen nub. The sensations coursing through Raven's body are almost too much to bear as she clutches at the sheets beneath her, desperately trying to keep herself from tumbling over the edge into oblivion. "mmm...your soaked; tell me to stop, tell me you don't want this..." he whispers. With a groan deep in his chest, the prince felt her clench tighter around his probing fingers as if she could not answer. Determined to take things up a notch, he maneuvered himself so his crotch was now tantalizingly close to her outstretched hands. Without hesitation, her fingers eagerly reached out and grabbed his hard-on, making it clear that he was far from a human down there too. As Raven's delicate hands explored every inch of him, she couldn't help but moan with desire upon feeling the suction on the side of his throbbing member as it slid across her palms. Her violet eyes pleaded for more as she silently begged him to give in to her deepest desires. "Do you want it, kitten?" The prince's voice was low and seductive, sending shivers down Raven's spine. Removing his fingers from inside of her, he brought them up to his lips and licked them clean before offering them to her to taste. With both of their hands wrapped tightly around his shaft, she eagerly sucked on one of his digits while gazing up at him with those pleading eyes. Suddenly, large spider legs sprouted from the prince's back, forcing Raven to be pressed flush against him. As he climbed the wall and entered her depths with a forceful thrust, she loudly yelled as she felt him fill her. His inhuman pace made it difficult for Raven to catch her breath as pleasure rushed over her like a tidal wave. Feeling overwhelmed by sensation, Raven scratched at the prince's back and gripped onto the base of his spider legs as they moved together in perfect harmony. As they both drew closer and closer toward ecstasy, a pair of black feathered bone wings emerged from the prince's body, wrapping Raven in pure pleasure until all that could be heard was her screaming, filling the large tunnel structure. Suddenly, the sound of a horn interrupted their passionate session, causing the prince to growl in frustration as he realized he had set plans to take over another world. Digging his hands into Raven's hips and holding her plump round ass up, he allowed her one final orgasm before pulling out and leaving her a sweaty mess on the mattress. Standing over her with a devilish smirk, the prince wore his black suit while adjusting the sleeves. "I'm not finished yet," he growled lowly. "Luckily for you, I have a world to slaughter and live decapitations to hold." As his wings and spider legs sunk back into his skin, Raven shook lightly on the mattress, realizing their passion was far from over. With an air of confident nonchalance, he runs his fingers through his unruly mane and grasps his trusty staff in one hand. His gaze lingers on Raven, almost as if he's stripping her bare with his eyes. "There is more to come," he intones in a deep, gravelly voice that sends shivers down her spine. As if on cue, the maids sweep into the room bearing trays laden with delicious breakfast fare. With mischievous smirks aimed at Raven's wobbling form, they arranged the delectable treats before her. Despite her gnawing hunger pangs, she can't help but feel uneasy around these strange women. But Raven knows better than to question the source of sustenance in this twisted realm. Besides, she has other things on her mind - how to escape with her life intact. As she savors each bite of food with cautious relish, she begins to formulate a survival plan. When she finishes eating, the maids produce a black, silky robe that clings to her every curve like a second skin. The effect is both sensual and unsettling - as though they are preparing her for some ritual sacrifice. Static crackles in Raven's ears as the maids speak in eerie unison: "Come now, it is time to meet the other queens." She follows them obediently, steeling herself for whatever horrors await her beyond the threshold.
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