
My Dead Prince


In My Dead Prince; a young woman's peaceful sleep is shattered when a tyrant demon king suddenly abducts her. She awakens to find herself trapped in a world of darkness and despair, surrounded by the dead and dying. The demon king has taken her as one of his seven brides, and with his thousands of minions at his disposal, she knows that escape may be impossible.

As she struggles to survive in this harsh and unforgiving world, the young woman must confront her worst fears and darkest desires. Can she find a way to outwit the demon king and gain her freedom, or will she succumb to his ruthless will? With danger lurking at every turn and her life hanging in the balance.

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Chapter 1: Her Temptation-His Delight
As the frigid air swept across Raven's face, she wriggled and writhed in her luxuriously soft bed. She emitted a low grumble as she clutched her warm blanket with all her might. Suddenly, a crow perched on a tree nearby flew into her room through an open window and landed gracefully on her bedside table. It c****d its head curiously while flapping its wings softly. Oblivious to this visitor, Raven groaned in discomfort upon hearing the howling of intense winds outside. Little did she know that the crow was no ordinary bird - it transformed into a strapping, muscular man dressed in an exquisite teal suit. His sunken eyes bore a menacing expression as he effortlessly hoisted Raven off her bed. An eerie green aura enveloped them both, accompanied by wisps of smoke emanating from his fingertips. And just like that, they vanished into thin air. When Raven finally opened her eyes again, she found herself bewildered and shivering even more intensely. In the distance, torches flickered dimly along one wall while water droplets echoed hauntingly throughout the space around her. Filled with fear and confusion, she scrambled out of bed and flung herself onto a rough carpet beneath it. Her bare feet touched on freezing stone as she rose uncertainly to stand up straight again. Her muttering sounded akin to gibberish during this nightmare-like ordeal. As she gazed around wildly for any sign of danger or threat, Raven caught sight of a torch hanging from the wall nearby - causing another chill to run down her spine. After drawing in a deep breath of icy air, Raven strained with all her might to leap upwards towards the torches lining the walls above. Climbing onto an oversized chair nearby, she dragged it laboriously over to where the torches were mounted and examined them closely - only to realize that they were indeed authentic and weighty. With a shaky voice, Raven whispered to herself: "Okay... okay." As Raven tumbled off the chair, she found herself holding the torch before her, and her eyes fixated on the strange artifacts and royal appearance surrounding her. As she gazed around in wonder, a large throne caught her eye, its surface marred by blood stains that seemed to speak of an ominous past. A deep breath escaped her lips as she paused, taking in the eerie surroundings. Suddenly, there came the sound of bones breaking, static crackling through the air, and loud footsteps approaching. In desperation, Raven waved the torch about wildly, hoping that what appeared to be a tall tunnel-like structure was just a figment of her imagination. She remained unaware of its true size until a creature over eight feet tall with glowing white eyes stepped out of the shadows towards her. Raven took several steps back, incredulous at what unfolded before her eyes. "This must be a joke," she muttered under her breath. However, as she tried to move away from him, Raven was quickly picked up and pinned against the cold damp wall causing her to drop the flaming torch. It dawned on Raven that the creature holding her up was none other than the dead prince himself! His glowing white eyes shone brightly with delight as he placed himself between Raven's thighs, thereby rendering any kicking ineffective. Speaking in his foreign tongue, which Raven could hardly comprehend, all she could do was scream as static filled her ears. "Humans always fight it," he said condescendingly while looking down upon Raven, who lay helpless beneath him. "Soon you'll adjust to it," he warned ominously, using his dominant low growls to further intimidate her. Feeling heat rise within herself and struggling against him only served to entertain this prince even more as he pressed his chest firmly against the thin fabric of Raven's gown. She flinched, feeling his below-zero body temperature mix with hers making it difficult for her not to moan out loud. Using his knee, he pinned her forcefully against the wall as one hand examined Raven's body with a sense of ownership. With an air of menace, Raven's voice reverberates through the room as she demands to know, "What the f**k are you?" Her eyes widen in fear as he smirks and trails one of his large hands up her throat. The sensation sends shivers down her spine as the metal nails and rings on his fingers trace every contour of her face. A deep chuckle fills the space as he tilts his head to press against her chest, eagerly listening to each beat of her heart. "No!" Raven screams in protest. "I could hear your heart miles from here... see your blood run through your body...your scent," he purrs with a wicked grin. Frustrated and confused, Raven demands to know why she's there and what this twisted individual wants from her. "That's quite simple, really..." He pauses for effect before continuing with a smirk. "I'm just making your dreams come true." Horror-stricken, Raven protests that this is not a dream but a nightmare - but he seems to relish in her terror. "You'll see it my way soon enough," the prince chuckles darkly as he carries Raven across the room, causing her to scream out in terror. As she lands back on the bed, her gown bounces up around her knees, and she scrambles away as far as possible from him. But it's no use - he pulls at her leg until she's forced to the edge of the mattress, eliciting a yelp from Raven. Suddenly, handcuffs click into place around both her wrists and ankles. Trapped and helpless, Raven blushes furiously when she feels his toned chest pressing against hers. She can barely breathe as every inch of his body seems to envelop hers in a mix of fear and desire. he individual before Raven made an explicit declaration that the sole reason for her presence was to give him a child of hybrid nature. He even considered allowing her to depart from his grasp if she managed to fulfill this request. As Raven observed his towering form move towards the flickering torches, she could not help but notice how his blue skin, hollow sockets, and masculine jawline became more pronounced in the light. Adjusting his cufflinks, he gave off a cocky smile that revealed needle-like teeth capable of easily tearing her apart. With a sly tone, he informed Raven that he had a kingdom to rule and requested that she be obedient like a good girl for "daddy." Raven's blood boiled as she watched his muscular figure disappear into the distance. She screamed out in anger, only to be confronted by two additional pairs of glowing eyes staring back at her. The individuals stepped forward and lit more torches revealing themselves as two maids dressed in work uniforms. Both maids bowed respectfully as Raven stood bewildered at their appearance - they were rotted corpses adorned with long black hair. Static filled the room as one of the maids approached Raven holding an elaborately embellished gown while sporting an eerie smile that revealed multiple rows of sharp teeth. "I would recommend you let us do our job," spoke the maid ominously as Raven continued to stare suspiciously at them, still unable to comprehend how this could be happening - it simply couldn't be real! Suddenly, both maids tugged on chains attached to Raven's restraints, pulling her closer to them before dragging her into another section of the tunnel where a tub and towels awaited them. Raven stood frozen, watching intently as they pulled out towels and began preparing the tub for what appeared to be quite an ominous task ahead. Clutching onto her nightgown tightly, one of the maids instructed Raven firmly to remove it so that they didn't have to do it for her. Raven hesitated, her body trembling with reluctance as she contemplated the task at hand. She finally summoned the courage to slip the garment from her shoulders and allow it to cascade down to the floor. She instinctively covered her medium-sized breasts, feeling vulnerable and exposed as she climbed into the tub. The hot water infused with roses cascaded over her skin in a soothing embrace, causing Raven to exhale deeply in relaxation. Raven closed her eyes and savored the sensation as the maids began scrubbing her red hair. Once finished, they adorned her in an elegant grey gown that flowed effortlessly against her pale skin. But why did it feel so...bare? Raven couldn't help but bite down on her lip, bewildered by the absence of any undergarments beneath the dress. Her confusion was quickly cleared up by one of her attendants. "Master prefers that his favorite be prepared at all times," explained the maid matter-of-factly. "Since you are human - and therefore quite valuable - our primary food source, you must remain within these chambers unless you wish to be devoured whole." Raven swallowed hard, unsure of how exactly to respond. Meanwhile, other maids were busily adding finishing touches, like adorning her feet with red paint. A sudden interruption occurred when another woman entered dressed as a nurse. The maids nodded respectfully before departing without a word. "We are not permitted to disclose your location in case you attempt to escape," said the nurse coolly. "Per your behavior analysis," she added pointedly. Raven looked at this new arrival intently, curiosity piqued by what lay ahead. "Who are you?" she asked tentatively. "We are not permitted to give names either," replied the nurse brusquely. "He wants no attachments." Her tone left no room for further questions or discussion. The nurse then proceeded to pull out her bag and set up a row of shots, performing various physical tests before administering each injection. As she worked, the nurse's eyes began to glow an eerie blue as she conducted a blood test. "I see that your family has a history of memory problems," remarked the nurse offhandedly. "That's why you'll receive extra injections - to ensure you won't suffer from similar issues." Raven winced as each shot was administered, listening intently as the nurse explained what each one was for. She couldn't help but feel like a lab rat being prodded and poked at the mercy of some anonymous overlord. But for now, she could only wait and hope these people had her best interests at heart... "Excuse me, nurse," Raven inquired with a hint of concern lacing her tone. "May I inquire whether the air here is toxic?" The nurse nodded in response, promptly cleaning up her medical supplies before turning to address Raven's inquiry. "Rest assured, dear. Your safety is of utmost importance to us, and as such, we have taken precautions to ensure that the air within this chamber is free from any harmful pollutants," she replied reassuringly. The nurse then proceeded to offer some advice, cautioning Raven about the prince's temperament and possessiveness. She warned that anyone who dared to challenge him would face severe consequences. Furthermore, she emphasized that he had an aversion towards males being around his female companions, including his numerous legions. Listening intently, Raven simply nodded, although unsure if they could read her thoughts like the prince seemed capable of doing. Trapped in this unfamiliar place, she was uncertain how she could escape. Raven aimlessly wandered through the tunnel-like chamber, taking note of its features and concluding that it must be connected to the prince's bedchamber. Determined to find a way out or obtain information about her location, she began rummaging through documents written in a language foreign to her and examining a map resembling a spider web but found it indecipherable. After hours of fruitless searching, Raven reluctantly accepted that time was not on her side but refused to surrender hope entirely. Returning to a desk situated at the center of the room, she continued scrutinizing other papers when a maid arrived with what appeared to be ordinary food from her world- which Raven declined. As the maid left them alone with Prince standing close by, torchlights illuminated his towering form and glowing eyes again, causing Raven's violet eyes to widen and cheeks to flush crimson with embarrassment. The Prince leaned on his staff while surrounded by green magic emanating from him as he gave off a devious look.

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