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  Four months had passed since the prophecy; and Clanis is still nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, in Encanta, the four Kings held an urgent royal assembly with sentinels inside and outside the hall, “Months had already passed but we still have no clue for that birth of dark and light” King Ramiro complained.   “We have interpreted the prophecy, thanks to Jabino” answered King Alfiro   “Presumably, yes, but the main point is we still don’t know yet who is involved in this prophecy, when will it start or how we can stop it?” said the dwarf King   “I agree.” Said King Ramiro lifting his hand towards King Euri to commend him, and then continue, “King Jeron have you found the demon witch?” said King Ramiro   “Not yet your majesty, but we still on the lookout” King Jeron answered   “See? We still don’t know who is that witch and what is her plot.”, words of the King of Rutheos in wariness.   “And the people of Desteon is still in fear” said King Jeron with sadness on his face worried about his people.   “And now, the whole Arthodon might be in great danger” Said King Alfiro with the tone of alarm but also of courage.   “Jabino, still receive no additional prophecy or vision yet?” asked King Euri to the Seer   “Yes, my king, I’ve been meditating these passed days but still no answer from the dragons” depressed answer of the seer.   “So what will we do?” asked King Ramiro   “Does what King Jeron do” said Jabino   “Continue the search for answers and to that witch, raise the security and surveillance of Arthodon to max and prepare your people for the massive earthquake, ready every needful thing” King Euri advised and all agreed. Before they conclude, the seer said, “My kings..” Jabino paused.   “What is it?” said King Ramiro “I have a speculation, b.. but it’s a profound feeling…” pause again, and then the seer continued, ”I think we need to list and know all the pregnant in the land”   “What do you mean?” asked King Ramiro, Jabino can’t answer immediately, look to King Jeron with concern, and when he will open his mouth….   “No, n n.. no” said King Jeron   “It’s for Arthodon.” Said King Alfiro, once he gets what the seer wants to say, calming his friend, but King Ramiro still not sure what they are talking.   “How come you take the prophecy, so literally?” exclaimed King Jeron   “We should, for certainty” said King Euri   “You think whoever is pregnant, then one of them can give birth to the dark. huhhhh” smirked and annoyed, King Jeron’s voice heightened.   “Saying that, how can we know whose infant is good and whose bad? Who’s light? Who’s dark?” asked Ramiro   “This is ridiculous” words Jeron said in his mind.   “That’s why we need to register them and watch them” said King Alfiro   “And confine them, temporarily” said King Euri   “We will know who. We should.” Jabino assured.   ******   At a small market in Aldron, noticeable the gathering of people in the distance for the newly posted statement from the King.   “All pregnant lady must report and register in the nearest office of public affairs in your area. They must, with their spouse if they want to, be kept and protected, necessarily and/or temporarily, as instructed and approved by the King in relation to the received prophecy by the Head Seer at the temple. All those who will not cooperate will be chastise according to the law of Aldron and/or Arthodon.” **this is being post at each Kingdom of Arthodon**   “And what is this all about” an elf wondered “Why they need to take all the pregnant?” another asked “I heard it’s because of the Queen of Desteon” rumoured by the human among the crowd “Her child died in her womb and they want to replace it with another child in exchange of gold, a lot of gold.” another human said “But I heard, her child was cursed by a witch” another dwarf fuelled more the conversation. “aahhhhhh rumors! How come a queen will be cursed by a mere witch if they have thousands of soldiers in the palace?” “It is a demon witch” a dwarf bragged, so the crowd shocked. “If that’s the case, there are two cursed infants in Arthodon” said the elf “What do you mean?” asked the human “I know an elf in Eferio that is pregnant with a human father” said the elf “Uuuuhhhh!!” the crowd “A child with two races” said another, “An inter-race, it is a curse itself!” said the other   “Heyy you!!” a royal soldier of Aldron exclaimed, riding in a horse, pointing the elf who said about the child with two races. And the guards took the elf to question her further.   Dani, who is in the market, buying some foods that time, witness and heard the crowd’s rumors, run immediately to a small cabin in the nearby forest where he and Clanis hide.   ****** “I really don’t know where they are now, captain” said the elf “And where did you hear that rumor?” asked the captain of the fifth troops of the royal guards of the Aldron Kingdom. “My friend in Eferio just told me about it, I really don’t know their names even what their looks are.” She answered. “But are you certain that information is true?” the captain asked “I’m afraid not, sir” again she answered trembling He paused and looks deeply to the elf, then said, “You can now go“ “Thank you, captain” she exhaled   ******   In Eferio, “Captain, a message from Captain Froy of Aldron” the soldier said, handed the letter to the elf captain.   He read, “uhmm I know, I’ve heard of it, if the rumor gone to another Kingdom, it must be really true” said the captain, crumpled the paper then handed it back to the guard, “We must confirm first their identity and where they live” looking to the eye of the human soldier.   “Yes, captain” he answered then go.   ****** “What? Why?” asked Clanis with confusion “I also don’t know but I have a bad feeling about this” Dani answered. “But where will we go? We still in hiding.” She said. Dani can’t say anything, he is afraid for his family. “And in my situation, it’s hard to conceal my pregnancy if we are to leave.” said Clanis, breaking the silence, gesturing to Dani by looking in her belly that is now nine months.     ******   In Clanis’ parents’ house,   “It’s been months since she was gone and we heard that Dani is also missing maybe they both runaway” said Clanis’ mother   “We really don’t know where they are now” said her father, Ovil, “we also want her to get rid of her child” he continued.   “If we find her, we will cooperate, captain” she said   “Thank you, Madam, Mister” the captain answered, “we’re leaving”, he continued.   ******   Few days passed, someone knocked on the door of their humble hut, and they were both shocked, then a voice says ”Dani, Clanis, we know you’re in there, we mean no harm, please attend us.” Dani and Clanis don’t know what to do. They can’t even move in terror.   ******    “There are a total of a hundred and fourteen reported pregnant elves, humans, dwarfs and fairies, including Queen Lian. Hundred nine are now here in Encanta, five are now presently transported, in three days’ time they will be here. ” said the righthand of Jabino to him.   All the pregnant guest have their own room designated to them by Encanta to ensure their safety and comfort with their spouses or one of their parents attending them, maids of the temple assist them as well. Some give birth already before they arrive in the temple others deliver their child few days after they stay in Encanta.   One silent and calm night, few hours before the troops with Dani and Clanis arrives in the temple, the Head Seer dream. In his dream, he saw a tallest mountain he ever saw, beside it was a wide ocean, and above was a vast blue sky. Then he heard a loud flapping of enormous wings in the sky, followed by the terrifying beat from the ground that makes him stumble. Suddenly, a tumultuous squeals coming from the ocean with tall waves. Simultaneously, the four dragons of Arthodon in the distance appeared before him. The four dragons speak simultaneously without opening their mouth, flying, diving and tramping, “Beware and watch, for the time is at hand, for darkness to visit land. Beware and watch, for the queen bears the Dark Chaos’ child. Beware and watch, for we send a light, a savior to vanquish the shadow. Beware and watch, when not restrained, Arthodon will be in great hazard.”   He was pulled away from the dragons, and then little by little the dream faded like fog. He can’t breathe; someone’s choking him, gripping his neck. He open his eyes then shockingly expose before his sight a grinning witch, with long wide curly black hair; her eyes are green though her upper face was hidden by the shadow from the dark brown hood. Jabino try to escape her clutch but he can’t, he feels weak so he does magic on his hand to blast the woman but it does not work.   “Just a little potion to disable the magic” the witch boast, smiled.   “Gua.. guar.. guard!!” he begs. Suddenly the witch raises her hand with a dagger to stab his heart but did not continue because the door spring open wide. Two guards enter to help but the witch throws the dagger and hit one guard to the neck that make him immediately fall to the floor. The other guard swiftly run towards the intruder and the witch blast him some magic with her left hand but he avoided it while the right is still on the Head Seer’s neck that is now in the edge of death. Because he could not fight closely, he slide forward then throw a foot long dagger to the witch that hit it to the chest. He walks with a successful face when suddenly it is the Head Seer who was struck by the weapon then fall. He was shocked and don’t know what to do when instantly he heard a laugh behind him, near his ear. Abruptly, he felt a heat in his neck that turn into pain; the witch slit his throat with her pointed finger nails, the guard falls to the ground looking to the delighted witch, hardly laughing.   “How dare you use you Queen Lian” said Jabino, catching his breath but with anger. The witch laughs.   “Don’t you think my death can prevent the prophecy from happening?” said Jabino now’s lying on the floor but clear the smirk on his lips. “You’re wrong, concomitant with the evil is good, with the darkness there will always be light.” He courageously explained. “Tonight will be born the light that will overpower the dark” he continued widen his eye, while the witch slowly approaching him, kneel on his side, she whispered, “Like what I do to you, I will tear down your hope, I will kill that poor little baby.”, pulled out the blade from his chest then stab it again and again. And she laughs, fade then gone. At his last breath, the earth shake, weak then the movement become strong.   ******   “Halt!” the captain shout as soon they felt the earthquake. Another guard said, “Look after them” referring to Clanis and Dani. Seconds later, “help, heeeelp” Dani scream. “Aaaaaaahhh” Clanis cry, “th th the baby is co coming!!” she inform.   “Not now” the captain runs towards them, “captain we need to find some safe place” Dani begs.   “It is not safe here captain, especially the land is shaking and we can attract wolves in delivering the baby here in the open” said the guard. The captain thinks. “Captaaain!” said the guard, waking their leader from the thought. “Go, find a secure place, and protect the mother and the baby!” they swiftly move and keep their balance while looking for a cave or something to hide.   ****** “Madam! The Queen is in labor” said the maid to Mistress Nothryn who accompanied the Queen to Encanta, while covering her head with her hands.   “Why now?” the Head Mistress seems irritated, “call the temple physician“, she order   “We already did Madam”, then they rushed to the Queen’s room.   ****** “My love, you can do it, push!!” said Dani to his wife, assisting her in giving birth, a moment’s later, the baby came out and instantly the earthquake stops, “Clanis, it’s a baby girl” he smiled then his face is worried. “Why? Dani why?” she asked with tears. Dani keep on tapping the baby but she never react or cry. “My child, no no!” Clanis cry, catching her breath, wet with sweat, reaching for her child.   ******   “My Queen it’s a boy, congratulations!” said the temple’s physician “Congratulations, Your Majesty” simultaneously greet by the maids in the room.   ******   Abruptly, they heard a loud, tumultuous sound, a thunder-like uproar that can hear to the whole world of Arthodon. ----- In Rutheos, “Father, mother, what is that sound?” asked prince Cassius, their eldest son.   “The Dragons had awakened” said King Ramiro, looking at the sky from the window of the palace. ----- All the Kingdoms become fearful and distress; humans, elves, faes, dwarfs, giants, ogres and other animals; to the horror they are witnessing, not mentioning the incident and destruction brought by the earthquake. Wailing, weeping and lament can be seen and heard everywhere.   ******   “Give to me, my child” begs Clanis who do not care about her surroundings, what noise or event that’s happening. Dani handed her their child to his wife with tearful eyes, “N.. n.. n.. noo ” Clanis cry while caressing her baby’s face. “We’re very sorry, though. She’s an inter-race and with that she has a small chance of survival.” The captain said then continue, ”And besides she already brought doom to …”   “Stoooop” Dani shouts, gripping the captain’s clothes with his dried bloody hand, closing face to face. Clanis sobs, hugging her child. While the other guards subdue Dani, they heard a baby’s cry “waaahhhh, wahhhhh”, instantly the dragon’s din stop. They are all surprise. Dani slowly kneel down to his wife and daughter, crying and hugging them.   ******   Outside the room, one Desteon’s maid, who also accompanied the Queen Lian’s stay in Encanta, questions the other maid of the temple, “No other than the Queen gave birth tonight?”   “Yes, I think so. Why you’re asking?” asked back by the maid but the Desteon’s maid just give her a menace look then walks away. The temple’s maid just shrugs.   “It’s one of the five who are not yet arrive.” Said the maid in Desteon to herself with fierce in her eyes.   While walking away she bumped into a maid, saying, ”The Head Seer is dead!!”, fear in her eyes, then continue to run to report what she saw. “The Head Seer is dead!” “The Head Seer is dead!” she shouts so all could hear it. The Desteon’s maid continues to walk away and smile wickedly, eyebrow lifts.
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