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With long deliberation, the Royal council of Kings and Head Seer of Encanta, decided to continuously search Clanis and her child, for once and for all, to stop the threat that might destroy their peace and freedom; to hamper the anything or anyone that can cause chaos and war. They declare in their Kingdoms about Clanis, the elf of Eferio, and her half-breed that whoever saw them must inform the authority of their whereabouts. Whoever will try to hide them or help them escape will be punished according to the law of their kingdom. In addition, every people of Arthodon must also do the same if they saw an ogre or if they know any camp of the said race.   Every troops assigned in every location, especially in the south of Arthodon, search for the fugitives diligently every single day but still they found nothing even an ogre camp. They found no tracks that might have left by the ogres they’ve encountered. There was none, no clues that might lead them to where they went.   ****** In the east kingdom, King Jeron and his wife, Queen Lian, held a celebration in honor of their son, Prince Althios. They officially and rightfully declare in front of the whole kingdom the royal appointment of the new prince and the next heir to the throne of Desteon.   “My beloved people of Desteon, heaken and give honor to your new prince and the next King of the east kingdom of Arthodon” King Jeron proudly proclaimed fron the palace’s front balcony with Queen Lian at her side hugging her baby in a soft and royal green cloth with golden design. All attendants in the royal proclamation applauded and shouted in joy and excitement.   At the same time, Arthodon officially, introduce and appoint Gorin as the new called Head Seer of Encanta. The Kings, one by one, held a parade in each of their kingdom to tour the Gorin and go around each town in their kingdom for the people to see and meet the Head Seer.   “People of Aldron, let me present to you our new Head Seer, Gorin” said the right-hand of King Euri and all applauded.   Still, in a town of the north kingdom of Aldron, while the last parade and gala of the Head Seer is being held and nearing to its end, the sky gradually darkened and the clouds gathered together to create and thunder storm. Lightning now flashes through the heavens and great sounds of thunder echo across the land of the north. Soon, the thick clouds of the heaven poured out its rain followed by the cold wind.   The Head Seer and the right-hand man of King Euri as his representative in the event, decided to call off the celebration. And command every citizen thereof to return to their respective homes safely, guided by the soldiers assigned in the occasion. The king’s right-hand man escorts the Head Seer to his carriage to leave as well for the rain becomes stronger and stronger. As the people of Aldron dispersed and headed to their homes in the middle of the storm, suddenly a loud cry was heard. It was from a dwarf that looks like she is getting to give birth in the middle of the storm.   Gorin immediately asked for assistance and called for the physician. The pregnant dwarf was taken to the nearby house to give birth. Gorin and his company decided to leave the place as soon as the physician of the town handled the situation. Hours later, the delivery was successful, “It was a healthy baby boy” said the physician.   “What do you call him?” said the kind owner of the house.   “Damien” the dwarf mother said.     ******   Clanis, eyes closed, found herself lying in an unknown bed. She can feel her legs and feet still tired because of the days they have wandered in the wilderness. Her back and arms feel numb because of the ache. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a small a blurred wooden ceiling. She moved her head from side to the side and cast her squinted eyes. Upon noticing that her daughter was not with her, she stood up and panicky searched the room. Then her memory flashed through her mind that they were captured by the three ogres and took her daughter from her and blind folded her. With so much struggling and begging to let them go and to give back her child, to the one carrying her to his shoulder she passed out.   Now Clanis doesn’t even know where her baby is. She peeked out the small window to see where she was and if there’s a guard outside. Then suddenly, a tall female ogre entered the room, “Oh you’re awake” she said, carrying some food for her.   “Where’s my child? Where am I?” Clanis said in a frightened but fierce voice. She stepped back because of the shocked.   “Relax! Our physician is checking on her” she said, putting her things on the table and fixing Clanis’ bed. “You must eat first and then you can see your baby”   “Who are you? Clanis asked the stranger.   “Name’s Rynne” the ogre said and then smiled while looking at the confused mother and folding her brown blanket. “And you?” she asked Clanis after saying her name, looked away from her. ‘She really was confused. I’ll let her take her time’.   Clanis don’t say a word. ‘Why would I say my name? Why would I trust her?’   “Relax, your baby is safe but for now you need to strengthen yourself and… you might want to take a bath” Rynne smiled and then leaved the room.     ******   ‘I need to find Maiari and get out here’ Clanis said to herself as she remembers the words of her husband, Dani, ‘You need to stay alive and don’t trust everybody’. She hurriedly peeped outside and looked around if there is danger. She observed that there were cabins all around and don’t know where to look first. As soon as she made sure it’s safe she quietly walked and looked for the infirmary. She swiftly but tensely ducked low when someone’s walking nearby or heard something or anything. Finally, she entered in a quite large house and she wasted no time when she noticed that this was the room. Then she heard her child’s sweet voice, “Maiari” she hugged her and carried her. When they were about to flee, she heard a voice from behind, “Someone’s been reunited to her daughter”   She stands still. She can’t move. She felt goosebumps run through her body, from her feet to her head. She looked at her back terrified and saw a tall female ogre with different but unique clothes and apron. “Please..” Clanis stuttered.   Clanis felt another one entered the room. This is trouble. “You want to escape?” a huge deep voice said from behind, and the female ogre in front of Clanis’ looked to the one behind her who just entered the place. She bravely looked to him and surprised that it was the leader of the three ogres that attacked them. Now, she really is trembling and feeling hard to breathe.   “But we are not yet deciding on what we’re going to do to both of you” pointing his hand to them while the other one is holding in his long sword that looks like from the guard of Encanta. His clothes are the same, tank top-like leather armor with also leather bands on the left shoulder and both arms.   “Cut it off, Gorgo. You’re scaring my patient” Rynne said that is now also in the room. ‘I never noticed her entering; I just felt a little relief when I heard her voice. She tall and huge compares to me but I don’t know I feel I can trust her’   “Clanis, come” she called for me. Though it seems that she can’t move her feet forward, she forced to made a step and follow her.   ******   “The prince?” King Jeron asked. “Neia put him to sleep ” Queen Lian answered.   “My King” Queen Lian called her husband then put her hand on his shoulder. King Jeron, standing in their bedroom’s window looked at her to his left side, and mumbled “hmmm”.   “Is there still no word about Clanis and her child? It’s been months since they disappeared” she said worried about her son and the future. But in fact, they didn’t know what or whom they need to be worried about.   “Don’t worry too much, Lian. The head seer is still looking for them with the help of the kingdom of Rutheos. Last time we know they’re in the south” the queen look through the window where the sunset is waving on them goodbye.   ******   Two years had passed and all the four kingdoms look like they gradually forget the event that happened; the Desteon queen’s mysterious a*******n, the prophecy about the two children, the earthquake, the awakening of the dragons and until now faceless and nameless witch that start of it all. Everyone seems getting back to normal, each races of every Kingdom continue to live on with their lives, work, study, practice magic and skills and so on.   Meanwhile, to the ignorance of the most, secret troops of Encanta still search and look to the whereabouts of the wanted elf mother and inter-race child, now and then. Occasionally, there were reports given to them that someone had seen Clanis or found out where they are but none of them proven to be true. It seems that they just need gold and silver as a reward.     ******   It was a sunny morning, the breeze is warm and the birds can be heard singing and playing in the nearby trees of the east garden of Desteon. Colorful flowers and different kind of plants, small and tall, are everywhere. There’s also a small pond and a marble gazebo where usually Queen Lian went when she wanted to relax and sometimes maids and guards rest or eat in their break time. “My prince, look” Neia picked a flower by her thumb and index finger. Place it in front of Althios’ face and turn it to wither. The young prince made a frown. Neia get three small stones and made it float to move it in between her fingers, to and fro. The prince laughs in amusement.   “Do you want to learn magic, my prince?” the maid asked the innocent boy. He nodded with smile. “I will teach you but it’s just our secret. Don’t tell anybody” touching Althios’ head and mussing his hair.   Shortly, they heard the queen calling her son, “My prince!” “Neia!”   “We’re here, your Highness” Neia shout and then stood up from sitting on her feet. He held the prince’s hand and started to walk towards the Queen.   “You’re just here. I’m looking for you everywhere” the queen sat down and opens her arms wide for a hug.   “We just played here my Queen” Neia said and smiled.   “Have you enjoyed playing here in the garden?” she looked at her son on her arms. He nodded. Althios hugged her mother; put his arms on her neck, looking to the maid behind them as they walked back to the palace. Behind them, Neia looked to the prince and put his index finger to her lips, “Sshhhhhh”.
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