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      On a dark stormy night, as the wind howls and the rain pour angrily, you will hear swift running steps in a hallway of the second palace of the Desteon Kingdom, guiding the maid’s way by the light blue emitting gems stick to the wall.  Keeping her feet to the floor while running in shock, she hurriedly looks for Madam Nothryn. Reaching the mistress’ wing, “The queen is lost!” “The queen is lost!”, scream by the palace’s chamber maid as soon as she reached head mistress’ office as she opens the door.   “What!!” she stand, “What do you mean?“ asked by the head mistress of the royal palace, anger and anxiety are evident in her tone. She walks approaching the lowly maid, with a silver pen in her left hand and a dark blue green carpet below them.   “I’ve  uh uhm a.. already search her everywhere b.. bu.. but she’s nowhere to be found..” trembling in terror, the queen’s hand maid answered, hands on her side, clenching her dark grey skirt with a dark green apron.   “You..! Such a futile” on the act of slapping the handmaid, “Don’t stop until you find her, halfwit, Gooooo” shout by the old mistress, pointing out to the door.   “Ye.. yesss, Madam” she bowed and hastily walks out.   ****** Meanwhile, Mistress Nothryn rushes to the castle’s second front tower and look for General Remos of the Kingdoms’s Royal Guard. She passes through the kitchen’s garden then to hallways and gates that make her wet by the raindrops.   “Where’s General Remos?” asked Madam Nothryn to the night-watchman on duty, who is fully equip of a black armour with a sword on his left hanging on his belt.   “General” said the man, raising his brow to point the General opposite her direction.   “Madam Nothryn, what made you come here?” questioned by the General, who also wears his armour, taking his round to check every stations.   “Can I talk to you privately, General?” said Madam Nothryn calmly.   “This way” accepting the invitation and leading the way for the old lady that looks like in her 60’s.   ****** “Have you check the backyard?” asked by the maid, who reported the incident to the head Mistress, to her fellow maid servant. “Yes, her Majesty’s not there?” “What if we ask for help to the Head Seer?” “He’s here?”   “uh,” nodded “to bless the Royal Siran (see-ron) (a love-making ceremony of  the royal family done after wedding)”   “Have you lost your mind? He’s now attending the King and surely he will tell matter to his Majesty.” “What should we do?” “We keep on looking.”   ******   “How long since she was gone?” the General said, anxiety is evident in his face by the newly heard problem. “About 25 minutes now”, reassuring of the Head Mistress. “Please, don’t tell the King yet, we can find her before the ceremony. Just command some of your trusted soldier to help.” “We must, if we do not want to get punish.“, said General Remos, general of the third of the five troops of the Desteon’s royal forces, second highest position in the army; head general being the highest rank, presiding all troops in a specific kingdom.   ****** Five guards, General Remos, Madam Nothryn and the four handmaid of the queen continue find the missing Queen Lian of the Desteon (des’ston), the East Kingdom of Arthodon (artho’don).   ******   “Where is the queen?” said the King Jeron of Desteon forcing himself to calm but obvious in his voice the irritation, wearing a full white robe. King Jeron is the 12th king of Desteon since the kingdom was first established by the fifth king of Arthodon. He is tall and firm in stature with short and trimmed beard, with pointed ears as well. Second born son among three children of the 11th king of Desteon, King Jother, for the eldest is the queen of Rutheos and the youngest is a princess.   “What’s the matter?, the queen is supposed to be here before the king arrives?” asked the Head Seer, Jabino (habi’no), who is one of the most trusted subjects of all Kings in Arthodon, wearing a black clothes with long dark purple coat. He receives prophecy, visions and dreams for the whole Arthodon, resides in the temple called Encanta. Knows a little bit of magic and spells.   “She is nowhere to be found, Head Seer” answer by the frightened maid, though she lowers her voice the King still hear it. “You will all be punished if you did not find her!!” the King shouts, slamming his bedroom’s door shut.   “I will do everything your Royal Highness to find the Queen” said the Head Seer outside the door.   ******   In the Queen’s quarter, the Head seer cast some magic. “I can’t see, someone’s blocking me”, said him in a little distress “Head Master, you getting something?”, asked the Head Mistress who just arrives in the scene with General Remos.   Shook his head, “whoever took the Queen also knows magic” Jabino answered. “Get me the Queen’s hair brush” he ordered one of the maid in the room. “Here Master” said the maid.   Jabino took a hair strand and say a spell that turn the hair into dust and eat it. The Head Seer close his eyes and moving his head, left to right. Silence. Everyone hold their breath.   Queen’s Memory (Lian’s eyeview): *Knock on the door* “Come in” she smilingly said, then one of the two maids who help the queen prepare, opens the door. “Who are you?” asked the maid to the lady behind the door who wears a mask. The queen and the maid beside her look to the masked lady. Then, suddenly she breathed to the maid in front of her that made her to sleep. Next, the intruder also approached, the queen and the maid, and do the same, made them sleep.   *Lying in a cold stone* She slightly open her eyes though it felt she exert all her effort. Gazing to her surrounding, she saw nothing but darkness, that make the trees black and the fog like shadow. “Where am I” weakly asked the stranger who took her.    The vision stops and Jabino inhale deeply at its conclusion.   “She’s in the Black Mist Forest!”, said the Head Seer as soon as he opens his eyes   ******   Northeast of the Desteon Kingdom, is the Black Mist Forest known by its mysterious and creepy atmosphere, will hear, in the middle of the night, “Queen Lian!” shout the guard commission by the General to lead the search for the Queen. General Remos stayed for the King for the unknown threat.   “Queen Lian” Madam Nothryn cry, hearing also the call of other guards and maid with them.   Noticeable the muddy soil and the lying trunks of the trees and the sounds made by the owls and bats, they continue the scout. Then, suddenly, heard the words of hope from the guard, saying, “I found her! She’s here”. Simultaneously, they ran to where the location of the Queen. They found her, sitting under the tree, sleeping like a child, peacefully.   ******   The next morning, in the King’s throne room where he receives reports and do all the palace proceedings, “Your Highness, the Queen is safe, no bruises nor cuts, and we have given her decoction to regain her strength.” said the royal physician.   “My King, the Head Seer wish for your presence” said the guard at the door   King Jeron raise his hand pointing the door, indication to let the Seer in. “Your Majesty, I found nothing to the Queen’s memory, I also can’t read her aura even a little stain of magic.”, the King exhale to Jabino’s words. He continues, “Whoever does this, is a Master of magic”.   “But what is his intention?” asked the King in confusion. “He did nothing to the Queen”.   “That’s the reason for us to be more worried and to not overlook this incident.”, said by a man walk through the wall. “You’re here” said Jabino to the man “Brother” smirks, looking to the Head Seer, “My King” greeting the King Jeron.   “Jados, what brought you here?” asked the King   “I immediately rushed here upon hearing what happened, let me help, my King”, propose by the Head Magician, Jados (jey’dos), older brother of Jabino, and the Head Wizard in Arthodon, who lead and supervise all the learning institution for all those no matter their race, elves, humans, dwarfs and fairies, who want to learn magic, spells, potions and control their powers. He wears a long sleeve white shirt with ash grey sleeveless coat on top of it, and with black pants.   “She’s in her room”, said the King, gesturing to the guards to lead the magician to the queen’s room. Jados bowed to the King and look to his brother before leaving the hall.   “You’re Majesty, I suggest to double your security in Desteon and conduct a thorough investigation.”   “Which I will do”, answered the King   “I will also send some of my trusted magician here for certainty” shout Jados who’s to exit the door.   ******   Jados cast spell and scan the queen’s body by his both hands without touching her. His eyes closed and sweat is running in his face.   Jados’ eyeview: He is walking in the Black Mist Forest, soon he heard a chant, and he walks towards it and saw a witch, with a hood. The witch looks at him badly and smiles. “You…” said Jados, and the witch scream angrily that made him throw away from her.   Opening his eyes, chasing his breath, “A Demon Witch!” (*Trivia: Arthodon believes the Dragons created their world*)
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