Don’t give up

1695 Words
Charlotte pov You ever thought that there was a possibility that a losing battle could actually be won, well I didn't until I was in that position and now I don't know what to think as I recall everything that has just happened. Everything feels like a dream however as I think about it right now I know its far from it and this is reality. Reality thats about to smack me right in the face. It is where it begin and sometimes I wish time travel was real as I would go back and prevent this from happening but, I hear this word from time to time 'fate' that everything happened for a reason but its bullshit, why should such things happened because fate said. This is where it started.... Driving home I sit in the back of my parents car with a smile on my face, I have just won another surfing completion and my parents were here to watch me, my favourite place has always been in the water and honestly its there I love to free my mind from everything. I have always been a water baby. I look at my father who is currently driving us back home with a smile on his face as he listens to his wife and myself sing and dance too the music feeling like we cant be stopped like I cant be stopped at surfing. I am a champion and undefeated and it feels amazing to be good at something apart from my parents favourite child. Leaning over to turn the music up my mother taps my hand away with a smile as she knows I just turn it up to the limit, I am enjoying this as its not everyday you come the best at everything. When our song comes on I give my parents a smile before getting ready to belt each word of the song out with everything I have in me, the smile on my parents face as they prepare themselves for the song. "We are the champions" I start singing or should I say shouting and it doesn't take long before my mother is joining in with me, my father is just laughing at us as we sound like dying cats. None of us can sing and we all know it but it doesn't stop us from having a good time and honestly I don't care if anyone over hears us as no one can take it away. This is where I love when we can just be ourselves without a care in the world. My father refuses to join in with us as he looks over at his wife with pure love in them as he sees a smile on her face and I have always love the way those two look at each other, I cant wait to grow up and have what they have. Turning my attention to the road, I see it first. I see my world shattering. "Dad watch out!" I yell over the music as I see the lorry headlights first barring straight towards us, the brightness of the lights blind us all as I start seeing purple dots in my vision blurring everything stopping me from seeing anything. I feel the car begin to shake as my father presses down hard on the brakes causing us to lost control of the backend before trying to move out the way. I hold onto the seatbelt as I sense the lorry getting closer and I cant help but close my eyes hoping my father misses the lorry but before I open my eyes I feel the strong whip of the seatbelt tighten over my chest choking me and forming tears in my eyes as I choke back a cry. I open my eyes briefly but I am fighting my eye lids as I dangle upside down, the only thing holding me right now is my seatbelt, I try to move but its near impossible, I look out the car to see cars stopped and screaming, the whole car starts to spin and the last thing I hear is the sound of help before everything goes dark. paramedic pov Arriving at the scene I am in total heartbreak of what I am currently staring at, I don't know how many times we have been called to a collision of cars however as we jump out the ambulance this is the one of the most horror scenes to date. A small family car colliding with lorry ten times its size. The family car is currently upside down on its roof with barely a dent into the lorry, I grab everything I can carry before placing myself on my stomach to get a pulse of the driver not holding my breath however as I place my fingers on the drivers neck I feel nothing, the driver isn't even cold yet and my heart breaks a little more. I look up to see my partner shake his head at the passenger. Right now I feel like this is all over but as I move to the back off the car I place my fingers on the girl's neck wondering if this will be one of those days that I remember us losing a whole family and the lorry driver walking away but as I carry it I feel a faint pulse. "She's still alive over here" I scream directed at the fire crew who rush over to the back seats with nothing but hope in there eyes, I think we all knew that everyone in the car would be killed on impacted from looking at the scene but we have hope. Standing at the side I have spotted a couple of by standers lower there heads and its like the scene has gone quiet praying for the lone surviver. Its almost near impossible for a car to survive against a lorry and I don't know what I am witnessing, the girl is a fighter and thats for sure. As the fire crew open the doors with the jaws I waste no time in putting a c-collar on her neck needing to hurry this up as longer we hold out the worst the scenario and with help from the firefighters placing her on a backboard, the emotion is coming from everyone as we place the girl on the floor giving her a quick check over before placing her in the back of the ambulance. No one can believe what they are seeing but I will remain hopeful for her and hopeful she pulls though even without her parents. While my partner climbs in the drivers seat we rush over to the closest hospital, I have her connected to the monitors and I am watching them closely but my eyes connect with the girls when she opens them and I see fear and lost in her eyes before I can give her a warm smile it like she knows she the lone survive. The girl takes one look at me before closing her eyes once again and I look at the machines at the beeping to see her heart rate drop. A girl with nothing but lost doesn't want to be saved. "We are losing her, fight for us" I say as the screen flatlines, I start performing CPR in a moving vehicle hoping I can get her back, from the looks of it the girl cant be much older then sixteen and I cant believe she is fighting for her life right now. Words get stuck in my throat as I try to beg her to fight but as I about to give up and call time of death I get a little blip and I take it holding it with both hands hoping this isn't it. The ambulance comes to a stop abruptly and the doors fly open as I get her rhythm back. "Teenage female involved in a car crash, serious injuries towards the head and chest. Flatlined for two minutes and just got her back" I say passing over the information as they rush her though the double doors. Watching the doctors disappear I move my eyes towards the paperwork I am completely at the front desk however before I can even register whats happening theres chaos at the front entrance where there is cars being thrown left right and centre before crowds of people rush the front entrance, the look of horror plasters there faces and I am relate. "I'm looking for Charlotte Lockhart, she's family" I hear being shouted by what looks like from a grandfather but everyone behind him is pushing themselves to the front desk wanting the information needing to hear it directly from the receptionist mouth but I know all they want to hear is 'They are ok'. The name rings a bell with me but I can't pinpoint where I heard it from, looking at the family I can see them all in tears looking at each other hoping for a little of good news. I kind of want to disappear right now. The women at the reception desk starts typing the name and it must be the girl I just bought in, words gets around pretty quickly. "Charlotte, yes. She's in surgery right now and as soon as I have any information I will let you know. If you could please wait in the waiting room." I try not to listen to the family as I carry on with my paperwork almost finished with it but some how I want to stay and wonder how the girl is, I know I shouldn't care about my patients but I do and that will what kill me in the future. Signing the last of the paperwork I am about to leave with a police officer comes though the doors and darts straight to the family, the look on the officers face says it all and I just want to escape before they receive it. "I'm sorry to be the first to tell you but Tristan and Annie Lockhart didn't make it, they were killed at impact. I'm sorry for your loss"
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