Almost 10 Years!

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Chapter 3 - Present - Penelope Who would have thought the training would take four long hours?  ... When everyone returned to Pack's House, it was already 10 a.m., and the sun was shining brightly in the sky... The heat affected everyone who was in a hurry searching for the first bottle or glass of water they could find. For Penelope, the situation wasn't different... The heat of the summer that would soon arrive made it even more difficult to breathe while running... "Here." The bottle almost hit her face as the young woman looked up to find who had called her. Penelope had the bottle in her hands when she saw that Alexander was the one who had thrown it at her. Despite the brief scare from the bottle almost had hit her face, she still wanted to thank him, but she couldn't reach him in time before he disappeared. ... In silence, she drank the water while sitting on the grass.  A few minutes later, she saw her father talking to his Beta before Alexander joined their conversation with the same young blonde that had made her jealous earlier.  She was now who made those terrible feelings come back to Penelope as the girl was still glued to Alex's side as he belonged to her... ... The sad pain of young love... * * * After leaving my things in the room I use at Pack's House, I went downstairs to see what was missing to do in the kitchen and if they needed help preparing something. Today was the Summer Solstice, one special day that we always celebrate with music and food together with the Pack, no matter which moon was in the sky, and in Winter Solstice, the same stuff was always done too in the day.  Anyone could even say that it was like the Christmas and New Year holidays for werewolves... If it makes sense... The stairs were decorated with gold and red ribbons almost equal to the Chinese New Year. In the pots, practically all had at least one bright yellow sunflower on them.  Once, as a child, I questioned my father why they did all that on this day... His answer?  It was quite simple and short...  "In the summer, we celebrate the Sun. In the winter, we're grateful to our Goddess and mother, the Moon." Just enough to satisfy my childish curiosity... "Penelope!" I was almost in the kitchen when I heard her call me. "Eli!" We hadn't seen each other for some time now. "What are you doing here so early? I thought Dad had scheduled the party for 3:00 p.m.?" "He scheduled." She laughed before she finished answering me. "You know how my brother is; he wanted to spend the day helping the 'future alpha,' so... I couldn't miss my ride." Eli or Elizabeth was my friend from high school.  At first, I thought she also had a crush on Alex, until she finally told me that she actually liked his human friend... This day was an embarrassing and funny situation for both of us. Eli had hazel eyes, and her hair was naturally a light brown that was now dyed in a kind of red, yet better than the black color she had chosen initially that, along with her pale skin, would make her look like a vampire. It would be even ironic, right? A she-wolf looking like a vampire... "What are you doing here so early?" Our height difference was subtle, I was 1.65m/5'4, and she was 1.63m/5'3, which allowed Eli to look me straight in the eye easily when she asked me that. "I came for morning training." That was my simple answer, and it wasn't a lie. However, Eli's reaction was more dramatic when she just stopped in the middle of the hallway. "Penny..." Her voice was so low I almost didn't hear it. "What?" "Are you sick?" She spoke louder and clearer this time, already before me as she placed her hand on my forehead, trying to see if I had a fever, which would be hard to do this way since all werewolves have body temperature higher than humans, and I was a turned Omega. "No, I'm not!" I answered, taking her hand from my face, and once more, I went back toward the kitchen. "I just didn't have time to train on the other days because of work and cooking classes." In Mingan, weekly training was mandatory, and all Pack's members should do it at least once a week without exception, including human members. "Penny, I've known you since we were sixteen." Elizabeth and her family weren't originally from here or even from the Pack.  They lived in the nearby town as a Family Pack, which was common to their parents be the Alpha or Alphas Couple and her elder brother, the future alpha of them until then. When her father fell ill because of old age, he asked my father to allow them to become Mingan's members, and they moved here a few days after my 16th birthday... "Eli, this is unfair! I can wake up early... when I want..." The last words were almost impossible to hear. "Penny! Alpha and I took almost three hours to wake you up for our first day of senior year." She argued with her arms folded and stared directly at me. "Yesterday we had training in the afternoon, before your time to go to work and, as far I remember, you don't have classes on Saturdays too. " After Elizabeth's words, I could feel my face growing more and more red second by second, making it obvious to Eli why I was really training on Sunday morning... She continued to watch me and uncross her arms before mentioning that he wasn't there yesterday, making me nod and agree with her thoughts. Honestly, that was a pretty embarrassing situation because we were still in the Pack's house hallways, and I didn't want anyone else to hear our conversation or to know that...  I still had a crush on Alexander...  Even after almost 10 years...
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