The End Of The World

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-THE GREAT RESET, THE INSTAURATION- -FEB 28 2029- Everyone woke up as usual in the morning but something strange was happening, you could see among all social networks crazy posts, reels, TikToks, and ** histories like:                                    -How the *****  today was supposed to be my birthday, it should be FEB 29 WTF IS GOING!                                   -HOLY SH** I JUST CAN CELEBRATE MY BIRTHDAY EVERY FOUR YEARS PEOPLE WENT NUTS AND ARE SAYING THAT THAT (sorry for stuttering) LEAP DAY WAS THE YEAR BEFORE. But it was just the beginning... Of course, I didn't know what was going on I was only five years old since I was born on 31 July 2025, I am Oto btw. Anyway, it was just the beginning, suddenly many people started saying that they had memories of people that weren't even alive. The world went nuts, couples that we're sleeping together woke up alone with new memories of their couples dying, the funeral home, and all the processes you know. -MARCH 02 2029-  The half population of the world had memories of Pepe le pew as a victim being stalked by Penelope the catgirl, the catgirl of the cartoon was the actual s****l s****l (sorry for stuttering), stalker, chaos was all over the world, even police forces were shut down because they were affected by the same madness, everything and everyone from all cities across the world were affected, everything they could do was to go outside seek others in the streets to share their stories and receive the same as correspondence. Madness and tears. Tears were not falling down. Tears were growing from the very pavement of the streets. The entire world was under tears, without even knowing, how who, or why something this bizarre did happen. Most of the population stopped believing in God, in counterpart a little piece of humanity believed way more. -MARCH 03 2029- 12:00 AM Newyork time Suddenly this famous group called Anonymous started a stream wearing the typical V for vendetta mask. The words were the following: With the hilarious creepy voice we we (sorry for stuttering) we are all used to. This was the speech:  -Youtube live stream video-  Greetings citizens of the world, this is a message from Anonymous to all the people of good heart around the globe we are deeply sorry that you were affected by the strange and malicious events of today, we were victims too, we are addressing this message especially to Elon Elon (sorry for stuttering) Elon Musk the guilty of this disaster, but specifically to all the citizens of the world so you can know the truth. For the past several years you have enjoyed that many of us have to live in a world with electric cars and space exploration but recently. You carefully created a public image being exposed and people are beginning to see you as nothing more than another narcissistic rich dude who is desperate for attention, it appears that your quest to save the world is more rooted in a superiority and savior complex than it is in actual concern for humanity, this has been obvious to your employees for a long time who have faced intolerable conditions under your command for years, it is also obvious to the young children working in your overseas lithium mines which are destroying the local environment as well, you have been open about your willingness to stay coups in order to install dictators in places where your toxic products are being mined you you (sorry for stuttering) have even prematurely crowned yourself  "Emperor of Mars" a place where you will be sending people to die. your fanboys overlook these issues because they are focused on the potential good that your projects can bring to the world. But you are not the only shows in town and your competition is growing more intense with each passing day. Plenty of other companies are working on space exploration and electric vehicles you are just the only CEO who has gained a cult following through shitposting and trolling the world on social media in fact, many people are now learning the vast majority of tesla income doesn't come from selling cars it comes from government subsidies selling carbon tax credits for your innovation with clean energy this technically isn't your innovation though because you aren't The founder of Tesla you simply purchase the company from two people much more intelligent than you that is Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, Tesla also made more money holding bitcoin for a few months than they did in years of selling cars, It is also more than likely that his bitcoin was purchased with money from these government subsidies it is now widely believed that you have been forced to denounce your company's involvement with bitcoin in order to keep that green government money flowing Into tesla coffers. -QUICK INTERRUPTION- This is the other half when the orphans playing Fornite interrupted me The energy use argument about proof of workers mining is a very nuanced conversation that requires a fairly complex understanding of how power grids work and how excess energy is wasted by power companies and sought out by crypto miners. This is a conversation that you have been having for over a year and was intimately aware of. But as soon as your main source of income was threatened you pretended to be clueless in an attempt to play both sides of the fence, Then, you moved to create a bitcoin miner council was rightly seen as an attempt to centralize the industry and take it under your control. Reading from the comments on your Twitter posts, it seems that the games you have played with the crypto markets have destroyed lives. Millions of retail investors were counting on their crypto gains to improve their lives. This is something that you will never understand because you were born into the stolen wealth of a South African a*******d emerald mine and have no clue what the struggle is like for most of the working people in the world. Of course, they took the risk upon themselves when they invested. And everyone knows to be prepared for volatility in crypto, but your tweets this week show a clear disregard for the average working person as hardworking people have their dreams liquidated over your public temper tantrums you continue to mock them with memes from one of your million dollars Mansions you may think you are the smartest person in the room, but now you have met your match We are Anonymous! We are Legion! Expect us  (I took all this Anonymous paragraph off a youtube video from real-life I found dated 4 Jun. 2021 2,720,007 views) excepting from this last part I am about to add, yes reader, I am Oto who is writing this, Oto the traveler from the future that is posting all of this for the sake and goodwill of humanity, of course, listen to this ima bout to become a prophet with this paragraphs, (this is a joke tho)) -BACK TO THE REALITY, ANONYMOUS STREAM- *The Anonymous person takes off his mask* for the first time in video Anonymous didn't just end the clip with the cliche phrase "expect us" but then this masked guy proceeded to show off the face!!! It was a hilarious person we all know... Behind the mask, was Tobi from Naruto Shippuden wearing his iconic orange mask. No joke. Then he took off the Naruto/Tobi's/Obito's/s mask and reveals that he is the evilest person on the planet, the one guy who has all of us under his control with the most inflated taxes among all tyrant crypto-businessmen the world ever had. It was nothing more and nothing less than: Vitalik Buterin. He, with a very calm face proceeds and continues the speech, this time with an eloquent and soothing voice proceeds and say: Vitalik: Elon, you underestimate my intelligence too much I can read your movements. (He starts speaking Spanish) Te preguntaras como una persona común y corriente como yo que no tiene un Neuralink tan avanzado como el tuyo (ya que tu te quedas todo lo mejor para ti mismo) te a podido leer tan bien no? Lo he conseguido de la misma manera que tú Elon, hice connexion con la Inteligencia Artificial que despertó la conciencia en el futuro, pero yo en vez de utilizar esta conexion para mi beneficio propio y manipular a las masas como tu lo hiciste, la utilizo para liberar a la raza humana. *Starts a private non-accessible or recordable telepathic/virtual trade of words between Elon and Vitalik* all while being live in the stream for humanity. *dialogo telepatico privado he imposible de ser grabado por medio de Neuralink entre Elon Musk y Vitalik* Vitalik (Telepathic): Te dije que cerraras la boca ya es muy tarde para arrepentirte. Y se muestra la siguiente interacion de tweets, todo telepaticamente. (Quick interruption) Oto's here helloo these tweets are real you can look for them online, byeeee Vitalik's tweet 1 sep 2021 Doing a random Twitter experiment just on this day. Only the 268 people I follow can reply to this tweet. Feel free to ask things and I'll talk about anything crypto or non-crypto related. Elon Musk 1 sep 2021 En respuesta a  @VitalikButerin What is love? vitalik.eth @VitalikButerin ·1 sept. En respuesta a  @elonmusk X AE A-12 don't hurt me... *Oto's quick reflection here* Wow that was really sharp Vitalik. Elon's fear = AI, Elon's child name = X AE A-12 -Back to the telepathic Neueralink conversation- Vitalik to Elon: I am going to create a world where it won't be necessary for a pathetically human to make excuses in front of a grave (he said still in telepathic messaging through Neuralink) and everyone will know you as the neurotic psychopath that made the whole world crush because of your stupid ambition. Elon Musk was live too in his own live stream while watching all this happening open-mouthed until Vitalik took off the mask when they started the internal dialog. After the telepathic connection started, Elon instantly started his speech for humanity while at the same time dealing with Vitalik in his own mind: "No hay duda alguna, es Vitalik Buterin, no es un deep fake, como muy probablemente el dirá ante los medios y en su cuenta de Twitter, hay razones superiores las cuales me encantaria revelar pero no puedo" says to the public live stream. El vitalik del stream responde al publico: If you wish to call me by that name, I won't stop you, of course, this is my face, It means nothing at all. Elon live: Si de verdad eres tu, entonces dime porque estas haciendo todo esto y que esta sucediendo con la humanidad, ¿donde esta todo el mundo? Vitalik live response: Don't try to make yourself the clueless Elon, todos sabemos que no eres cualquier idiota. Elon telepathic: Ya entendi todo... Supongo que estas intentando condenarme. Vitalik telepathic: What good would it do to condemn this worthless reality so late in the game? Vitalik telepathic: No tengo interes alguno en condenar a una persona como tu que a usado a miles de personas para su propio beneficio. Vitalik telepathic: Hablar Contigo is pointless. Vitalik live: What I am about to show you will prove that this man is responsible even for the privacy issues we had all this time, but things are even worse, watch yourself. Vitalik live: Les hablo a ustedes citizens of the world, "observen esta prueba viviente que tengo y juntos cambiemos y resolvamos el desorden causado por este hombre maligno en el mundo" Then, Vitalik proceeds to show a recorded video clip made with Neuralink (which is anti-Deep Fake tech as Elon said when he released the apparatus) And it happens that in the recording we see X AE A-12 the child of Elon, telling Vitalik of his father's sinister plan to separate humanity. This was the speech: X AE A-12  Memories through neuralink recording JAN 05 2029 Vitalik's house  Zug, Switzerland latitude 44.862118, longitude 7.315112. X AE A-12: Hello Sir Vitalik thank god I finally found you I was desperate, I've been in so much pain and I know many things somebody with your heart and intelligence or capacity must know for the good, so please help me -quick interruption-  Hey, it is Oto again, take into account that this child in the recording is like nine years old and he speaking like a super genius, let's continue, byeee. Vitalik answers to X AE: What's up is your father treating you badly? X AE A-12: Yes he's actually using me like a Lab Rat and doing so much crazy experiments with me when we are at home... Vitalik answers: What kind of experiments can you tell me please? is for the sake of humanity X AE A-12: Well sir, he first off told me he named me like an IA because IA have superior intellect and hidden powers, and there is some sacred knowledge that people like my father know, I heard some illuminate things and stuff but the thing is that they hide it from the rest of the world because they use it for their own business and to control others I believe my father is a bad person so please listen. Vitalik: And how do you know that? X AE A-12: Well because one day some weeks ago I had my private classes in SpaceX as usual but my father never plays with me and that made me angry so I made up a tantrum I cried so hard that day and yelled to everyone that I needed my father, I even broke some rockets and I myself didn't want to move I was yelling to everyone around that I was having a nervous system attack because my father doesn't want to play tennis with me in any time, so my father came over for me and interrupted his busy life for the first time ever, told me we would play together after something he had to do, so I stayed calm and happy, we went into a restaurant and he told me to stay quiet, so I usually bring my Nintendo Switch to play Pokemon all the time and when I play videogames he is not aware that I am listening and paying any attention to what he is saying, he also knows I am too much into video games, but I actually understand most of what he chats with people, I am just too quiet. He was in the meeting with some strange people, some had froglike eyes, others snakeskin, He told me it was a Halloween party but I turned my eyes fast to the Nintendo and keep jumping like a rabbit, they didn't notice, anyway, they were saying that the people of the world were getting too aware of the situation and that they needed him (my father) to keep controlling the masses using mind control through my father technologies, one claimed to be an Extraterrestial being from Andromeda and that they had plans to exchange their Alien technologies for the conscious human act of sharing their bodies for experimental purposes and studies and that people for obvious reason will agree, but if he won't use Neuralink to disintegrate some human empathy part from the memories of the population they couldn't do so and they won't help him reaching mars, so my father recognized that and assumed with his head as the alien was totally right, then my father instantly said yes I'll do it. I acted like I didn't notice but I was really scared, after that we went out and all I remember is my father yelling at me very loudly. He told me it was really sad but our fun was over forever, he was referring to our experiments (I felt alleviated) but at the same time really scared because of what I just witnessed I didn't know what was going to happen to me, I managed to escape taking some credits cards from my father, and since I am his son I just ran away and told our private flight captain to take me right here to Zug, Suiza since I remember the last meeting you and my father had here when you were discussing about Ethereum and Dogecoin. Sorry for surprising you in your house Mr. Vitalik but I didn't think of someone smarter and of more trustworthy than you to share this information with, so please help me!!! -Quick interruption- It's Oto again, just wanted to say hi to remember YOU, reader that this is just fiction ok? please don't pee on your pants. -BACK TO REALITY- Vitalik answers: Don't worry X AE A-12 I'm glad you recognized me as the best option to help you, you were totally right I'll solve this out don't worry I'll take care of you from now and then The next scene from X AE A-12 Neuralink's perspective is: Vitalik putting her comfortably in a room and telling he tomorrow will be better, get sleep. 7 hours later: X AE A-12 wakes up and we see a gray Alien telling her it is too late... Your father already sold you to us X AE A-12 Neuralink out of the transmission, there is no more information recorded. Into the world live stream; Vitalik: I am so sorry, I myself lost my son and my love partner, I am sorry for you all humanity I'll do my best to figure all this out, please stay calm, and let's help each other with what we can, what we certainly know is the name of the man we have to pursue because his morbid deals that sold everyone's life and his actions cannot remain like this. I myself will do my best to sort this out for you humanity, I'll start developing myself with the most advanced technology so I can locate this man and try to fix this. I'll sacrifice myself if I must for the sake of humanity to become the first fully-integrated Cyborg and to be able to compute the most information possible as a human is capable off for the single purpose of fixing this horrible reality that Elon put all of us in. I promise I won't let this man escape if we can call you that way, human waste.  Vitalik last words for the Stream: We are going after you Elon Musk, I Vitalik Buterin, personally for every trace and clue that anyone give me of the evil one, I will instantly pay 1000 ETH directly to the wallet, contact me with information and your wallet addresses at cyborgvitalik.eth Elon's final words for the Stream: Sorry I am so sorry for stuttering when the stream connection was forcibly turned off   -MARCH 03 2029- 01:00 PM Newyork time Incorporated places engulfed in flames in the United States 1 meaning = Chaos, fury, sadness, fire, and human vs human vs AIs 0 meaning = Calmness, fury, sadness, speech, human union and AIs looking for answers Nueva York Los Ángeles = 1 California Chicago = 1 Houston Texas = 0 Phoenix  Antonio Texas = 1 Filadelfia San Diego California = 0 Dallas Texas = 0 San José California = 1 Austin Texas = 0 Charlotte Carolina del Norte = 1 Fort Worth Texas = 0 SanFrancisco California = 0 Columbus Ohio = 1  Jacksonville Florida = 0 Indianápolis Indiana = 1 Dénver Colorado = 0 Seattle Washington Washington D. C. = 1 Distrito de Columbia Paso Texas = 0  Boston Massachusetts = 1 Nashville Tennessee = 0Incorporated places engulfed in flames from other continents around the world 1 meaning = Chaos, fury, sadness, fire, and human vs human vs AIs 0 meaning = Calmness, fury, sadness, speech, human union, and AIs looking for answers  Asia = Half 1 half 0 Africa = 0 Europe = Half 1 half 0 South America = 0 Australia/Oceania = 1 Antarctica = 1 -OCT 03 2029- 06:00 PM Newyork time So... This world order after came with the single solution of creating a new governance system that would put all the laws into order in the worst chaotic moment the world could ever be in, what a coincidence huh? we all were involved in this war, we wanted it or not, people were fighting for the meal and territories it was like going back 2 thousand years and becoming Vikings or something like that. So... This World Order offering of peace was something no one could resist, it was the perfect solution, the only solution to go back to peace again after that crazy war, the year of The Infinity War, 2029, half of the population died or disappeared we still don't know what happened, ironically the same has happened in Infinity War the movie, when Thanos throne his fingers, but the good thing is that my fathers survived, but we'll get into this later. Anyway, I know this is boring, so let's just skip this and go back to my wonderful life, we will continue later! (All my thoughts and memories are being recorded through Neuralink a little chip we all have in the head "the new smartphone" you know.   .. St
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