The Future Is Bright

5000 Words
  I am Otoma Kan Ishsotas citizen of the world and lover of its beauties, especially passionate about discovering the untold truth of humanity, its hidden mysteries, the lies told and the secrets kept. By the year 2100, I'll be recognized as the first human time traveler, also as the archaeologist who proved not the existence of God, that is another journey, for another species, but I proved sky clear the existence of Spirit Soul all within and without The Metaverse. As you read you will realize what is true and what is not  1 April, the year 2099  (8:00 am) Venezuela time. The alarm in my smart room wakes me up -THEME- -DNCE - Good Day (End Of The World Remix)- As I sing the beautiful song. I tell myself as I open my eyes "today is a good day to be alive", get of my bed and start my day excited to live in this beautiful future, specially because is my first day of high-school class. I proceed to the bathroom brush my teeth, take my shower, do my 15-minute exercise and get in the kitchen to eat my fruit, then, I enter The Metaverse. I will make a quick dictionary of the technology that became everyday use part of this world to give you a quick introduction of the tools used in The Metaverse so you can follow me and my history with precision. The Dictionary (You can skip the dictionary if you are already soaked in this whole technological age, but don't miss my incredible adventure) The Metaverse is portrayed in popular media as a fully immersive online realm that looks similar to the real world but is computer generated.******k-meta/ In the future by the year 2099, we access this called Metaverse through a chip in our brains called Neuralink. Neuralink is a gadget that will be surgically inserted into the brain using robotics by neurosurgeons. In this procedure, a chipset called the link is implanted in the skull. It has a number of insulated wires connected from the electrodes that are used in the process. And is patented, sponsored if not invented by Elon Musk. Anyway you can always resort to the use of  Meta-Lenses if you don't like the idea of opening a hole in your head to become a Cyborg (Neuralink is 23 mm diameter), the largest size of an ant is 52 millimeters to give you an idea. Wearing Meta-Lenses:  They come in different styles and for all tastes, sports lenses, sunglasses, glasses for sigh, even as contact lenses (the most popular) anyway, they all have something in common; All Meta-Lenses are wirelessly connected to The Internet of Things. but you will not have the full range of benefits that a Neuralink chip would  provide. What is The Internet of Things you may ask (IoT). In this future 90% of the population uses Neuralink. The other 10% remain skeptical.    The Metaverse and Neuralink were born for each other they are the other half of each other and they had this baby called The Internet of Things you may call (IoT) The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a system of interrelated, internet-connected objects that are able to collect and transfer data over a wireless network without human intervention. Examples: Interconnected Objects are Virtual Objects and also they may come as Physical-Smart Objects just like your Iphone, or a simple watch. For example in my future by the year 2099, every human lives inside Smart Homes Smart Home: A smart home refers to a convenient home setup where appliances and devices can be automatically controlled remotely from anywhere with an internet connection using a mobile or other networked device. This means that to open a door in your house you can open it by simply telling it, or put a secret code in the best Harry Potter style "Caput Draconis" was the watchword of the famous  Gryffindor  common room in the 1st movie. And many other functionalities your home can offer. Coming back to Interconnected Objects or Virtual Objects They are only visible in the Metaverse with a Neuralink gadget or some Meta-Lenses of your preference To make it simple, they are real, existing objects with various infinite functionalities. For example, there is some famous and well known virtual object called The Hermes Slippers NFT they are a wearable for your Avatar and have wings that sprout from the sole of the shoes, but the principal attractive of this NFT is that it allows your avatar to Fly through the physical world all within the Metaverse. These shoes are the 9th most expensive article in the Metaverse virtual market only nine of them were minted and very rarely do you see one for sale, no other person is allowed to make, mint or create a virtual object alike (with flying powers) this happened because some coding security blocked this option for humanity, we will get into later in the book. This Artifact, The Hermes Slippers NFT was known after a very serious accident that damaged humanity (we will talk about this soon) where Elon Musk was observed in Texas using them to escape as everyone saw him (his Avatar) flying away with said shoes to escape from some virtual agents who wanted to neutralize him. So, an Interconnected Object only exist within the Metaverse, but it will affect you, mine and everyone's life. They are mainly called NFTs  NFT: stands for “non-fungible token,” and it can technically contain anything digital, including drawings, animated GIFs, songs, or items in/from video games or even in the real virtual world of the Metaverse as wearables for your Avatar!. Non-fungible means it is individual. The opposite, fungible, has examples like bitcoin. One bitcoin can be swapped for another; they are identical. What Avatar means? Avatar the incarnation-avatar • AV-uh-tar • noun. 1 : the incarnation of a Hindu deity (as Vishnu) 2 a : an incarnation in human form b : an embodiment (as of a concept or philosophy) often in a person 3 : an electronic image that represents and is manipulated by a computer user (as in a computer game) And last but not least, Cryptocurrency, what started it all. What exactly is Crypto? Short Google description: a short for cryptography. 2.INFORMAL description: A person having a secret allegiance to a political creed, especially communism. A cryptocurrency (or “crypto”) is a digital currency that can be used to buy goods and services, but uses an online ledger with strong cryptography to secure online transactions. Much of the interest in these unregulated currencies is to trade for profit, with speculators at times driving prices skyward. you enjoyed the introduction to the conceptual world that involves The Metaverse. This is where it all happens. The Meta-Glasses  This is where everything becomes truly normal for me, so I decided to play youtube into my Virtual interface to re-watch some famous clips from my time, I pressed play while eating my fruit. 1 April, the year 2099  9:00 am Venezuela time (1 hour after) Anyway, I kept eating my fruit and went for a walk shopping at London (virtually with my avatar and the Meta-Lenses on) I needed to buy a white or light blue NFT suit for my first day of class, I was going to go to the most prestigious and futuristic school in the world, called Gaia In this school they insist and they give you extra points if you buy anything from the local market, evading the virtual web market to support the magnificence of human craftsmanship, because it is called human talent what is made by the hand of man. So we are educated to stop buying from infrastructures or gigantic automated companies whether physical or not, we are really praised for everything that is mainly human made "Human Made" by Pharrell Williams a cool brand my father used to support, anyway, the moral of the story is there is nothing to do buying on the fast hand of websites governed by some strange entities, Gaia encourages the movement of life. I was still eating my fruit in my physical apartment you know, still had half an hour left before class so I decided to watch some clips. As my goal in life was to become an archaeologist like my parents, I had a certain obsession with discovering something very serious that happened in humanity, so I gave a return to a famous video that we all witnessed in this era. Youtube video from 2029:  Greetings citizens of the world, this is a message from Anonymous to all the people of good heart around the globe we are sorry that you were affected by the strange and malicious events of today, we were victims too, we are addressing this message to Elon Elon (sorry for stuttering) Elon Musk the guilty of this disaster, but specifically to all the citizens of the world so you can know the truth. For the past several years you have enjoyed that many of us have to live in a world with electric cars and space exploration but recently. You carefully created a public image being exposed and people are beginning to see you as nothing more than another narcissistic rich dude who is desperate for attention, it appears that your quest to save the world is more rooted in a superiority and savior complex than it is in actual concern for humanity, this has been obvious to your employees for a long time who have faced intolerable conditions under your command for years, it is also obvious to the young children working in your overseas lithium mines which are destroying the local environment as well, you have been open about your willingness to stay coups in order to install dictators in places where your toxic products are being mined you you (sorry for stuttering) have even prematurely crowned yourself  "Emperor of Mars" a place where you will be sending people to die. your fanboys overlook these issues because they are focused on the potential good that your projects can bring to the world. But you are not the only shows in town and your competition is growing more intense with each passing day. Plenty of other companies are working on space exploration and electric vehicles you are just the only CEO who has gained a cult following through shitposting and trolling the world on social media in fact, many people are now learning the vast majority of tesla income doesn't come from selling cars it comes from government subsidies selling carbon tax credits for your innovation with clean energy this technically isn't your innovation though because you aren't The founder of Tesla you simply purchase the company from two people much more intelligent than you that is Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, Tesla also made more money holding bitcoin for a few months than they did in years of selling cars, It is also more than likely that his bitcoin was purchased with money from these government subsidies it is now widely believed that you have been forced to denounce your company's involvement with bitcoin in order to keep that green government money flowing Into tesla coffers. Suddenly I got interrupted, we will get to the end of the video in a couple of paragraphs (it's going to be the best read of your life) Everyone in the orphanage (virtual orphanage to be clear, because I am in my house) is having a war right now in my kitchen and my breakfast, my food, my delicious breakfast plate of fruit gets interrupted because one of them managed to  to blur my sigh, the virtual screen where I was watching the video above of my avatar... Well, the screen is totally virtual and indestructible, but you know what I mean, I got pissed and interrupted. Oto (me) says: Come on... I just wake up -INTO THE METAVERSE-             -THEME-          -FORTNITE- (In this era you can lock your Smart Homes so no other Avatar can get within, but you can also give them keys, my orphan no blood brothers, (many) all had the key. *Kid shooters all around me are having a war in my kitchen, grenades exploding in my living room, snipers up the stairs, virtual blood being spilled, bullets passing near my physical and virtual hair, virtual orphans dying in front of my eyes, the scariest thing you could ever witness. This is a virtual orphanage and this is my house, and my house is not a virtual orphan of shooters I yelled at them. To be clear everything that happened after: Bullets's bullets and more bullets. Otoma: Holy s**t guys isn't this too early? (I said again) They all like 15 (virtual orphans) yelled at me ¡SHUT UP! in the best style of the "lost boys" of Peter Pan while they shot all together at my virtual avatar (of course  being projected onto my own body)  Otoma: sigh... these kids... as my virtual body just blurs away. (These kids are about ten years old, I was the big boss here as I am 17) As I move back to my room, in my bed lays my avatar sleeping. (yes the place where our avatar restores when dead in The Metaverse is the last place where you took your last nap (it is programmed by default this way or you can just pay some cryptofee to restore it from anywhere, maybe thats why Mark Zuckeberg said if you die in The Metaverse you die in real life, 2021) brb, let me explain further here: In the year where where (sorry for stuttering) in the year where I am from, the year 2099 (yes I am the one writing all this no sense crap through time travel crazy timelines) I'd shall continue, well, we all, humanity own two bodies. The 1st body is what people call here, The 2nd body, the 2nd body is the physical one in which we are born, it is the body that the untrusted and forgotten holy bible says that our soul resides there, this 2nd body is the one we have to feed to then go to the toilet, but we need to stay alive, so we waste money for the pure sake of going to the bathroom, some cyborgs don't do by now tho, anyway, we call it here the exhausted and 2nd body, you will get assimilate it all as I tell you about the Avatar. And the other, is what we call the Avatar, the virtual body, the 1st body, a virtual creation and reflection of yourself, is you as a virtual entity the vehicle that you use to move through The Metaverse where the infinite possibilities come from, I mean, your Avatar can even go shopping to Mars. And people usually work with this body, to be specific everyone does. Robots do the hard stuff. It is the body that feeds the 2nd body because in this time the only way to make money is by virtualizing yourself, this virtual body gained status over the 2nd body, the physical one in comparison to its infinite possibilities to be, do whatever you want, anywhere you want, anytime, but mainly, it gained the status of the 1st body because it is the only one that pays. What I am trying to say is that the physical body is totally useless, people don't even have s*x in those times, usually they do but for some crypto. $$$$$ How so? you would be asking. Naturally as years passed all tech companies took over the world, there is no single place for a human being to live "well" using only a physical body. For example, even disabled people's insurance systems went down the hill because in The Metaverse they are able to get money from infinite different places. Except for farmers, farmers are cool. In the physical world, farmers are paid well. TeslaBot is the new thing everyone owns because it works as a really good housekeeper, cleaner, and even as a cryptocurrency producer.  Coming back to The Metaverse, it is mostly mandatory that the hard-paid work is everything done by robots machines, the restaurants, the builders, waiters, whatever you think off there is a physical robot or a virtual AI doing the job for you, they are even more precise following and executing orders than humans. But there is some sense of morality behind the farming culture so we as humans respect this community. Even working as a taxi is impossible because the self-driving Tesla Cars can work for their owners while their owners sleep. Having a Tesla and sleeping is the new American Dream, owning a Tesla Car generates enough money to live well because you put it in -UBER- mode while you do other activities. Usually to obtain a Tesla all you gotta do is play Metaverse games in the virtual world for like 23 days straight, save that money and that's enough to provide all the needs your 2nd body requires to live for the rest of your life as an Avatar God. 90% of humanity owns a Tesla and the exhausted bodies are fed by the traffic money the cars generate. Thanks to Elon Musk CO2 emissions from old vehicles that damaged the planet disappeared. Thanks again all humanity are deeply thankful for what you did. So, in this beautiful future, coming back to the work area for humans, we are paid simply for having fun, no one is poor, and there are plenty no sense jobs for us to get and you know you can always throw it all to go to Million Garden's kinda like the new Disney world for tourists sick of the techno revolution, a place made by Kimbal Musk coincidentally Elon's brother, Million Garden is a huge really large field, much like a farm the size of Venezuela, a place where everyone just goes throw it all and relax, co-operates and lives like nothing ever happened in this over-stimulated future. They also farm, farm a lot, because some evil company I won't be mentioning here wanted to keep all the seeds of the plants and fruits for themselves using science so that the fruits will not give more seeds and they keep them for the single purpose to become the owners of the world's food, but Kimbal and Million Garden saved us from this. So thanks again all humanity are deeply thankful for what you did Kimbal. Going back to the thing, people here are paid for playing League of Legends, Fortnite, ect inside The Metaverse, only in The Metaverse. People are paid for playing hide and seek, but in the Metaverse, of course, people are paid for playing I don't know man! blackjack? but in The Metaverse so you get my point. The crypto world is da bomb. The Metaverse is the same reality but better! Is a whole new Universe for us to explore. 1 April, the year 2099  9:15 am Venezuela time (15 minutes until class starts at Gaia) luckily I live 2 squares away  I just kicked out all my orphan siblings from my house (yeah I am the smart-owner of this Smart Home, not the physical home (we'll get into this later) I am owner of it in The Metaverse so I got the powers to kick any Avatar I want)  Anyway, I have my virtual suit to go to class, I decided to buy white T-shirt with the Yūgi Mutō logo, a pharaoh from a very famous anime called Yu-Gi-Oh that my father loved, I paid for the shirt with a crypto for the total amount of 0.00000000001$ $FLOKI. Floki Inu is a cryptocurrency that in the year 2022 made thousands of new millionaires, no one knows who was the leader behind the project but a big group called The Floki Vikings made the gold fest happen. I wish I was one of these lucky dogs but I wasn't even alive, still love the theme and Vikings, they rock, at Gaia we are allowed to dress however we want and rock the classes with our own styles. I dress up my Avatar with the Yugi Muto s**t when I just receive a virtual message from my best friend X Æ A-12 (Avatar): Hey Oto I am outside in your door! but the watchword doesn't seems to work! Oto (Avatar): Peter Pan is for annoying kids, come in X X Æ A-12 (Avatar): Your stupid brothers were making a mess I guess Oto (Avatar): Yup new watchword  Okay we are 15 minutes away from classes to start In Gaia, people usually attend their classes in their Avatar form, but X Æ A-12 and I preferred to go physically since this was our first time, to enjoy the experience a little more. X Æ A-12 (Avatar): Okay Oto we are 10 minutes away where shall we meet? Oto (Avatar): Hmm lets meet on the outskirts of Gaia, in the large park where the statue of Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière is. X Æ A-12 (Avatar): Okay! see ya! muak I was already dressed up with a white physical suit and a cap, I am just a regular everyday normal motherfucker by Jon Lajoie lol. X-home shut down! I yelled while my whole house just turn off all its lights and appliances X-home turn security level to the maximum. I go out the door of my house, I feel an impressive enthusiasm for my first day, I look up and there is a huge rainbow that goes from beyond my house to the other side of Gaia! which is two-3 blocks away from my house. And suddenly while I was enjoying that wonder I saw a HUGE Golden Bird flying across the rainbow (real life rainbow, but virtual bird), that moment left me, it left me speechless, as I told you, all virtual IoT or NFT did not have the option to fly in The Metaverse. The bird turned his gaze to me and I felt that he smiled which was not possible I couldn't believe I even resested off my Meta-Lenses and yup it was happening, I did tried recording it with the lenses but in the clip only the Rainbow was visible. This is the best day of my life! I yelled to the neighborhood lol. The bird disappeared, but left me a wide smile, I began to walk through my block in the direction of the park where I was going to met with X. Everyone around me could notice my happiness, a guy with a Sonic Avatar (yes the head-hog) even approached me and gave me 3 $Dogecoin (In my time 1 $Dogecoin is equivalent to what in your time is like $350) Another guy, an avatar, with a very normal appearance, a tall and elegantly dressed man told me: I feel that you have a mysterious aura, I would tell you to take care of yourself friend but you do not need it, take this It will help you in your quest. It was a kind of fruit-shaped NFT, i could not decrypt its data as it required a certain password to access them. I took it and the subject just vanished with his Avatar. Anyway, surprised by all those strange events, I continued walking happily until I reached my destination. In the distance I could see X Æ A-12 waving towards me. We entered Gaia, a gigantic dome shaped like the earth with holes that allowed us to see visibility into its spaces ... In order to enter Gaia we had to pay a fee of 0 ...... 1 $ Seed Seed is the cryptocurrency of said institution, within it we earn it by studying and also all people in the world do it by accomplishing different social objectives. The crypto Seed was created so that human beings support the success of human made works and support each other, doubling their income in seed and raising their projects. X and I sat on a bench on the catwalks of Gaia, we went out with our Avatar's and the alarm sounded for the first class. 1 April, the year 2099  9:30 am Venezuela time (History class) Blanca (Avatar): Ladies and gentlemen please take place on your platforms. The classroom is a kind of mini-theater where instead of having desks, we have platforms where each individual can place their avatar to maintain order in the room. Blanca (Avatar): A successful start to class for everyone!  now that we are ready I welcome you to your first day of classes, I hope you enjoy all your experiences in Gaia and grow as the valuable human beings that you are! Blanca (Avatar): Today we will review a little the entire global situation, to give us an idea of what we defend and who our enemies are, since you know the event that happened in the year 2029. Blanca (Avatar): I love dynamics, so I decided that together we will contribute a grain of what we know and thus all together we will soak up the necessary information to be oriented! Blanca(Avatar): Who wants to be the first? All of the following is exposed by the students using virtual scripture that are painted in a virtual interface for the whole room. Luke (Avatar): Can i start with this Blanca (Avatar): Go ahead! Luke (Avatar):  Since the year 2021 when f******k declared the upgrade of the company to "Meta" everything changed, I'll do my best make it simple because this is where things get a little complex, I live in a house, yes a house that is not mine, a house that wasn't even my parents house because some system took it all from us, is the house where I grew up with my parents, but, even after they died, they could not inherit me the house because they didn't even own the house anymore, so they died and I still live here and at the same time in a virtual orphanage, how is this so? you will say... Blanca (Avatar): Well, ladies and gentlemen, almost all of us already know this, but that's why we are here to review each other. Well, after the year 2030 something that the rumors called "The New World Order" ended what we call by today (by year 2099) "The Infinity War" (yes, like Infinity War from the Avengers) The Infinity War is the name humanity gave to the Third World War to make it less painful for children and also because some events had so much co-relation with the movie. The Infinity War happens to be between 2029 and 2030, we all know what happened no need to say. Oto for the reader: I'll get into this soon is the most crucial part of this history, well, this New World Order of saviors ended a war where the whole world couldn't understand s**t deep reasons behind I'll unveil here in the book pretty soon. Blanca(Avatar): The main point is that this order of saviors stopped the blood that was being spilled from the own hand of our own kind. Human vs Human which is deeply sad. For the first time in decades or call it almost a century, we exceeded the limit and the peace ended, it was even worse than the 1st and 2nd world wars we had to face before, madness and tyranny took all over humanity and many decades of peace went to the toilet and this was just the beginning, felt like a techno apocalypse, Thank god we are all right by now. Blanca(Avatar): The year 2029 -The Infinity War was happening- these were the leaks: -Artificial Intelligence went against humanity constantly injecting bullish, misinformation, and propaganda with the only objective of psychologically separating humankind. Feminism, machism, transexuality hate, and all through deep fakes.  The primary commandant, commander of all AIs was the TeslaBot everyone had one in their houses because it worked as a really good cleaner. (Ironically made by Elon Musk the supposedly "defender of humankind" you can imagine the crisis. -Humanity was facing deep psychological stigmas and were being bullied constantly by all the IA's across the cyber world, spreading through social networks, Youtube, f******k, **, t****k any social platform that people were too used to and so naive about... The cyber world was fully implemented by 2025, the creator of f******k Mark Zuckerberg called it The Metaverse, this was the time people were comfortably and fully adapted to working from the comfort of their homes. (such comfort didn't happen even with the 2019 COVID pandemic). something that we already know as fake since we know the morbidness events that occurred in 2029... The vaccine was part of Elon Musk plan... The stigmas being injected by the IAs to bullie humanity, create division  as time passed the resolution of everything was: Two sides:                   -AI supporters, physical and virtual world believers vs IA supporters, Spirit and Soul believers (10% or less of humanity)                   -Immortality through trans humanism vs Life after death believers                    Most of the population believed that they were within their rights to do this, the other part was very calm but inside burning.  :  :
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