2. And... I Died

743 Words
All I could see was a bright light shining in front of me. The whole area was just shining bright. I couldn't move my body, and I couldn't see where I was. In the beginning, I thought that I was dreaming.  As the light in front of me dimmed, I saw a white-haired cosplayer emerge. "Yup. This is a dream alright."  "But why the hell am I dreaming about a cosplaying woman? She isn't that pretty to begin with. She prolly looks that way after dumping a bucket of powder. I bet under all that powder, it's just a 90 year old woman. Then again, it's just a dream, so it's not like that matters."  These words pierced the heart of the young maiden goddess repeatedly, like daggers. She had never been insulted like this. Well, it's not that Ringo Gai knew she was a goddess.   Though the goddess stood back straight on her legs after the barrage of insults, her face was now gloomy as she murmured, "Welcome... to heaven... I'm the goddess that's meant to guide you to your next life..."  "That's weird. I've never really talked to people in my dreams, especially not ugly ones... I don't even dream of people this ugly..." I was moderately disgusted by my unconscious mind's choice in women while on the other hand, the goddess had fallen to her knees murmuring, "Just kill me already..."  After partially regaining her strength, the goddess spoke as gloomily as she spoke her previous sentences, "Ringo Gai, you died on a planet known as Earth due to high blood pressure and dehydration. As a goddess, it is my duty to guide you to your next life. However, taking into consideration that you died at the young age of 27, the Elder Gods have taken pity on you. But they also found your soul to be worthy to become a Hero... in another world. You will live the rest of your life there. As soon as your body is brought into existence in this plane, exit through the door to begin your life."    As I heard these sentences, my vision became clearer. Now I could see where I was standing as the light dispersed. I was in a large room with purple colored walls and a throne in the center. I could see the cosplayer curled up like a dog, shaking on the throne.  As I diverted my attention from the room, I recollected the sentences she spoke. I was dead? And I had died due to high blood pressure and dehydration? Huh? This is... heaven??  I grabbed my head and yelled as I looked up, "WHAT THE HELLLLL!!!!!" "If only I had bought orange juice, I wouldn't have been dead. If only...", I crouched down, realizing my fate.  I just had to buy a large pizza... I could have bought a medium pizza with a bottle of orange juice, but no, I just had to buy a large pizza instead. I always knew I was bad at investments, but this... this is unacceptable. How could I have overlooked potential death from dehydration?! Dammit.  In a short time, Ringo Gai's face had become just as gloomy as the goddess's. While the goddess was sobbing in her throne, facing away from the new soul, trying to hide her tears, Ringo Gai was crouched down, covering his head in shame. It was the end of a terrible life, and the beginning, of one even worse.  After some time, I stood up on my legs, ready, to do better in my second life. Just as my determination had peaked, I realized that I had forgotten what I had to do now. Puzzled, I asked, "Uh... So what am I supposed to do now exactly?"  Pointing to the gate on the left, while still remaining curled up, the goddess spoke, "Go through *hyuk* there and you'll *hyuk* be in the other *sruk* world." The goddess tried her best to hold her tears and her runny nose back. The insults had really hurt her mentally.  As Ringo passed the gate, the goddess mumbled to herself, "Am I *hyuk* really *hyuk* ugly...??"  The 17 year old young goddess had been recently appointed to her position, and now, her self-confidence had completely shattered. On the other hand, Ringo passed through the gate as blandly as possible, and entered a room with a checkerboard floor. A room, that seemed too elegant. A room, that had another throne... 
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