**Chapter eight**

1249 Words
The day had arrived for Taylor to go for his antenatal care at the hospital he had registered in and he was more than excited. It was now that it was settling in that he, Taylor Gibson was pregnant and would give birth in a couple of months. he giggled as he thought about how cute his child would turn out to be. have you seen the genes that were forming his child... Damon stood tall, over six-foot-five and he had a slightly muscular and lean build and was handsome as f**k, with his silky soft jet black hair and piercing green eyes. of course, he was even more breathtaking, Taylor thought over-hyping himself. he had flawless fair skin and doe-like dazzling Violet eyes that gave off that innocent bullshit and he was lean and curvy with long blonde hair that fell below his back. who was so crazy to think he wasn't beautiful? Combine the genes of the two and it would produce a fairy-like child. Taylor couldn't wait to have his child in his arms, so he could shower him all the love he could give and thousands more. Taylor was daydreaming of his child when he heard a knock on his door. that brought him out of his daydream and he sat up properly on his bed. "come in," he answered. he wondered who was so annoying to come to his room early in the morning and of course, who else could it be but his wonderful and sweetheart of a prince...Taylor was being sarcastic. " Why are you visiting me so early in the morning, Damon?" Taylor asked and if anyone was wondering why he was speaking so meekly without throwing one insult at Damon. It was because of the Pixie ice cream, Taylor had decided on a truce for now, not that Damon was even aware. " I would like to take you to your appointment this afternoon at the hospital," Damon informed and Taylor got a bit suspicious as he noticed Damon brooding. he didn't want to care but Damon was his best friend and it came naturally for him to worry over him. " okay. come here and sit." Taylor ordered patting the bedside beside him and Damon meekly complied. One cute thing about Damon was how he was meek and easy to order around whenever he was sad. he turned into a giant big baby and that was cool since Taylor enjoyed taking care of him whenever he was sad and soon enough, he would bounce back. "spill, what has got you brooding?" Taylor asked in a mothering tone. Damon smiled softly and thought of how beautiful his omega was at the moment. "it's nothing much, you don't have to worry about me." Damon said trying to reassure the omega but he was having none of it. " Damon..am your best friend-" "I thought you didn't want that title anymore" Damon teased the omega who blushed. " stop trying to change the topic and tell me what's wrong. please" Taylor pleaded in a serious tone. Damon sighed. "it's no big deal, I just wanted to accompany you for your check-up instead of just dropping you off.." Damon said truthfully and he sighed. " just that, am happy you are pregnant and want to be there for you throughout your pregnancy but I have lots of things to do as the prince, and thinking of being there for you half-assed is making me want to reconsider my tit-" Taylor held a hand to his lips shutting him up and his expression turned serious. " Never speak of that again, Damon. You are the heir to the throne and no Matter how difficult some choices are, you have to make them." Taylor brought his hand down and clasped Damon's hand in his. "I understand what you are feeling, Damon but you can be there for me for the important days, like ultrasound and stuff. You are already helping me enough as it is and am grateful." Taylor confessed. he was so glad that Damon wasn't like some jackass out there who will abandon their partner whenever they heard pregnancy. Damon is by him although they aren't partners and making sure that both he and the baby are safe. "that's my duty, Taylor" " but not everyone will do it, you are doing pretty good and not a half-assed job. trust me." Taylor smiled at Damon and impulsively embraced him. It was his hormones and everything. " thank you, Taylor. You are a blessing to my life." Damon said, making Taylor blush as they separated. " have you seen me? am amazing." Taylor said ever the narcist. Damon laughed and soon the mood was bright again. " I'll pick you up at noon after school." Damon informed and got up from the omega's bed. Taylor nodded and watched as the alpha left his room. as soon as Damon was out the door, Taylor sighed and fell back on his bed. what the hell?.. why was his heart beating so fast when he embraced Damon. He had to be more careful from now on. Taylor was feeling a bit nausea at school and Katie helped him in administering his drugs which were prescribed to him by the doctor. After Taylor took them, he was feeling a bit light-headed and so he skipped one lecture and asked Katie to accompany him to the sickbay. to his surprise, the new university doctor was the stranger he met in the supermarket. what a coincidence. "Taylor, are you sure you don't want me to stay here with you?" Katie asked, worried. It was the first time she had seen Taylor sick and it freaked her because Taylor had never been sick since she knew him. "Don't worry, Katie. You can go back and besides, Damon will soon be here." Taylor assured her for the hundredth time. She had offered to accompany till Damon arrived but he didn't want that. Katie had a tough lecture in a bit that was essential for her. "Don't worry, miss Kate. Taylor is in good hands." Leon said as he walked into Taylor's hospital room. " if you say so, doctor. I'll call you when am done, Taylor. take care babe." " yeah, send Paris my greetings," he said as he watched her leave. It was only him now and he was sure boredom would devour his soul. " I can keep you company, Taylor. am free at the moment." Leon said, reading him like a book. Taylor grinned widely and offered a sit to Leon. Leon was such a nice man, he thought. Damon was worried when he had gotten a call from Katie that Taylor was feeling sick and was taken to the sickbay. He had cut his meeting short with some investors and rushed over to the university in his car. he was under a disguise and wore shades and a face mask to protect his identity. Damon hurriedly went to the university sickbay and asked for Taylor's room and when he was directed there and opened the door, he was shocked to see his omega playing a game of cards with a lot of hospital staff, laughing and betting money. "Taylor" he called out to be sure that he was seeing his omega and not some other omega. Taylor raised his head at the call and his eyes widened in shock. " oh, s**t!! " Why the hell was he always getting in trouble?
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