**Chapter seven**

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Taylor was so excited after he had finished making the dishes in the kitchen. the chefs and servants took the dishes to the garden and arranged it on the outdoor tea table in the garden. Taylor had prepared a lot and it was like a banquet for the palace. he was so excited to see his handwork,layed out on the garden table. he made different continental dishes and the kitchen staff had already fallen in love with him as they got to taste the dishes when he making them. "Franco, can you please go get the prince and the other staff in the palace?" Taylor requested, politely. Franco was the head servant and a very reliable man in his late twenties. "with all due respect, Mr. Gibson...I can't invite all the staff here, only the ones who aren't on duty." Franco explained to the omega who immediately pouted. "but I can ask someone to serve them your dish if you permit," he added, there was something about the omega that made the head servant want to fulfill all his heart desires and not see him sad. Taylor's eyes instantly lit up like a Christmas light bulb and he grinned at Franco. "I would like to meet them and give it to them, is that okay?" he asked all hopeful, but Franco couldn't be sure. anyone with eyes could see that the prince was very overprotective of the omega and he didn't want to anger the prince. " If the prince permits," Franco replied. Taylor was annoyed that he had to ask Damon for permission to even do anything around the palace before he could and he was sure to give him a piece of his mind later on. "hmph..how could he ever say no to me?" Taylor asked, acting high and mighty. Franco resisted the urge to laugh and tried to maintain his role as the head of the servants and that required him to stay professional. " I don't think he would refuse you, Mr. Gibson." Taylor's eyes widened and he blushed to realize that he had said those words out loud. how embarrassing!... "Okay, go call the prince and staff and let me go ahead and invite the king and queen." Taylor said hurriedly and he ran back into the palace. Franco laughed. how cute, he thought. " My name is Taylor and most of you know me already. I prepared this little meal so, we'll all get to know each other. from now on, I will be in your care. please, take care of me." Everyone present applauded and began welcoming the omega. the little welcome party began and the staff all ate to their full and discussed how nice he was and his cooking abilities. they all welcomed him wholehearted. Taylor was so glad that he was winning the support of the servants and planned to use it against the sly prince, but the prince was always ten steps ahead or more like thousands. The prince who was sitting by the rose flower bed and savoring the dishes by his omega already knew what he had in mind and was just letting the omega play around. he also heard the news from, Kain, who is Taylor's head bodyguard that the omega had met another alpha in the supermarket and talked to him for more than an hour, laughing like old-time buddies. he was already thinking of how to punish the omega, but he had to calm down and think carefully about it. he wanted Taylor to love him and not despise him and so if he acted impulsively and punished him for just talking with an alpha.. Taylor would hate him and find more means to not live him. Damon had a plan and that was to shower excess love and care to the omega and treat him like the queen he was. " Taylor, why didn't I ever know that you knew how to cook this well?" queen Martha asked, after sampling some of his dishes. Taylor blushed and let himself get showered with praise. he was such a genius.. the queen was going to be on his side soon. " you are going to be such a good wife for Damon." "of course, I am. the best.," he said, boasting. Wait, what?!..did she just say, wife??... "of course, my Taylor is the best," Damon said proudly, as he walked over to them. Taylor glared at him and if eyes could kill, he would be buried six feet under the ground he stood. "yes, the Prince's fiance is amazing.." a servant said and soon other servants either agreed or equally praised. Taylor felt like crying and his mood instantly turned sour. this wasn't what he desired for after making a feast, he wanted them to sympathize with him. Not give a hundred different reasons why their pairing was the best. Damon noticed the change in the omegas mood and he decided to cheer him up later. The banquet came to an end and all the staff thanked Taylor, including the ones on duty since Damon easily agreed to his request. Tee..hee.. he was such a cutie and Damon was a sucker for his cute face. he wasn't aware that Damon did so to cheer him up. Franco and some of the staff stayed to clean up and Taylor was headed to his room because he was a bit tired. he was so glad that he wasn't sharing a room with Damon, if not he would run from the palace every night. and the prince like the last time decided to escort him to his room. it was so annoying and he was a bit suspicious of him. Taylor and Damon got to his room and he was about to head inside, but Damon stopped him. what was up with this asshole again? " would you like to go get pixie ice cream with me?" Damon asked, smiling. Taylor's eyes widened and his mouth salivated. pixies ice cream?.. that was his favorite and his stomach grumbled in agreement. "really?" Damon chuckled. how cute could the omega get? "yeah, you have earned it. it has been a long time since everyone in the palace was this relaxed and happy." Damon explained, Truthfully. although that wasn't his reason for taking the omega to get ice cream, it was still plausible. "you are so amazing, Damon. the best." Taylor praised and embraced him in excitement. his Damon was amazing and yeah, he knew he was just throwing insults at Damon before but the saying goes. " There is love in forgiving." other people might be confused about why he was so easy to forget how Damon wronged him for ice cream. but this was the best in the kingdom and they only took five special orders a day, not even the ministers and king could deter them from their rule. And it was really expensive to order the ice cream, and so he couldn't afford it but his best pal, Damon, was the exception in the rule and was the grandson of the owner. yep, it was the former king's ice cream shop and Damon's grandpa. the pixie ice cream was different from other ice creams, that taste that led you straight to heaven and see stars.. it was so magical. And just like this, Damon had won over the omega again and took him on a date disguised as just an outing. not even him was an exception from his grandfather's rule but he had to beg and plead and promise to come and help his grandpa during the weekends.
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