**Chapter Six**

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Taylor felt a big relief as his last class for the day ended and he packed up his stuff to leave the lecture room. "hey Taylor, there's a crazy party going on 5th cross street. I'll catch you there, right?" one of his many party friends asked as he nearly left the class. he turned to face the dude and gave him his best pitiful smile. "Am so sorry,man.. I've got this thing with my family and-" "oh! that's cool dude, catch you later" The guy said and then walked out with his friends, Taylor sighed. After the day of his lovely punishment, the royal asshole ' Damon ' had his men tailing him. it was so annoying and he said it was part of a protocol. what stupid protocol was that?... Taylor was so mad at himself for agreeing to that stupid contract and the fool he has even signed the thing when it was printed on paper, without even reading it. he fell victim to an even bigger trap. The important parts of the contract stated that... " in no circumstances can both parties have an affair within these four months and anyone who violated the agreement would lose the right to see their child." what the hell?.. this was so well thought out and against Taylor's favor because everyone knew well that omegas couldn't live without seeing their child for a certain period and would break down. " secondly, Taylor Gibson will live in the palace within the duration of four-month and learn the duties of a queen and take practical courses to prepare to take over from the current queen." Taylor felt like crying when he heard that, this whole thing was done against him and he even had to learn more, it was so not fair. " and lastly, both parties must go on a date once a week to accumulate feelings and any of the party who doesn't show up for the date would be punished by the other party." And this was what he deemed as fair, he would make sure that he doesn't miss any day and make Damon miss their appointment and serve him his punishment. Taylor had on a stupid grin as he walked out of the university building. " what the f**k Taylor?" Katie called out to him bringing him out of his daydream. she and her alpha girlfriend, Paris Louise walked over to him. Paris was a stunning, six-foot-tall, red-haired diva and she had the confidence of ten alphas. "Why are you standing there with that batshit creepy grin?" Katie asked him, amused. Taylor blushed and cleared his throat. " Nothing. Hey Paris." he greeted, and the alpha nodded in acknowledgment. she wasn't one for much talk, only if it concerned her beta. As shocking as it was, Paris and Katie's relationship was more than okay contrary to the belief that only alpha and Omega could pair. Taylor believed that being committed and working for your relationship with your partner was what made a relationship stand its ground, not just because your biological parts matched with another. It took time and a lot of work to make a relationship work, some people are with their alpha and still have the bad end of it and end up in a toxic or abusive relationship. " come on, Baby boy. let's talk about how it went with you and your prince." Katie teased, as she held onto Taylor's hand and dragged him along to goddess knows where. Paris following behind the duo. Katie gasped in shock after Taylor was finished explaining his ordeal. meanwhile, Paris laughed and cackled. "Don't laugh at me.." Taylor whined and sipped his grape juice. The three had gone to the cute cafe in front of the school and was in a booth to have privacy. "I don't know what the hell runs through your mind all day, you are crazy." Katie said, her tone as if she had evaluated him and finally come to a conclusion. "so, are those his men outside?" Paris asked, her gaze focused on the men outside the cafe dressed in black and standing in front of the latest vix car in the kingdom. Taylor and Katie followed the female alpha's gaze and Taylor groaned in embarrassment. "Whoa!! it's so fitting for your James bond act" Katie teased and Paris Snickered. "yeah..yeah, tease me for trying to save the kingdom from retribution." Taylor said, pouting like a child. " he has these guards following me everywhere," he whined. "but they are cute though.." Katie giggled, checking them out. Paris grabbed her cheeks and kissed her passionately, obviously possessive over her girlfriend. Taylor groaned, he hated them so much.. he was telling them his problems and they were displaying their lovey-dovey acts to him. " don't worry Taylor, he is just making sure that his future wife is safe." Katie teased, as soon as Paris stopped giving her delicious kisses. "hmph.. take that back, am not going to marry that overgrown large alpha." Taylor said, annoyed at Katie's words. no way was he going to marry his best friend, it was so weird... "you can't even insult him properly. admit it, you are in love with Damon and you Know it, inside that crazy heart of yours." Katie playfully replied. Taylor's cheek went red and he stood up, abruptly. "you have gone too far, Katie, and am not gonna talk to you any longer." Taylor promised like a child and hurriedly left the cafe, ignoring Katie's calls. his face was so red that the guards thought he was sick when he got into the car. he disliked Katie for teasing him so much, now his heart was beating so fast. It had been a long time since Taylor made his enticing foods and he thought that it was high time he did so and let the full palace have a few tastes of his great chef skills. Taylor didn't have any ulterior motive in mind, but he would be glad if the king and queen reconsidered him living in the palace or he could make them be on his side. he was such a genius... when he told Damon that he wanted to make a big feast for the palace, you ship have seen him. the alpha was salivating because he has had a taste of Taylor's cooking skills and lots of time. he turned into his slave whenever he ate one of Taylor's food. Taylor insisted on getting the ingredients by himself and left the palace with his bodyguards, in courtesy of Damon. he was such a tool... inserting an eye roll. Taylor was picking out ingredients he wanted for the feast and he was pretty much absorbed it and so, he didn't notice when a blonde hair alpha male stood beside him. " with the way, you handle those ingredients...I guess you are a great cook" Taylor gasped in shock at hearing a man's voice and he turned to look at the intruder. "oh my gosh! am so sorry for scaring you." The alpha apologized. he was over six feet tall, lean and fit, and had a handsome face to match. if he wasn't under a contract, he would certainly hit that. "ah.. that's okay, I was just shocked for a bit. am sorry, who are you?" he couldn't remember ever seeing this dude, not even in one of his party's or adventures. "No, you don't know me. I just saw your ingredients and thought that you would be an amazing cook." the alpha explained, smiling warmly at him and he returned the smile. "Thank you, am Taylor.." he said, stretching out his hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you Taylor, the name is Leon... Leon Chad." It was so boring at the palace and Taylor decided to savor his moment outside and so, he decided to kill time by making friends with the alpha. meanwhile, Leon had marked the omega and decided to pursue him and make him his. he had finally met the one he wanted to spend forever with.
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