**Chapter five**

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Damon drove the brooding Taylor back to his apartment later in the night and walked him up to his door. "you can leave now," Taylor said, not looking at Damon who frowned. he tried to close the door on Damon but was stopped by Damon who held the door and stopped its movement. "Taylor, I think we should talk" Damon pointed out. "No Damon...I just want to go to bed and forget that this day ever happened," Taylor whined and tried to shut the door again, but Damon wasn't having it. "let me in, Taylor," Damon commanded, leaving no room for any argument. Taylor grumbled and moved away from the door, allowing Damon to come in. Damon locked the door behind him and followed the whining omega to the living room. "so, what do you want?" Taylor snapped. that didn't sit well with the alpha, the omega was acting like a brat right now and he needed to be punished. "you are going to be serving your punishment now" Damon informed, his words dripping with authority. oh s**t! Taylor thought as his eyes widened. "b.but.." he stammered, unable to form proper words. "I wanted to hold it off till tomorrow, but you have been a brat since we left the palace and bratty boys like you need to be punished." Damon explained in between a Stern and sultry tone. Taylor stared at the alpha in lust. the man was so damn gorgeous when he was taking on a dominant stance and he knew he would do anything he asked of him. "I want you to go to your room, take off your clothes, fold them properly on the bed and kneel on the bed." Damon instructed every word said clearly so the omega won't ask him to repeat. "yes, alpha." Taylor replied, submissive, and went to his bedroom to do as he had been instructed. Damon had to take in deep breathes and out so he could punish his omega without losing control and f**k the brattiness out of him. Taylor had taken a submissive stance on the bed when Damon walked in and he stopped breathing for a sec as he got lost in the beauty of the omega before him. ********************* Taylor was in submissive heaven as he came for the hundredth time that night. his head was floating and it felt as if he had taken drugs or something. Nope, this feeling was better and he sobbed due to how much pleasure he was experiencing and his body experienced little Aftershocks. Damon who was trying to catch his breath besides Taylor heard the sobs and his full attention fell on the omega. "Baby, are you okay?" Damon asked softly. "hmph.. hmph" Taylor murmured, absentmindedly trying to savor the delicious shock that passed through his body. "you sure?" Damon asked, for confirmation. "hmph.." "Do you like MX three?" "hmph.." Damon chuckled. on a normal day, Taylor would even spit on the pop groups' name and dish out all types of insults to them, but he was so far in sub bliss that he wasn't linked to reality. Damon got up from the bed and began aftercare for his omega, it was a very important routine for an omega. The alpha first got his omega a little bit of water to drink and stay hydrated and then cleaned him out properly. he proceeded to make a princess bubble bath for the omega and carried him to the bathroom. "Tay Babe, can you get in the tub?" Damon asked as he stood Taylor on his feet beside the tub. Taylor was already out of sub heaven and everything was much Clearer. with the help of Damon, he got into the tub and instantly relaxed. F**k! it was like a second heaven, he thought. Damon knew how to treat an omega, talking about the alpha... he had left the bathroom and was changing the bed sheets and putting the soiled one in the laundry. he would come back to that later but had to go and be with his omega. Damon made his way to the bathroom and walked in, he was immediately met with the gorgeous omega blowing bubbles and playing in the tub and he smiled. "Is there room for one more?" Damon asked, smiling lazily. Taylor raised his head and saw the alpha, he looked like a god and stood there looking so sexy and he had to fight back the urge to ask him to take him. his ass was already sore and he couldn't afford that. Damon got into the tub and sat down facing the omega. he smirked at him as if he knew a funny inside joke and Taylor did not and truthfully, it was annoying. "I didn't ask you to join me," Taylor said pouting. "Tsk..tsk.. tsk, is little Taylor acting bratty again? "No! am not." Taylor refuted quickly, making Damon laugh. Taylor blushed and scolded himself for letting the alpha get to his head. why was he allowing him to toy with him? "that's good, you don't want another punishment so soon. do you?" Damon inquired, his gaze filled with lust. Taylor shook his head in reply as his face went red. this day had been the worst and best s*x he had ever had. Damon s*****d his bottom until he was crying like a baby and what made things worse, he was leaking seriously and so turned on. he f****d him in all the positions known to man, all over the room, and at a point, he wasn't even sure he could c*m anymore but Damon f****d more c*m out of him and he was sobbing so much. although, he had asked the alpha not to stop and d**k him good. Damon even stopped f*****g him at one point and asked Taylor to ride him like a bull and he was s*****d every time he slowed down. his best friend was one kinky ass fucker and no matter how great the overall s*x was, he wouldn't be able to take that punishment anytime soon. Damon got hold of his hand in the water and clasped it in his. Taylor stared at both their entwined hands and wondered why his bestie's hand was so big and he was small? it wasn't fair..he thought. "I promise you, Taylor, I would do right by you and our child." Damon vowed out of nowhere and it honestly came as a shock to Taylor. " I would be glad if you take care of our baby when am not around." Taylor blurted out and his chest tightened in pain realizing that he has never thought about this? he couldn't be able to leave his baby with someone else, if his child was to live with Damon and that was the case.. Taylor could only visit them and it hurt so badly. "who said that you are leaving my side?" Damon asked, amused. "what do you mean, Damon?" Taylor asked in complete shock. "oh, Tay-Tay.." Damon teased as he caressed Taylor's palm that was placed in his. "I'll make you my wife before the four months are up and that's a promise." Damon vowed, a smirk gracing his gorgeous face. Taylor thought that Damon was just agreeing to his parents to punish him but he now discovered that it was all just a trap. ...well, let the games begin.
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