
1060 Words
It was raining heavily, but the girl paying off the taxi didn't turn up her collar or try to avoid the rivulets of water running across the pavement, she seemed oblivious to the wet chill of the evening, pausing under a streetlamp to look up at the big beautiful three-story family house. It was just one of those houses you feel good, happy, and comfortable in. Its neat door reached by a short flight of railed steps. There was a polished brass plaque by the entrance and an equally burnished doorbell beneath it. She touched the button, but it was damp, and her fingers slipped, or was it she beginning to lose her nerves? She took a deep steadying breath, and then pressed the bell again, more firmly. Her ring was answered promptly by a woman in a maid uniform. “May I help you, miss?" Her tone was civil but guarded. She spoke. "My father Mr. Joel Williams, I'm his daughter." “Oh, right this way misses, sorry I didn't recognize you.” The maid said stepping aside to let the wet girl in. she beckons to let the girl follow her as she led the way to an empty room. Straight ahead a wide flight of stairs, carpeted in deep crimson curved away to the upper floors. On her right were a desk with two telephones and a notebook with a pen tray, beside it there was also a newspaper folded at the cross word and a mug of tea, half drink beside it. And on the other side was a series of door closed. Each one she knew where it leads to. The maid motions for her to take a seat while she goes and get her father and she proceeded to leave, heading upstairs. She unfastens her damp coat and places it on a coat hanger she spotted. She then proceeded to walk around for a while before taking a seat. Her eyes adjusting to the gloomily room as she looks upon an old photo she remembers clearly. She heard a squeaking sound behind her and spun around instantly, relief flood through her as she saw it is her father. “Melanie my beautiful daughter, how are you?' An old white hair man in his fifties, asked, as he approach her. He hugs and kisses her on the cheeks then takes a seat near the bookshelf. Her eyes search her father for a while before answering. "I’m find father, but I think I should be asking you the same. After that urgent call you made to make me come over this late." She said taking a seat opposite him. He smiles at her, his old gray eyes twinkling in the gloomily room. ‘I love that about you, you always stay alert." He said getting more comfortable in his couch. “Anyway, there is something I want to talk to you about.” "Yes." She prompted wanting her father to hurry up. She had a long day and was praying to get some rest. "Well, I'm going to get remarried soon." He answers. Melanie wanted to congrats him but notice he have more to say. So, she remains quiet. “I wanted to give up the house because I'm going to live with Alice, but I know how much you want it, so I'm thinking to sign it into your name." Alice was his girlfriend, a woman her father dated a lot lately. "That's great Dad," Melanie said. She knows her father would get married soon she was happy for him that he finally moved on after her mother, his wife had died. She had always hinted about wanting the house and was thrill now that he said he's going to give her it. It is all Melanie dream about. Her lips twitched wanted to ask him when is will the wedding be? And when will she get the house but, she knows she shouldn't interrupt him. "Off course only under one condition, I would give this house to you.” The he paused taking a deep breath before continuing. “Is that you get married." He added his voice serious and staring intensely at her. Melanie blink twice bewilder at her father statement. Surely, he must be kidding. "Dad you must be joking I can't get married.'' She exclaims. "Yes, you can, you're a beautiful intelligent young lady in your twenty-seventh years. If you wait any longer, you'll be on the shelf waiting forever. I don't want that for my daughter. Your mother certainly wouldn't want that." "If mom was a live, she wouldn't try a cheap trick like this and she would respect my decision and let me live my life." Melanie says angry that he would bring her mother into this. Her mother was a lovely woman, respected by everyone. She was kind and sweet, she had a big heart. It was such a shame someone that good had to die, while wicked people around the world get to live. Life's so unfair She always thought. Melanie was only thirteen when her mother died from cancer. She had always told her to live her life how she wants. "I know Elizabeth and she wouldn't want her only child on a waiting shelf.” He clears his throat. “Anyway, I am giving you three months, to find a husband. This house is a family house, and it deserves a family to live in it." Her father voice rang. Melanie stood up no longer able to sit anymore. "You can't do this to me Dad, I've did everything for you. I've put on designers dress just to host your stupid parties." And indeed, she did those things, although she had a sneaking suspicion that it's just so she could gain attention for the suitors he’d chosen for her. Which she did but repeatedly turned down offers. "Isn't that enough for you?" She questions. Her father eyes capture hers. A determine look on his face, that say his mind is made up. "If you can’t find a husband within the next three months, I shall give it over to charity." He said and with that he got up and left the room. Leaving Melanie alone in the now cold and dark empty room, only her thoughts to comfort her.
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