Chapter 1

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Two Months Later “What do you mean, you can’t marry me?” Melanie asked into her iPhone. She stopped her pace on the Melvile pavement. “John we’ve already been through this twice, our lawyers have already discussed every detail to us. Come on John you can’t do this to me, now.” She pleaded into her phone. “I’m sorry Mel, but I just can’t do it, I’ve recently started dating someone and I don’t think it’s right for me to married you. Even though it’s for a short time. What would my girlfriend think, I’m sorry Mel but I just can’t.” A male voice explains over the phone. ‘’I can’t believe you’re blowing me off. You know what, never mind. Bye.” Melanie said pressing the end button and then shoving her phone into her purse and continues her pace to meet her best friend Lauren. It’s two months now, since her father announcement to her. She hasn’t really spoken to him since, but she wasn’t backing down from getting what she wants. God knows how much she love that house and she isn’t ready to let her father take it away from her, because he wanted her to get married. She would get married yes, just long enough that her father can completely put the house in her name. Melanie would get what she wants and her father would get what he want, it’s a win, win. Once everything is workout, she get divorce going back to her own life, right? Easier said than done, now that John has back out on helping her, Melanie doubts she can find anyone that will help her out now. Frustrated and caught up in her thoughts Melanie barely heard a loud horn, barely but it was enough for her to freeze and realize that she had walked into the middle of the road before looking at the lights. She’s been so engrossing in her thoughts that she didn’t notice what she was doing or where she was going for that matter. The car honked harder jumping Melanie a little, as she stood frozen or rooted on the road, her heart beating faster now. Was she going to die? She hopes not but it seems impeccable, as she looks on, on the speeding car that seems to can’t stop itself from coming closer to her. ‘Why wouldn’t it stop? She wonders. Melanie wanted to move but couldn’t, her fears mixed with the numbness in her legs have her glue to the spot. All she can do is look on, on the coming vehicle. Melanie closes her eyes as her life flashes before her eyes as she waited for the impact of the car. She felt her body being force to the ground as something heavy lay on top of her. For a short second, Melanie thought she’d die her eyes still close, but the sound of heavy traffic noises hit her ears and someone shouting. “Are you ok?” slowly she pleads her eyes open to find a pair of hard blue eyes staring at her. A man, almost lying on top of her, she blinked twice, no three times before she registers the guy in front of her. Even though he was low he seems much taller and, by no means handsome she thought as apprehension curled inside of her, her friend John had charm and a smile that could melt ice burgs. This man’s mouth looked as if it has forged from steel. In addition, his hair as black as a wild’s cat and the coldest blue eyes she’d ever seen, which were looking her over with unconcealed exasperation. “Are you ok?” His voice was smooth and lace with worry. Baffle all Melanie could do is shake her head. “My God woman are you insane, trying to kill yourself?” The man exclaims getting up. His cold blue eyes searching hers. Snapping out of her daze, Melanie follows getting up ignoring the man attempt to help her and dust off her skirt trying to straighten out her now crumble clothes. “I wasn’t trying to kill myself, I just didn’t realize I’ve crossed the road without looking and then I saw the car coming.” She explains. After regaining her composer. She had to look up at the man, seeing as he is indeed taller. His eyes narrow at her, unbelievingly. “Right, so you’re telling me you didn’t deliberately walk in the middle of the road, waiting for a car to hit you down, because it looks to me that you try to commit suicide.” He said shoving his hands in his pockets.” It seems to me you either try to kill yourself of get attention by almost dying.” Melanie face flushed, anger boiling, she could not believe this jerk of a man would think such thoughts about her. She’d explain what happen and he should believe her and then each go their separate ways, instead he claims she try to commit suicide or try to get attention for almost dying. She clenched her fists praying not to punch the guy, who had just saved her life. ”Excuse me sir but what I told you is nothing but the truth. Never in my life would I try to kill myself or put myself in danger like that to gain attention.’’ “Good,” He smiles at her, “Because it would be such a shame, for a girl like you to do such a thing. After all you are beautiful, why don’t we have lunch together.’’ Melanie felt almost speechless towards the man request. Is he for real asking her out like that? What man tells a woman she’s trying to commit suicide and then ask her out on a date? As if she would go out with such a naive man. She thought, he might be handsome, but his lintier dressing tells a different thing. He wore a big over size t-jersey even though it did nothing to show how build up he really is, and a huge baggy sweats pan. His whole clothing wrinkles as if he didn’t take his time to iron them. Stepping aside the man, Melanie turns to face him as she try hard not to scowl at him. “Sorry sir but I don’t think it’s good for me to go out with you. Thank you for saving me.” With that said Melanie scurry down the pave before the man can say anything. Her day has already gone bad, with that one phone call and she didn’t need someone else to make it worst. Never in her life has she met anyone as naive as that man.

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