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Over the next week, I usually ate an early lunch at the diner, after running my borders. After coming back from town, I have been working in the yard getting my flower beds planted. In the den, I have filled it with lots of little trees and green plants. There are trees that line the front of the cage, and a green plant on every surface. Carla loves it. All that is left to make it hers is to paint it various shades of purple. She has always loved the color purple, every shade! The full moon is coming in a few days so today I will be stocking the cage with water, things to make sandwiches, and other snacks. Even though I have to still be there three days, I am only a wolf one of those days. I bought a washing bowl, and already filled it with water. Other toiletries are already in there. This cage is so nice. It really feels like a room, not a cage! I also put trees on the inside just like the outside. I have a bookshelf full of books, and a deck of cards. I put a change of clothes in there already and a silky robe. Clothes are not really needed, but I like to have them just in case. Once I get back from town I put everything in the cage. After this full moon I am going to paint the house. I also plan on replacing the glass windows, some are cracked and discolored. I also told Dennis that I might like to build an addition to the side of the house for a complete gym, sometime before the winter comes. But that’s a ways off since it is only spring time here. I finally did get done reading all the information. It is now neatly tabbed and in an order in the security cabinet where I can find it easily when needed. I’ve been watching the stored videos. Mostly they are vampires bouncing on the fence. My uncle really liked to watch those. There were a couple with some dirty wolves which I guess are rouges. Dennis has given me a copy of the pack's phone book. I’ve already added most of the numbers to my new phone that he got me. Inside the phone was an app for this pack. It has everyone listed and a picture of their human and their wolf, kind of like a yearbook. It has their name and their scents. Their job within the pack, their age, and whether they are mated or not. I have never been scented. But Dennis says that a wolf has two scents that everyone smells then a third shows at age 18 that only their mate smells. He says he will take me soon to a pack witch, to have me officially scented. I turn 18 in another month, and I need to be officially scented by then. I go to bed early. One way my body tells me it is almost time to go in the cage is I get tired fast. I’ll have to go into the cage tomorrow night. But for tonight, it’s my big comfy bed. Sometime in the middle of the night my security starts screaming. Not the usual beeping from a vampire. When I get up to the screens there are three rouges, no mistaken it, banging on my front door. They have already ripped my front porch up. I grab my phone and dial the one number I have memorized. Dennis! Rouges! Front door! Hurry! I hung up. I do not have to say anything else. I know he is already on his way. I watch the screen. Four large wolves including Blackie come running in. Right there in front of me they rip them apart. Dennis goes off camera and calls. You're ok. We got them! Go in the cage. Your heat is early. I can smell you already all the way out here, even over the rouges! The blood Dennis! We will get it. Text me the command code Josie. We have to fix the fence and I will have to come into the den. Just take your phone, go into the cage and lock it. But you're unmated! You will be safe. I can not get in the cage. I will have to come and go several times. Tell Clara I am sorry. But I can not leave you without your fence. Now do as I have said. I will be sleeping on your porch tonight. I do as he says. I text the new main command code. Then I grab my stuffed wolf, my pillows and blankets, and lock myself in the cage. The cage is the only thing he will not have access to. The next morning as soon as the doors unlock Dennis comes downstairs. Clara has a fit. She growls very loudly over and over. He sweet talks her. Finally she calms down a little. Sarah calls. She wants to come see me. I have to tell her I’m already in my cage, that she will have to talk to me over the phone. She asks if I have enough food. I say yes. Sarah then tells me that there are ten unmated females on the mountain without protection. She tells me that Robert used to house them. Last month was very hard on them. I quickly told her that they could stay in my home. They would have to bring their own stuff and food because being locked in already I can not do it. But the full moon lockdown is at seven thirty tonight, and it will not unlock for three days. They have to be in before lockdown and can not leave till it unlocks. Also if they find me they absolutely can not come into my den. Even if they are females, my wolf does not care. She thanked me greatly, and said she would let them know everything. Dennis had overheard and he said he would make sure they were told the rules I sat. He also confirmed that he would have everything fixed and would be out of here by lock down. He came and went throughout the day each time Clara had a fit and he would have to talk to her. He never came nearer to the cage than he had to. Just before the lockdown, he called and said the girls were all in the house. They knew not to look for her. They also knew they were stuck. Ok, Josie here is what I need from you. On the days you are in your human form if the security starts making any kind of noise call me. Let me hear the noise. I know the different sounds. The noise will stop when the threat is over just like always. Also we have mated males running your border to protect your home since all the unmated females are in one place. Thank you again Josie for doing this! Hey no problem! I’ll see you on the flip side! Yes you will!! Call ended. As I lay there. I think there are beds for eight females but there are ten. Once I am out of here by the next full moon I am going to add a sleeper sofa. This way each bed will hold two girls. They can switch out who sleeps on the sofa bed. Either that or figure out how to add another bedroom to the house and add it to the same security as the rest of the house. I would like to try to in the future build a pack house with this protection for the females to each have their own room and have extra rooms if needed. I’ll build it on my own land if I have too. These girls deserve the same safety that I have. They were the guinea pigs for my safety. I will talk with Dennis. As old as this pack is and not having proper housing for unmated female wolves during heat is horrible. The longer I sit here the madder I get about it. I shift into Clara earlier because I get upset. Finally I shift back. I hear all the locks unlock. I hear Dennis call to me at the top of the stairs. I tell him to go out to the porch that I’ll be out soon, but Clara is very agitated. After I take a shower and get dressed, I head up to the porch. Dennis is waiting on me. I can not believe that there is not a female packhouse that is for these females to go to and they can feel safe! Well there has never been a need. Robert always let them come to the protection of his home. What about last month? What if I had not wanted them in my home? They left my house a mess! So now I see with the way this works, I am really locked down for six days instead of the four days, because one I have to now go a day early and then it will take me two days to clean up after them. I want to pay to build them a home like this one with the same security as this one. I want to build a twenty room twenty bathroom pack house for the females to have a place to go for not only the full moon but also for the odd one that has a heat outside of the moon. I need three acres of land. I hand him my plans that I have drawn up. These women can have a full time home in their room. The house will have a kitchen, dining, laundry, and sitting room as well as the twenty bedrooms with bathrooms. They will have the same fencing and house lockdown as I do. They will also have a running track, training grounds and indoor gym. Dennis says he will take it to the Alpha. He asks if I want to go to the diner. No! I will be here for the next two days cleaning the damn house. Ok. I’ll bring you some food back. I went in and started in the upstairs back room. I was in the kitchen when Dennis buzzed the gate. I let him in and went outside. We ate burgers on the porch. When he left I finished the kitchen and that same floor. Then headed down to my den, to clean. That night Dennis called to say that the Alpha approves of the plans and that we can build on the three acres across the street from mine. Starting immediately. He asked if I could meet him and the contractors tomorrow at the edge of the road at 8 am. If I could draw out more yard, and more house plans that would be great. I am there as asked and explain my plans. While they are looking at my drawings, Dennis is asking me what my plans are for the house. I tell him about the painting and the windows. Also about the gym. He likes all the ideas. He says tomorrow he is going to be picking me up at seven thirty am and taking me, two towns over to the witch to be scented. I stand and watch as they clear cut three acres of land in no time at all! Don’t worry about the trees, they will all be used in the construction, then new big trees will be planted along with babies. Aww that’s nice! We always only use our pack trees and we always replace them for the future. Fern the furniture maker gets some of the trees and then stains them dark for the furniture he makes. All the furniture in your house was made by him. Your wolf bed was carved by his son. He is very talented! When he was young he drew all the time, but it wasn’t till he started carving, that his dad saw his talent. Now they work together. They made your bed just before you moved in. How did you know I would stay down there? I do not know, but as soon as we learned that you had gotten your wolf, Robert started building that den for you. He only ever used the cage, and the security center. He used a bedroom upstairs. Wow! Really! I thought that used to be his den! No just the cage. He only used the cage when the girls started staying in the house. Since they were unmated. But he never really heard the call of the unmated. He was mated on his 18th birthday. They were so happy to be mates, they mated and marked that night. Then she died in childbirth, less than a year later! After that he never wanted another woman, and never heard the call of the unmated. But he never wanted to take a chance, so as they walked in the front door, every month, he closed the cage door. Then when they left I would call him and he would come out then. That’s so sad!
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