Volume 3: Part 4: Love

952 Words
The coach handed me the captain's armband and instructed the starting eleven to go onto the field and warm up, there, I saw Damola, she was already in the stands, she smiled at me and lost in the enchantment of her beautiful smile, I smiled back. I thought, this day couldn't get any better but it did. We started the match defending but the moment we got the ball, we got them a goal down in seconds thanks to Danzaki, we scored and scored so much we got bored and just started passing between ourselves, by the end of the first half, the opposing team were already nine to nil down, that could be attributed to the presence of Damola and the crowd chanting my name, a trend started of course by Damola, Olivia, Camila and Emily. Coach told us to show no mercy in the second half and we did just that, we lead twenty six goals to nil by full time. Danzaki scored ten times, Paulo nine times and I scored seven times, despite the stats, I was made man of the match solely because I bossed the game and gave the assists for all the goals Paulo and Danzaki scored while they assisted none of mine. Damola came down to the pitch and congratulated me, she gave me a kiss on my left cheek and informed me that she'd stay over at Olivia's place to hang out with my female cousins for the night, I agreed to that and waved her goodbye. I met up with Danzaki and Paulo with the intention of asking them of their plans for tonight, they replied me after I asked by stating that they'd do the same as yesterday, I nodded and we went to the vending machine, grabbed tons of refreshments and hurried to my room, we played games all through the night and eventually slept off. I woke up alone again, just like the previous morning, I got myself ready for the day and strolled to the cafeteria, there, I saw all my cousins sitting with Damola and Aramide, they were all crammed up at a table, they were quite uncomfortable but they were very happy or at least, they seemed to be. I walked towards the table and they all greeted in unison, good morning Jamal and I replied, good morning guys. We talked on various topics for a long time while having breakfast. In time, Paulo and Olivia had to leave to continue their training, the rest of us continued discussing even after they left but then, someone entered the cafeteria and informed me that Mr Olasile requested my presence, I looked up and realized that was the girl who called me the child of prophecy, I was so distracted by Damola that I sincerely forgot about that, I excused myself and chased after her, I caught up to her and asked her what she meant by me being the child of prophecy, she was completely confused, I reminded her of the day she kicked me in the nuts and called me the child of prophecy, she laughed and said that was her twin, apparently, her twin sister was mentally unstable and always called everyone child of prophecy, I was disappointed but at least, the child of prophecy was nothing serious. I thanked her and was about to depart when I realized she didn't tell me where Mr Olasile was, she told me to worry not, Mr Olasile told her I just had to go to any combat room and he'd find me, I asked her where the combat rooms were and she told me to go down to the third floor, I thanked her and left towards the third floor, I entered the first combat room and almost instantly, Mr Olasile appeared to me, I was shocked but at that point, nothing really surprised me. I asked him why he wasn't supervising Paulo and Olivia's training session and he informed me that he'd given them instructions and he trusted them follow the instructions. I asked him why he requested my presence and he told me that he wanted me to assume control over my powers, he told me I needed to control them before they control me, I was confused and asked him what he meant, he informed me that my powers come with the lust for blood and that so far, the bloodlust had been controlling me. I asked him how I was going to rectify this and he replied "it is done through combat, similar to a death match". I was shocked but he told me to calm down because no one was going to die, he brought out a collar and asked me if I remembered it, I informed him that I did and that it puts me to sleep, he told me that if things were going wrong, he'd use them. He told me to activate my powers but I was about to disappoint him, I told him I had no idea how to use the powers of my heart and he told me we'd have to do this the hard way, he started throwing me punches and my left eye twitched but it came with that desire to kill, I looked at Mr Olasile and I hated him deeply, I wanted him dead, I went at him with immense speed, he hid his presence by vanishing and told me to control my powers, he told me that was the bloodlust controlling me, I laughed and told him this wasn't bloodlust but my will, he reappeared behind me and before I could react, he snapped the collar around my neck, I fell asleep instantly.
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