Volume 3: Part 5: Love

1244 Words
I woke up some minutes later and thoroughly apologized to Mr Olasile, he told me that wasn't necessary and removed the collar from my neck. He told me if I knew how to control my powers now, I replied, I think so. I'd learned how to activate them at least, I tried to increase the point my vision could reach and that activated my powers, Mr Olasile replied, yes, yes, very good, now calm down, don't think about fighting, think about something else. I started to think of Damola and the bloodlust was gone almost instantly, Mr Olasile was impressed and told me he was going to supervise my sword fighting skills and improve them for today, since my eye was only as strong as the first stage and was only one eye, not two. I agreed and he told me he'd teach me in three stages, the easy, normal and hard stating that for today, he was going to go easy on me but I must defeat him before the end of the day. He passed me a spare sword, took another one and we begun fighting, at that point, I could have sworn he was lying about this being easy, he was trouncing me, he kept on telling me to try harder but still continued to beat me up. I got better as the day progressed, although I was hyperventilating from the start, a few hours later, I put him down and in a fit of hysteria, I laughed, I'm as good as you I said, he laughed and told me to not get carried away, we'd only just begun. I put him down for the next five rounds and he informed me I was good for today. He put our swords away and told me to report here tomorrow. I went out to have lunch and like this morning, they were all crammed up at a table, they welcomed me and we all had lunch together, joked around and had lots of fun. Paulo then ruined everything by reminding us we had football practice now, I and Danzaki stood and that's when I realized, I and Damola had been holding hands for a while, she removed her hand from mine and told us to do well, we went out and that's when I heard, take care okay love? I looked back and saw Damola waving, it was her after all, I will cupcake and you too, forcing a smile from her. We practiced in groups and we were just banging in goals for fun, we were almost perfect until Paulo misplaced a shot and it hit Danzaki in the nuts, he grabbed his groin in intense pain, I could really understand, Paulo's shots were always hit with a lot of power, coach called an end to the training exercise. We were leaving when Danzaki sarcastically exclaimed, "yeah, of course, walk away, don't wait for me, I'm perfectly fine, just let me pee out some blood and I'll join you", I and Paulo laughed and helped him to his feet, we all hanged out in Paulo's room for the night, doing nothing but arguing about who was the best player, Messi, Ronaldo or Jamal, I argued Messi, Paulo argued Jamal (me) and Danzaki chose Ronaldo. We played the PlayStation hours after with no victor of the argument, we slept off afterwards. We all had breakfast the next morning as we did the previous day, we talked for sometime before Paulo, Olivia and I left to continue our training, I fought better against Mr Olasile in the normal stage but he was still unimpressed because the powers in my eyes were supposed to make him handicapped, I eventually begun defeating him and when he saw I had mastered the normal stage, he cleared me for the day, we all had lunch together as we did in the morning and chose to hang out in Olivia's room, on our way there, I pulled Damola back and lovingly asked her to be my lover, she gave me a cold no, I was shocked but I said ok, and begged her to not let this episode change things between us, she agreed and we went ahead, Olivia's room was no room, it was huge, about thrice the size of mine, she had everything that could entertain you but they all agreed on something quite boring, we watched a romantic movie but to me, it was something more of a tragedy, Damola held my hand as the movie progressed and when the protagonist died and his lover begun crying, all the ladies in the room begun crying, I didn't find it in anyway sad and besides, it was just a movie, we had refreshments and watched another movie, it was movie night afterall, we all slept off before the other movie was done and had breakfast together the next morning. Training with Mr Olasile was pretty difficult, his hard stage was near impossible, it was almost like he was trying to kill me and that if he didn't kill me, he'd be killed, it was a real death match, I was fighting as well as I could but he still ended up defeating me, eventually, I got the hang of it and he certified that I was now a great swordsman, he told me, I'd be going on a journey with the others but I shouldn't inform them yet, I promised not to and left after he vanished. I was very tired, I had lunch with the others and retired to bed, I was so tired. The others chose to have a movie night without me but against Aramide's wishes, Damola came over to see how I was doing, I welcomed her in and just then, the doors were locked, she couldn't leave till it was morning, she told me she didn't mean no the previous day, she was actually very unlucky with love, in the twenty years she had lived, she had never been truly loved, everyone had always wanted something from her, she was the princess of Ekiti and she had to devise a method to know good from bad, she says no to anyone who asks her to be their lover and so far, they've all changed towards her except me, I didn't change, I pulled her towards me and told her, I'm not like that, I smiled and said I love you, she said I love you too. I kissed her but she exclaimed, Jamal, your eyes, I told her to calm down and deactivated my eyes, she kissed me thoroughly, one thing led to the other, and before the next morning, we'd both lost our virginity, I woke up the next morning and saw her beautiful face, I kissed her on her left cheek and left to have my bath, she joined me moments afterwards and we had our bath together. We all had breakfast together and then, Aramide exclaimed Damola, something is off with you, she asked her to stand, Damola did that and Aramide exclaimed oh my God, everyone asked what was wrong but she told us it was nothing, I knew she knew what happened. We had lunch together as well, I and Damola holding hands, and I realized how much I loved her, I at that point didn't know it'd be crushed in front of me, but at that point, I was crazily, deeply and thoroughy in LOVE..............................
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