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It had been four weeks since I finished my swordsmanship training, and in that time, my cousins could control their powers durably and use their weapons fantastically but I was only thinking about the journey we were expected to go on, a journey? Where to? I also thought deeply about Damola, just the other day, she informed me that she was pregnant, she was pregnant, like hell, I was going to become a father, I knew deep down I was nowhere near ready for that, I had no choice though, it was my child we were talking about, I had to raise him or her, it was my responsibility. I, Damola, Aramide and my cousins were having lunch when we heard Mr Olasile had summoned us, I wondered, what could he have summoned all of us for, no matter, we went to see him almost immediately. He welcomed us and congratulated us on completing our training, he informed us that there was good news to compliment that, he told us five of the six masters of death had been killed, he told us we hadn't heard because it was top secret news. My cousins asked in unison, which one of the six masters of death was still alive. Mr Olasile then informed them that it was only the master of the land of darkness who survived, almost immediately, Camila and Emily burst out in tears, I looked at everyone and saw that excepting I and Danzaki, they were all pretty unhappy, I didn't understand why they were sad those traitors were killed but Mr Olasile was about to deliver shocking information. The only traitor was my father, he manipulated the other five elemental masters and bended them to his will, they never rebelled on their own will. I asked Mr Olasile who killed them and he replied me with words that shocked me, he asked wasn't it obvious? My father killed them, I asked in surprise, my father? Mr Olasile replied, yes, your father, he killed them to attain greater power, I was enraged, he used and killed them, the amount of anger I felt for him became worse after seeing how sad my cousins were, there was only one thing that could cure sadness, that was love and my father took that away from them, I was going to make him pay, he'll die for this. Mr Olasile then informed us we were going on a journey to retrieve the sword of light, I burst out in laughter, I wondered, has Mr Olasile lost it, has he gone wacko? The sword of light was only a legend but as I'll soon find out, there is a truth to every story, rumor and legend. The sword of light was believed to have been the sword of the god of peace, it was said to be the twin of the sword of darkness. Legend has it that both swords were once a sword, due to the immense power the possessed, it was split into two with one representing life (sword of light), and the other representing death (sword of darkness) in order to create a balance of good and evil. It is known that if both swords became one, it would give the wielder power beyond his/her comprehension because only with light and darkness working together can true power be attained. Legend also has it that only the one with the best intentions could wield the sword of light and only one with the worst of intentions could wield the sword of darkness, it is known that Azarailus took the sword of death just before his death and no one knows its location but that of the sword of light was well known but even at that, no one in their right mind would try to retrieve it. No one has ever tried and succeeded or returned (dead or alive), its no surprise though, the route one has to take to retrieve the sword is near impossible. One has to first go through the river of the dead, don't let it fool you, its very deep, wide, contains zombies and houses chimeras. Once the river of the dead has been crossed, one enters the devil's mist, this mist creates illusions and you see what you want the most but going after it would be one's inevitable death. Once one leaves the devil's mist, the carnivorous swamp was next, it is believed that the swamp would swallow and slowly eat anything that crosses its path and last but not in anyway related to the least was the flaming forest, the flaming forest was just a forest is what I'd like to say but this forest was dark and always on fire, to make matters worse, fire dropped from the sky occasionally, from the moment one steps into the forest to its very end fireballs would occasionally drop from the sky and if one is touched by that fire, it will burn that person and won't stop burning till the person was turned to ashes even if the flames were doused with water.
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