1109 Words
I thought carefully, what did I want, I thought of course it was justice for those who my father hurt, but no, I wanted revenge, my father had to pay for everyone he had ever hurt, I didn't know what I wanted but my hatred wasn't lacking, he told me to think carefully about what the right thing to do was, he told me to stop looking carefully at a tree because only then can I see the forest. I understood what he meant and made up my mind, I'll seek justice for those my father had hurt and I'll protect the weak from being oppressed by the strong. I at that moment lost my hate, but my pain was still present, I was going to keep my pain as motivation because sometimes, one has to fall in order to rise, lose in order to win, fall in order to grow, hate in order to love, cry in order to laugh or know sadness in order to know joy because you see, the greatest lessons are learnt through suffering and immense pain. My hatred decided to give me a lecture, I hate being lectured but for once, I wanted to listen, he told me I'll fight to protect what was precious to me and if I lose what was precious to me, I must never be seized by hatred. He told me my life wasn't going to be once upon a time and happily ever after, I'd have to make harsh decisions and if there ever comes the time I have to make a decision between what was right and what was sensible, I had to make the most logical decision because for something to be protected, another must be sacrificed. He told me my journey was going to bring about death and that there's nothing harder to accept than the death of those I love, he told me I must overlook that and accept their deaths. He told me I was now ready to take the sword, I raised it up and he told me that I must know all about the sword in my hands, like hell, the sword was lighter than a feather. He told me it was light because my hatred was gone, he told me the sword would react well to my powers in the third stage, he told me the sword will enhance my elemental powers, it'd give me the eternal fire of the flaming forest, the solidifying mud of the carnivorous swamp, the evil air of the devil's mist and the acidic water of the river of the dead. I thanked him and he told me there was one more thing, he simply said "only with the power of light and darkness can the true power of the sword be shown, go on and fulfill the prophecy". I wanted to ask him more questions but he simply vanished, I grabbed the sword and joined my cousins, we used the same strategy we used to get here in leaving and simply returned to the special squad academy, a party was organized to welcome us back, I was so hooked on Damola, I had missed her terribly. I told everyone I'd stand outside and if anyone asks after me, they should say I was outstanding. Damola followed me and Aramide came too, honestly I'd love to tell her to face her problems but how can I possibly tell her that when her problem was her face. I looked at Damola, like hell, my love was a journey with her, beginning at forever and ending at never. We went back to the party and in the midst of all the fun, tragedy struck, everyone at the party started acting like zombies, I tried stopping them without hurting them, but then, they grabbed Damola, I took the sword of light up and tried to stop then, but they thrust Damola towards me, it was too late, I couldn't stop, the sword crushed her neck, I held her in my hands and told her to be calm, that she would be fine, but she died almost immediately. I looked at her blood on my hands and screamed in rage, the bloodlust took over, I tried to use the sword of light, but it didn't budge, I didn't know who, but someone threw me a sword, I picked it up and went on a killing rampage, I killed everyone in sight, excepting my cousins and Aramide. I was using the five elemental powers simultaneously and flawlessly, wait a minute, I can't use elemental powers, what was happening. When I was done with my rampage, I collapsed and went to sleep. I woke up in my room, a little weak, I couldn't stop seeing Damola's face, my God, what have I done. I was alone again, no, I was in a love triangle, I love myself, myself loves me and me loves I. I went to the bathroom and as I looked into the mirror, I saw Damola's face, I could hear her, she was saying, Jamal, you killed me. I looked at my hands and saw her blood on my hands, I tried washing them off, but they didn't come off. I began to hear her more clearly, she asked, Jamal why did you kill me. I felt a tingling pain in my chest, I knew it, my heart was broken, I was in so much pain I didn't realize I was crying. I wondered once again, to the right where nothing is left or to the left where nothing was right, where was I going. Wait a minute, everything was not lost, I still had my cousins and on that day and at that point, I swore to protect them with my life. Funny enough, they all came in to see me and told me Mr Olasile summoned us. When we met him, he informed us the tragedy of yesterday was a gift from my father, what? He did this??? I don't know why but he was going to pay for this, I'll kill him, I remembered what my hatred said earlier and discarded that idea, whatever happens, I'll bring him to justice. Mr Olasile then told everyone my powers were now at the third stage, I was logically now as powerful as my dad, I didn't know how that managed to happen but I was grateful it did, now, with the sword of truth and my powers, he'll bow to my powers and face justice. I was going to get justice for Damola, because my powers and her have something in common and that was DEATH...............................................
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