999 Words
We arrived the river of the dead and there were two canoes present on the river, considering their sizes, we all couldn't fit ino one, so, I came up with a brilliant plan, we'd split into a three man team of two, we did just that and started rowing the river of the dead, like hell, it was wide, you'd almost mistake it for an ocean, it was also deeper than Juice Wrld's lyrics, like hell, who called this a river, also, what the hell did they mean by river of the dead, this was quite disappointing, little did I know the dead lay in wait for us, hiding beneath the river of the dead. It took only five minutes but agile corpses and aquatic chimeras started to appear from the river, I thought this things were just legend but I'll soon realize that nearly every legend is gotten from something real. I tried landing a punch on one of the skeleton soldiers but like hell, these skeletons weren't gonna break, I wondered what I could do, we were surrounded and were losing this fight, I thought, oh yes, the terrain favors one of us, I shouted over to Olivia and told her to control the river, she shook her head and said the river was merely too big, I told her to at least try or we'd die but she did a lot more than try, she took us to shore but we faced something worse there. The devils mist turned out to be a tricky, sneaky persistent devil. We could hear shrieks when we entered, and then, the worst began to happen, hallucinations began, it all felt so real, I saw Damola, wow, she was here, no, this isn't real, I closed my eyes and opened them to the mist, I couldn't really see much, so, I called out towards Danzaki to do something about the mist and he cleared it, finally, I could see clearly, but then, our journey was far from over, nor was it going to get easier. The carnivorous swamp was basically eating us alive, I wondered, this was a job for the masters of the elemental powers of earth and water, I explained my plan to both of them and they freely manipulated the swamp till we were safely or should I say, unsafely into the flaming forests, I coud see they were scared, who wouldn't be, no one wants to become ashes. I turned to them and told them to listen up, I told them we have been through a lot and have seen the world's darkness, so, we should be able to cling on to hope and see the tiniest silver of light in this cloud called life, besides, it is foolish to fear what we are yet to see or know. Paulo supported my motivational speech and said there was nothing special about this forest but Danzaki had to ruin everything, he told Paulo, yes, there's nothing special about this forest, just like there's nothing special about your d**k, they were about to kill each other but I stopped them and told them to save it for later. Paulo did a good job guiding us through the forest and then, we were finally at a corridor, it was very dark, so, we lit a torch and walked down the corridor, the corridor lead towards a wall, I wondered, so, this was the famous impenetrable wall, we used every element we had but the wall stuck to its name, impenetrable. I used my left eye and it all became clear, only I could enter and I could only do so without any weapons, I did just that and I entered a garden, in the middle of the garden was the sword of light, I tried to get the sword but then, someone jumped in out of nowhere and gave me a gut wrenching kick, I lay down in pain and that's when I saw who kicked me, he looked exactly like me, except, the entirety of his eyes were black, I asked who he was and he simply told me with my own exact voice and charisma that he was my pain and hatred, I was confused but he didn't give me the luxury of understanding my situation. He gave me a barrage of punches and another gut wrenching kick immediately I got up from the first. He then said to me, change for you is impossible in this your fog of ignorance, he told me I thought I knew everything and that I thought things were as they seem but I was nothing but an ignorant little fool. I laughed and asked him to tell me just what he could possibly know about me, he gave me another gut wrenching kick and told me I'd understand if only I'd ever listened to anybody but myself, he told me he had earlier told me he was my pain and hatred, I remembered but that still made no sense to me, he did something funny though, he told me to get the sword of light because with only it can he be defeated, I laughed and ran towards the sword but that laugh died the moment I tried to lift the sword of light, it was heavy, no, not just heavy, it was impossible to lift, it wasn't even budging, I was really confused and that was the moment the dark version of me told me it was because I still possessed hatred and I was unsure what I wanted. I ran towards him, landing a barrage of punches, he laughed as though the kicks were ineffective, he told me that my punches were cute, for a little princess. I was enraged but held back, he wasn't worth it. He told me that raising the sword was easy, I just had to put what I wanted in my heart and think carefully about if it was the right thing to do.
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