Volume 6: Part One: The Child Of Prophecy

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Life is born, life yearns to live but ultimately, life eventually withers like a flower and dies. It had been five days since my father passed on while also passing on everything he ever had to me, his thoughts, his feelings, his beliefs, his knowledge, his pain, his strife, his optimism, all this and more were now mine. I could only wonder, if love was only a word, why did it hurt so much when one loses it. My father always told me to embrace pain because pain would force me to learn and grow but who and what I grow into would be dependent on how I embrace my pain because knowing what pain feels like is why we try to be kind to others, I intended to use my pain to fight for the cause of good. It is human nature to not appreciate what one has till one loses it, I never appreciated my father till I lost him, but I guess life was simply like a game of chess, for the game to be won, some pieces must first be sacrificed. I made up my mind to be strong enough, strong enough for Azarailus to quake in fear when I come after him. The people I revived after they died from my bloodlust were now with us in Osun, like I said, they were loyal to a fault, they had left the special squad academy because after Mr Olasile's death, the academy went into chaos and everyone found a way out. I told them everything I knew about Azarailus and that if they followed me, their chances of survival were a lot less than one, it rather heavily tips to the negative scale, certain death but yet, they still chose to follow me even though I made it clear they were assured of certain death. I told them ok and we began training, we learnt extremely dangerous karate, judo and kickboxing, it was much easier because everyone there had powers and some people came in squads they were familiar with at the special squad academy, I narrowed down formations and we trained till everyone was battle ready but we still trained afterwards. We were training a particular day when we heard someone screaming, I'll jump!!! We went out and saw a woman on a very tall building next to ours, I went out and asked her, are you really going to jump and she replied yes, I said to her, ok then, while you jump, do a flip and turned my back on her, she heeded my word and jumped but I caught her, she slapped me and asked me a simple question, she said to me, at least tell me am I ugly to you too? I smiled and told her no one was ugly to me because I believe God created everyone beautifully, she said a simple thank you and then, I laughed in a fit of hysteria and asked her, who the hell created you? You're the ugliest creature I ever laid eyes on, she was about to cry when I told her I was only joking, I told her she was beyond beautiful and after seeing her smile, I let her go in peace. I went back in and asked the other five masters of death to spar against me, they immediately agreed to spar against me and to their utmost surprise, I dropped the sword of light and merely activated my eye of death for battle. They each tried combination attacks on me but I ensured I defeated them. Paulo and Danzaki went first, they used their fire and wind powers to create a huge and very hot ball of flame which I easily repelled with my water powers, I doused the huge ball of flame and used my air and water powers to freeze Paulo and Danzaki up. Emily and Olivia went after me next and attempted to slow me down by using their water and earth powers in the process of burying me up in mud, I laughed at the proposition as I continued to add water to the mud thereby dispelling it. I was doing that successfully and then, I felt the mud getting hard and hot, I looked back and saw Paulo and Danzaki surrounding the mud with fire that was so hot, it was melting steel. I imagined that they had combined their powers and melted the blocks of ice they were in, very smart move but it simply wasn't enough to defeat me. I teleported myself out of the mud and struck all five of them with lightning, which they all defended against but still got knocked out by its sheer power. Camilla however resisted the lightning but I still gave her a knockout blow and just like that, they were all grovelling in the mud and I had won the sparring match. I looked at them on the floor, shook my head and walked out for fresh air, I had walked only a few metres when I saw a very young woman right in front of me, the odd thing about her was that she looked a lot like a mixture Emily, Camilla and Olivia. I looked at her in shock and asked bluntly, who are you. She laughed in a man like tone and replied in a rather deep male voice, what a stupid question to ask. She continued by saying to me, I am the god of gods, I am death himself, I am killer of men, I am destroyer of worlds, I am Lord Azarailus. I laughed at the personality residing in my presence, I said to whoever it was, I don't know who you are or who Azarailus was but you don't look it one bit. She laughed and said to me, this is your great grandmother's body, I looked at her and I felt deep hatred, I charged towards her and got my ass handed over to me, she beat me beyond recognition. She looked at me and asked me if I thought I could defeat her in such a weak state, she laughed at me and told me she gave me a month to prepare and come fight her at the special squad academy's arena. She said to me, train in a month and come to me for death, don't worry, for you, death would come swiftly. She wasn't powerful because she was right, she was right because she was powerful.
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