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He lost focus and gave in to anger, I took off his left arm soon afterwards, he was now armless and harmless, I told him a filthy rat from the gutter like him should have never tried to bite a lion like me, he was only going to lose. He begged me to not kill him but I only laughed and told him he wasn't in the least worth killing but then, I can't just leave him alone, I made a wager with him, I wouldn't kill him if he could clap for me, seeing that was impossible, he cried and I laughed, in the flash of a moment, I took his head off his neck, I beheaded Mr Olasile, my teacher and mentor, I just sentenced him to death, up next was my father, I wasn't going to be so merciful with him. I joined up with my cousins and they asked me what happened after they left, I told them not to worry, I assured them Mr Olasile would never bother us again, Olivia screamed, what! Jamal, you killed him, you killed again, is it so easy for you to take lives, lately, all you've done is kill, what is happen....., I cut in and told her to shut the hell up. I told her we were fighting to survive and there was nothing hard or easy when it came to survival, survival employs the need to do whatever it takes to stay alive. I told her Mr Olasile was a threat to my life and I aimed to end all the threats to my life. I told her once we were settled in Osun, we were going after my father and that anyone who wasn't okay with that can do well and simply leave now, no one budged and I simply walked on and they followed behind me like loyal subjects. It took days but we eventually got to Osun, we sook refuge in an old abandoned house, it was quite spacious but what awaited us inside was beyond surprising, it was believed that you can't find my father, he finds you, I can testify to that but right in that old abandoned house, on a chair sat my father looking at me with disgust, his eyes of death were fully active, both of his eyes had the powers of the eyes of death in contrast to me, possessing only one. I told him I had a million things to tell him and a million reasons not to, the first and most important reason was because he was going to die soon, I was going to mercilessly kill him. My cousins immediately made attempts to charge at him but I immediately stopped them, my father wasn't a weakling, he was very powerful, he must have come for us prepared and if he ever got them under his mind control, I would have to tragically ensure they die. I told them to take up our second combat formation, formation B, I told them to stick to it and fight with absolute attack, my father won't attack while he's defending. We tried to get near him with force but the barrier he employed around himself threw us into different corners of the living room. My father laughed and told me he was sorry he was late but heroes are never on time, I laughed at what he had just said, hero? I told him he was nothing but a liar and a murderer. He asked me how and I reminded him of how he killed my mom and his friends, he looked at me and smiled, he told me I still lacked wisdom in great amounts but that wasn't surprising, to be wise and old, one must first be foolish and young. He told me to listen to him and that's when I heard the entire truth, all of it. Adekanbi and Adebisi did get married, Adebisi was banished, Adebisi did go to Azarailus for power, Azarailus did give her power but with a chunk of his personality and consciousness, there are no stages, each eye of death has its own unique set of powers, there is no amount of people to determine power increase, killing just simply increases power. The killing of someone you love further increases power as depicted in my case. The more a person with the eyes of death kills, the more he plunges into darkness, the more the conscience of Azarailus takes root until his entire conscience takes root, Ademide did not defeat Adebisi. Adebisi won and took all of his power, she continued to kill until Azarailus took over her body, Azarailus is alive today and possesses the sword of darkness, Azarailus is in Adebisi's body and is the ice queen, ruler of the eight lands. We were all set up to kill those we love but that was an old ritual, it was done to every generation up till mine, the future being the same as the past, nothing changes, my mother died shortly after she gave birth to me, the masters of death were under Azarailus's control, the only way to stop them was by killing them. I didn't believe my dad at first but after I told him to be a man and fight me, he threw the sword of light off my hand and gave me an ouworldly beating. He told me I had a better chance of draining the pacific ocean with a straw in less than a minute than defeating him, he also mentioned that I had an even smaller chance defeating Azarailus. He told me to not fear death because although our destinies may differ, everyone shares a common fate which is death and what was worth dying for if not love. I still told him I would rather munch on the heavenly taste of rotten vulture eggs steamed in fermented pig's urine than to savour in his garnished pepperoni lies. I eventually believed him because he made no attempt to kill me or take my powers, plus everything he said made perfect sense. My father told me he wanted to train me and like hell training with him was beyond difficult, even with the sword of light, he was trouncing me. I asked why the sword of light doesn't work on him and he explained that it was because he was pure and purity can't defeat purity. I continued to train but I had just had it with my dad, I thought to myself, just give up. My father told me to never give up, like he had just read my mind, he told me to not be surprised, he can in fact read minds. He told me to not seek revenge but rather justice because revenge only brings on more hate but justice brings in love. He told me that although, rain falls because the clouds can no longer handle the weight, and tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain, I must never waste useful time cying because crying doesn't solve anything. He told me to also have faith in my team mates, I shouldn't try to solve every problem myself or carry every burden myself because if I do that, I was eventually certain to fail. He told me as long as there are winners, they must be losers, as long as there is good, there must be evil and as long as there is light, there must be darkness. That was because without love, there will be no hate, without good, there won't be the bad, without sadness, there won't be happiness and without joy, pain won't exist, situations are only judged based on perceptions. He told me to always be honest because honesty might not get people a lot of friends but it will get them the right ones. He told me to have faith because without faith, hardwork was worthless, I can't believe my father was giving me a lecture at a time like this. He told me because of love, hate is born but I must never let that hate control me. He told me if I ever got lost in the darkness, I should find my way with other peoples light, he said to me, "when everything that you love is taken away from you promptly and harshly, all you'll will think about is anger, hatred and revenge but I must never let that get to me, life worked that way, things don't always go as planned." He told me he was going to give me all his power and thoughts but none of conscience, before I could react, he put his hand on my head and I could feel my powers increasing by over a million in percentage, I felt like a god but then, my father started to dissipate, he was becoming ash but before he disappeared, he said to me "I think you have everything you need to fight Azarailus now, do whatever you want but remember that whatever you do from this moment till the end of time, I will always love you". My father was right after all, no one is easy to love, date, marry, work with or be with. Everyone has their own sets of vices, attitudes and methods of behaving that makes them different, because of that, you can't like everything about a person, it's basically impossible. This was life and life wasn't about finding the perfect person or thing, life isn't a once upon a time and happily ever after tale, life was about something or someone you're willing to work for with somebody who is willing to work with you. He said that and fully became ash. I looked at his ash in surprise and I burst into tears, I loved my father after all, I swore he won't die in vain, I was going to get justice for him, Azarailus would be brought to justice for forcing my father into a tight spot, he would pay for what he had done to my FATHER...............................
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