Volume Six: Part 5: The Child Of Prophecy

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I understood how painful all this was to me but I had to let it all go and fight well, I had to forget what I had lost and focus on what I still had with an imagination of what I could have next. All I ever wanted was love but all I ever got was pain. At that point, I wish I could go back in time, not to change anything but to feel a few things over again. I wondered if it was harder to be the one who died or harder to be the one who survived, this war against Lord Azarailus has shown me that in war, there are no victors or vanquished, there are only survivors. I remember my childhood but that child is gone, I remember my trauma but that person is gone, I have to heal who I am now, not who I was before, after all, one becomes very dangerous once they learn how to control their feelings. I wondered when my misery will end, soon, later, never, it doesn’t matter, if I fail here, my death would be meaningless just like my life has been up till now. Lord Azarailus looked at me with disgust and simply said to me, I like how you fight, so, you have really come here to die and quite meaninglessly at that. I gave him a reply even I was proud of, I told him he was mistaking my intentions for I haven’t come here to fight him but rather, terminate him, I then asked him, how exactly would you like to die. I seemed to always have a way of reminding people my creation wasn’t supervised, I just clearly threatened a god I was beyond unsure I could beat. There are apologies I’m still owed and apologies that may yet never come but the most important of apologies are probably those I owe myself for not thinking I was enough, for failing to realise my worth and my abilities, I once doubted myself, never again, I had come here to kill Lord Azarailus and I shall do it unfailingly. Honestly, if I’m wronged, I’mma take revenge, I don’t believe in karma. Time they say will heal all things but does time really make things better or it just simply gets us used to it? I at this point was unsure and uncertain but I thought I’d be getting a chance to find out when this was all over. I did wonder tho, what was the point in killing Lord Azarailus, if people who are good    are allowed to die in peace and evil people being punished with death is also right, then no one in this world was good or evil, death eventually is the final destination for everyone be it good or bad but no one dies the same death. It is said that lessons in life would repeated until they are learnt. Honestly, you treat me right, I’mma treat you better, you treat me bad, I’mma treat you way much worse. It really hurts to be so understanding and yet never be understood. My father always said that if I wasn’t careful, someone would break me so bad I’ll become unbreakable and I had gotten to that point, the point where nothing mattered, the point where I had not a care in the world, the point where I had nothing to live for but yet vehemently refuse to die. I was really heartless now, but there are heartless people who also once cared so much. I’m damaged as f**k but I really would never hurt anyone the way I’ve been hurt or let anyone be hurt like I’ve been hurt. I asked myself tho, do you really want to box with a god till you end up in a box sent to God. It was really hard tho, when you’re alone, all you think about is dying but when you’re not alone, all you think about is surviving. Lord Azarailus then said to me, you do realise I am five hundred years old, five hundred years of experience, five hundred years of invincibi………. I cut in and told him to shut the hell up, I said to him, so what if you’re five hundred years old, I have killed seven times as many enemies as that and every one of them would have wanted me dead instead but as your arrogant and senseless self fails to see, none of them were able to do…………. Before I could complete my sentence, Lord Azarailus punched me in the face, the first thing I noticed was that I lost three tooth, before I could react, he cloaked his hand with the fire element and started a barrage of punches, I was having a hard time reacting because he cloaked his body with lightning element to enhance his speed and he was really close to me, he was right in my face and he ensured he gave me a real nice beating. I knew if I didn’t fight back I’ll be history, so, I cloaked myself in lightning too and started fighting him mixing elements as weapons, I started by mixing air and water to form ice which I in turn severely cut him with, I was transporting myself to his blind spots and attacking him from his weakest spots. I beat him up like he was a kid and cut him up like a butcher. He however failed to die, he was healing himself immediately after I cut him up, it was almost like he couldn’t die and I didn’t have that privilege, that’s when it dawned on me, I had no chance of killing lord Azarailus, he was completely overpowered, I now understand why he’s called a god, it’s because that’s what he really truly is, a mother f*****g god, that’s what this over powered piece of s**t was. He was simple untouchable, he was undefeatable, he was simply built to win every fight, I had just walked into a f*****g grave and it seems like I really might never get out of it. Lord Azarailus could only be fought, not defeated of vanquished, he was unbeatable and I had just come to him with nothing tangible I could use to beat a god that was unbeatable, I really wondered if ALLAH would help me at this moment because it really seemed like I was really going to die unfailingly, I was really going to f*****g die just because I was unlucky and I was forced to fight a goddamned beast my predecessors could not defeat even when they were at their best. I really didn’t want to die, not just yet and really not like this, I really deserve much much better, I was starting to get dizzy, fear was clouding my mind, I started to panic and then proceeded to burn lord Azarailus to ashes, I burned and burned him but he really acted like nothing touched him, I knew deep down that I was in trouble now, I was in a lot of trouble, I couldn’t beat him, fighting him would only just exhaust myself, I wondered what I could do because this was really a worst case scenario. I was almost on the verge of giving up but then, I saw the sword of darkness at a corner, the sword of light was obviously with me and then an idea struck me, I was going to mix the power of light and darkness together, since both swords were once one and the power of that one could destroy worlds, it was believed it could do almost anything, it was the sword of reality, the sword that defies time, it was the all powerful sword, I ran over to the sword of darkness and used my fire elemental powers to smith them into one, they obviously took shape themselves since they were once one and the same, lord Azarailus charged at me and that’s when I stabbed him in the chest with my new all powerful sword, the effects that came after were however not what I expected them to be, immediately I stabbed him, obviously, I had won the fight but rather than just stabbing and removing the sword, I entered the mind of my great grandmother Adebisi probably because it was her body, I saw everything from her perspective, I saw how the eyes of death were really created and how I was now the master of death, saviour of worlds and THE CHILD OF PROPHECY…………………..        
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