Volume Six: Part 4: The Child Of Prophecy

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I unsheathed the sword of light and to my greatest surprise, Lord Azarailus pulled out the sword of darkness and thus signalled the beginning of our personal battle. I activated my eye of death and charged towards Lord Azarailus but he wasn’t an amateur in swordsmanship, he defended himself and proceeded to attack. I slashed him in his chest but to my greatest despair, he healed almost immediately. It didn’t take long for me to notice Lord Azarailus was only average at swordsmanship, he knew only a little of the important techniques, I on the other hand knew a lot of important techniques and I planned to ruin him with them, Lord Azarailus was disappointingly faster and stronger than me but he wasn’t a better swordsman. We sheathed our swords after a while of pointless fighting and proceeded to hand to hand combat, fighting Lord Azarailus was on another whole level because he used the five elements as we battled each other. He used his fire and earth elemental powers in shooting hot cube shaped stones at me which I in turn repelled with a durable water shield, slowing down the speed of the cubes. He stopped shooting cubes after realising how fruitless it was shooting cubes at me and proceeded to use my water shield in electrocuting me, he shot quick blasts of lightning at me but I could easily read their movement because my eye of death slowed down their speed, it was almost unbelievable but the eye of death was actually light speed fast or maybe even faster than that. I put my water shield out of use and instead used an earth elemental shield in repelling his lightning attack and before I could blink, I saw Lord Azarailus right in front of me, I looked in awe, he had distracted me with the lightning attack and used my inability to look through the earth shield in teleporting himself right in front of me, he gave me a fiery punch that sent me right out of the room, three walls and two rooms away. I was still trying to process what has just happened when he appeared in front of me again, he gave me an uppercut and a kick in the left side of my waist. I was still writhing in pain when he raised me up and told me to look him in the eye before he kills me, I looked him the eye and lost all the will I had in me to fight. I knew I was about to die and there was really no way of escaping it, I was going to die having achieved nothing. As I was about to close my eyes and prepare for my imminent death, I saw Olivia’s head, no, I couldn’t die yet, my cousins had all died for me to get here, I’m not dying having achieved nothing, I’m not dying a failure, I must at least first defeat Lord Azarailus. I broke his arm and as he dropped me, I punched him so far away that by the time I got to him, he had not finished cleaning the blood on his nose. I still couldn’t figure out Lord Azarailus’s gender, he was bald and had a feminine look, he looked majorly like my female cousins, he had female attributes but he talked like a man, none of it made sense till I looked closely at him, yes, it was Lord Azarailus’s soul but this was my great grandmother’s body, this was Adebisi’s body. He had possessed her body and used it to his advantage, he had consumed power from her offspring, there were still some questions I couldn’t answer like why he didn’t let there be more than six masters of death through each generation, was it to make taking powers from them being met with little resistance or was it because the powers would be shared, I had so many theories but now wasn’t the time for that, now, I had to ensure that I defeated Lord Azarailus at this point in time, that is what happens to be most important. Lord Azarailus stood up and levitated himself towards me with full force, I looked at him closely with my eye of death and I could see how angry he was, I didn’t care how angry he must have been, his anger was child’s play when compared to mine, I was murderously angry and I wanted blood to flow like a river, I wanted to kill Lord Azarailus but I didn’t just want to kill him, I wanted to kill him slowly, painfully and disgracefully, I wanted him to meet a worthless death, I wanted him to wish he had never lived, I wanted to see him regret everything he had ever done. . It is said that when people get hurt, they learn to hate and now, I hated Lord Azarailus beyond anything. I’m at the point where I don’t hate the darkness anymore, after all, I was alone. At this point, I really wish me saying RIP to everyone I loved meant return if possible rather than rest in peace. I really pity my cousins, we were just children born as warriors, forced to fight as soldiers and getting no deserved happy ending. . It now appears that as long as I live, all I see this world as is a world of pain, futility, emptiness, suffering and depression. I know one thing for sure tho, people don’t lose when they die, they lose when they lose faith and I for one was sincerely not ready to ever give up. Just by living and acting, people hurt each other without realising it, this however wasn’t the case for lord Azarailus, he’s getting everything he deserves. I picked up my sword and proceeded to some flex, I said to Lord Azarailus, I’m fluent in about a million ways of kicking your weak ass. My sentence obviously angered for he told me to bring it on and watch as he murders me silently.
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