Chapter 13 - Ford Ranger

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The next couple of weeks, everything was back to normal. Lia kept her mouth shut and has never blamed anyone for what happened to her last week. They didn't even bother asking her how she got home that night and honestly, she would hold a party if ever that happens. Good thing it didn't. She doesn't want to lose money nor waste her energy organizing one. "Alright, I'll send the mechanics later," their professor said, leaving the room. She quickly picked all her things on the table and abruptly went out of the room. Her science class made her sleepy and she just wanted to run and hide in her favorite spot to sleep. When she got there, she used her bag as her pillow. Then, laid on her side, closing her eyes. It's already lunch and not eating anything at twelve became her hobby. There were a lot of students in the university canteen and she didn't want to mingle with them. She'd rather sleep and feel hungry than deal with their stares. It's not that she did something bad. Lia just doesn't want to interact with humans. She usually just went straight to the back of their building after class where there were only a few people in sight. Mostly, nerds with their books, and like her, some came to sleep. There were students who also ate their lunch there. She was glad that no one came in her spot to make out. If ever, she'll have no choice but report them to the office. The place was too calm and clean for their make-out session. There was a big tree that covered the whole grass, which protected them from the burning sun. Few benches were built, too. Yet the majority of them preferred to sit on the bermuda grass. She sighed deeply, laid on her back, and opened her eyes. The warm sunlight was peeping through the branches of the big tree, leaves dancing as the wind swoosh. Suddenly, he crossed her mind. Lia has the urge to message him to say thank you and... to say sorry for being rude towards him. She kept the piece of paper that contains his information, and one identification card. However, something inside her is telling her not to. But that would ruin her image to his eyes. Although she doesn't really care about it. Lia assumed that their meeting that night would be the last one. Well, she kind of hopes to see him again. Simeon was not obviously a student in their university. She sort of looked for him on social media but unfortunately, she couldn't find any. Even with his f******k account, so Lia asked for a favor from her relative that teaches in their school. Sadly, there's no record of Simeon Du Marais. Also, it seems like he doesn't want to contact her, too. He has her number yet until now she receives nothing. It's just fair for both of them. It's not like she's waiting for a message to come from this particular person. In the end, she chose to sleep and was awakened by the bell. She glanced at her wristwatch. "Oh, hell! I missed the last class!" The time on her watch means classes were over. Students can now go home. At some point, she was glad. She had a nice sleep even if it was just for an hour. Lia picked her things and started walking out of the institution to wait for his driver. She rolled her eyes in relief when she saw their car. She ran towards it and was about to open the back door when a hand grabbed her bag. Quickly, Lia turned around and was ready to kick whoever it was when he saw him. "Simeon..." The latter smirked. Unlike their first meeting, Simeon was wearing a uniform... His clothes were familiar... It was a college university uniform. Particularly for medical students. He totally transformed from being a gangster looking to a clean and neat medical student. He also got rid of his beard. Simeon looked cute, she thought. "Hey..." she hesitated. "Uh, my bag..." "Oh, sorry." He laughed awkwardly before letting go of her bag. Hanging the bag on her shoulder, she glanced at their car. "What are you doing here?" "Visiting you." He smiled, scratching his nape. "I'm about to go home." "Got time?" She shook her head. "I still have to finish my activities." Her brows furrowed. She wasn't expecting to see him again and in her school. Few students were glancing in their direction and the idea made her feel uncomfortable. She was used to their stares filled with judgment... But this time, she knows why. It was because of his presence. "I can help you," he offered. "I'm not busy though. We can go to a coffee shop, maybe, to finish your homework. Then, I'll take you home." Her brows shot up. Take home... Those two words had sent her back to that day. It triggers her trauma. Thinking about it made her step back and Simeon noticed it. "No need, Simeon. I can do it myself and no need for coffee shops or something." "I brought my car..." He looked behind him, pointing at the red Ford Ranger. "This time, you'll not ride a motorcycle, Dahlia. I won't drive fast but the pace would be enough to take you home within ten minutes." Honestly, something unexplainable creeps on her. Uh... Why was he insisting? And why is he here though? If he came for her, then what does he want? Simeon was not someone who would get back because she was rude to her. And that she was not able to extend her gratitude for being with her that day as he was asleep, snoring soundly. Although she told Alec her thanks. "What do you want?" She crossed her arms above her chest. If he would stay longer talking to her, she's sure as hell that her driver would report it to her parents. And what? They would barge in her room to remind her to stay away from men. Why? Because she's bound to marry someone she doesn't even know. For what reason? Money and connection. Her family has something to boast about. Financially, yes. They're more than financially stable. Her parents had built a hospital in the country, and in another two countries, and were planning to build another one to nowhere. Right... She may dream to become a surgeon in the future, but she wasn't interested in working with her family someday. "I just wanted to you know... Talk and drink coffee with you." "Why?" "I found you beautiful, that's why. So, I wanted to treat you somewhere else. But I figured that you maybe prefer a calm and silent place for you to do your homework. Coffee shop, for example." She was stunned for a moment. Among everything he said, the first reason was the only thing that sank in her brain. She's beautiful... And because of that, he wanted to treat her to coffee... A coffee date? This would be her first date and he's bringing her to a coffee shop where they could do her homework together. So thoughtful. Yet she still shook her head. "'Maybe next time?" His shoulders fell. Disappointment crossed his face but it was just for a moment. He quickly replaced it with a huge smile, staring at her. "Alright, next time..." he said instead. "You have my number, right? I'm sure you kept the piece of paper I gave you that day." She nodded. Lia didn't have any plans to deny it. The yellow notepad paper was in between the pages of her book. Actually, she has saved his number on her new phone she bought the other day without her parents' knowledge. Good thing she has enough cash, so Lia won't have to use her card. "Alright," he uttered. "Then, text me once you're free, okay? I will wait." "You don't have—" Before she could even finish her sentence, Simeon immediately left the scene, running towards his car, and without further ado, he drove away like he was being chased by the troops. She was left dumbfounded. How could he leave just like that? Clenching her jaw, she went inside the car and closed the door, hard. Making the driver jump a bit. "Don't tell mom or dad about what you saw," she tried to be scary. "If you do, I'll make sure to throw you out back to your previous life." "Yes, Ms. Lia..." his voice shook with fear. "Good. I've made myself clear here," she warned, looking at him through the rearview mirror. She rests her eyes as she felt the car move. When she got home, she went straight to her room and lock the door. She didn't change her clothes or even took off her shoes. Lia just directly lifted her queen size bed after throwing her bag on her single sofa, then pulled out the charcoal gray small box she hid on her bed frame where her new phone was. She turned it on, then browsed her contacts. To be honest, she has nothing to do. Lia already finished her homework last night. Good thing her teachers didn't leave any for today's class. She was kinda nervous. Lia has never been on a date. Also, she wanted to make it more special. In her eighteen years of existence, only now that someone asked her to go out because he finds her beautiful. Her blood rushed to her cheeks and she felt like she would explode. A shy smile crept to her lips thinking about him. No... His reason. She thought that was so beautiful. His compliments have hit her heart and for some reason, she likes the idea that she's beautiful in his eyes. "Gosh... This is illegal..." she muttered as she threw her head on the edge of the soft mattress, feeling thrilled, letting her body hang. Now she wanted to message him to meet her on Saturday.
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