Chapter 12 - His Friend, Alec

1729 Words
As someone who’s really not into talking to strangers, let alone take her home, Lia was surprised that she got swayed by him. She never lets anyone take her if it’s not someone her parents know. Even if she’s annoyed that she had to ride with him in the tiny space of his motorcycle, she had no choice. She wanted to go home and that’s her last option. Riding with him. The guy let her take his helmet. Unfortunately, Simeon was not a boy scout. He only has one helmet with him. “We might get caught,” she said. “You don’t have safety gears. Some patrols stopped those drivers who weren't wearing one.” “It’s raining. The officers must be having a coffee at this moment. No one would actually work at this time.” “Well, I’m just...” She just shook her head and held her bag tightly resting in between them. She was sitting with both of her legs on either side. And because Simeon asked her to sit like that for safety, he said. She wanted to clutch his shirt, she can’t. That would be too embarrassing on her part. She just wishes that she won’t be left behind once he decides to drive fast. “Are you this slow?” “Do you want to die?” She pursed her lips because of his reply. “No, but is there another way? A shortcut, perhaps? We’ve been on the road for less than fifteen minutes now. My house isn’t that far, I supposed.” “It’s raining,” Simeon excused. “The road is wet and slippery. We don’t want to be involved in an accident, right?” She rolled her eyes and just zipped her mouth to stop herself from asking again. He always has something to say. But she was irritated as they have been wandering for so long. Her clothes were getting wet and her body was shaking a bit in the cold. And this guy didn’t even notice it. He just kept on driving and she felt like he was intentionally driving at the slowest pace. “Do you really know the route to my house?” she asked again. “Yup, so just relax there.” “How can I relax?!” This time, she burst out. “I feel cold! Wet and my body is shaking! Yet we’re still here in the middle of the road, Simeon. I just wanted to go home but you’re being too slow!” She wanted to cry in frustration. Today is her unlucky day and she just wanted the time to fast forward! She has never been this desperate until now. Who knows that because of the rain, her life would be this miserable? Yes, she calls it miserable. Her parents didn’t even care about her, they wouldn’t even check if she’s home or not! She doesn’t care if they wouldn’t but, at least they could have sent someone to fetch her! And for Pete’s sake! They had two to five drivers yet no one thought of picking her. No one remembers her... How selfish could they get? She wanted to shout in anger! How could they do this to her?! “We could stop at the nearest store,” Simeon suggested, which made her feel more stressed. “I’m sure you’re hungry..." The sky was already dark. No visible stars and the light that came from his motorcycle were the only things that guided them in the midst of darkness. There were few street lights but they were too far from each other. He was right. She never had lunch and her stomach was growling in hunger. She was just too pissed to notice her tummy complaining. Now that he mentioned it, it makes her want him to drive fast. If he could make it fly then, why not? “Can you just take me home?” she begged wearily. Simeon glanced at her through his shoulder. “You’re hungry, Ms. There’s a convenience store just meters away, we will stop over and eat before I take you home.” She didn’t respond. Her shoulders just dropped in hopelessness. Lia felt too tired to even argue with him. She was drained and annoyed. All she wanted was to rest and hope to never let this happen again. A minute later, Simeon stopped in front of a convenience store. Good thing it’s twenty-four seven opened. From the outside, she could see the people inside. “You okay?” he asked when she didn’t move. The latter waited but ended up giving up when she didn’t respond. Sighing, he got off the motorcycle and lifted the helmet’s shield, showing her now tired look face. She closed her eyes. “What time is it?” Simeon was stunned for a moment. Now that he could see the tiredness in her face, he felt guilty for not driving fast. He was just scared that they might slip and fall. He doesn’t want to cause any harm to her... He was afraid... Simeon was just making sure that they’re safe but by looking at her, he suddenly felt guilty. Lia opened her eyes. She was panting and that made him back to his senses. Since Lia’s not moving, he took the risk to take off the helmet. Good thing she didn’t budge nor open her mouth to snap at him. He knows how a woman gets angry if hungry. Now that her whole face was free from protection, he could now see how pale her lips. She looked sick that he thought she would faint soon. “Let’s eat inside,” he said softly. “C’mon, Lia. We’ll eat and go home, okay?” Her lips formed into the thin line. “I’m annoyed...” her voice shook. “I’m so hungry and annoyed, Simeon. I felt sick and I think my whole body would collapse anytime.” “That’s why we need to get inside the store and eat.” “Then, you’ll take me home?” He nodded. “I will... Sorry for driving so slow. It was raining.” Lia didn’t talk. Instead, she held onto his arms to support herself when she got off the motorcycle. Her legs almost give up if it wasn’t because of his strong arms. “Careful...” he uttered. “You can still walk, right?” “Of course, dumbass...” Simeon chuckled. “Let’s go, then.” Lia started to walk while he was just behind her, watching her back. When they got inside, she immediately looked for the table and sat there, hanging her head down. Meanwhile, Simeon went straight to the shelves to look for food. She sighed deeply then, raised her head to search for the clock. “It’s already seven,” she muttered. “I still have a lot of homework to finish yet, I’m still here outside.” She jumbled her hair in distress. This day is a lesson learned. She must start learning how to commute! And hide a phone in case her parents took her cell again! This shall never happen again. Raising her head, she watched Simeon as he opened the cup of noodles, and pour them into hot water. She honestly doesn’t know if she’d be thankful or what for being with her since earlier. It felt like he was the one who’s causing her more trouble. However, she doesn’t want to blame anyone. Maybe today was just really her unlucky day. We all have bad times... “Here, eat this...” Simeon placed a water bottle and a biscuit in front of her. “We still need to wait before we could eat. It won’t take long. For now, eat that,” he said referring to the cup noodles. She took the snack, opened it up, and started eating. It was kinda salty. “I texted someone to fetch us,” he talked. “I figured a car would be nice rather than the motorcycle. We might catch a cold and we don’t want that to happen.” Her brows furrowed. “And you just thought of that now?” He shrugged. “I thought you need fresh air so...” “And what made you think of that?!” “You looked stressed when I saw you. Stress people need some fresh air to feel relieved.” “Stupid!” She gritted her teeth. “At times like this? Fresh air caused by heavy rain? Is your brain still working? Were you hit in your head when you were still a baby?!” “Of course!” his eyes widened. “We all experience getting hit in the head! I mean, who wouldn’t fall when a baby just started walking? No one!” “You’re talking nonsense!” “I’m making sense here!” They glared at each other. There were few people around but they didn’t seem to care for it. Even the cashier glanced in their direction because of the tension growing between them. “You know what, let’s cut it!” He leaned on the chair, raising his hands in the air. “A friend of mine will arrive in five minutes. Let’s eat as we wait for him.” “Still, you’re dumb...” she hissed and chew the food. Simeon grimaced and started eating. They were both silent as they ate, but Simeon always peeks in her direction which she was too tired to notice. She didn’t know how long they stayed in the convenience store. Maybe it was more than five minutes before his friend arrived and to her embarrassment, she wanted to hide when she saw the man who told her not to be judgmental. She kept her head down as he drove to her address. For some reason, she didn’t hear anything from Simeon for the whole ride. He was in the passenger seat, unmoving. “Why is he not moving?” her curiosity won. “He’s asleep,” the man answered. “Must be tired because of you.” She bit her lower lip. Suddenly, guilt started to spread inside her system realizing how rude she was towards him. He was there when she needed someone the most. Offered her a ride, gave her food, and even brought her medicine after they ate, and now... She sighed in guiltiness. How would she pay him back for the goodness he showed to her? It didn’t take long for them to arrive. She insisted on dropping her off two blocks away from her home. “Uh... Thank you for the ride,” her voice was low. “I can’t thank you enough. And sorry for what happened in the shed earlier. Simeon just...” She sighed and stopped. His story made her mind wander. She was scared... “It was fine,” their eyes met through the rearview mirror. “I’m Alec, by the way. Yours?” A small smile left her lips. “Lia. Dahlia Possenti...”
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