Chapter 44 - The Falls

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The feeling of being accepted by the family that was not yours was fulfilling. They never make me feel like I'm an outcast in their group, despite our differences, they have welcomed me with open arms. I felt like I belong to them that I wished that they were my family. I never felt this happy and contented under my own roof.  "You should show her around, Simeon," Tita suggested. "There's a lot of beautiful views here in the place. Not far from here was a falls, you can convince Simeon to go there." Turning my head to the side, I watched Simeon's reaction. "That was what I was planning to after we eat. We still have days left in our one-week vacation and shall not put it to waste. We're gonna use it to explore the places," he said, smiling and I died.  "I'm excited to see it," I giggled.  Since he came, he has been showing me around the naturally beautiful pictures. As expected from him who grew up in the wild, in this beautiful place that I'm sure of, an asset was hidden. Like the falls... It was mesmerizing that he was fond of nature than any guys I've known in school.  They do nothing but boasts their new cars... and girls.  After we ate, that was what we did. I helped him prepared the things we needed as for sure, the urge to swim would too hard to resist, so we brought extra clothes and of course, food.  "You always starved, so the food must be present whenever we go, baby," he excused.  Rolling my eyes, I continued to follow him. We were walking for more than five minutes now on the way to the falls. Good thing I wore pants, so I could save my skin from rashes I'd get from the grass. He brought one big bag, while I only have a water bottle in my hand.  "Do you run fast?" I asked randomly. "I know it's stupid but that was how I see vampires in movies. Their speed is no joke, Simeon. So, I'm wondering if you're like those bloodsuckers I watched." I know... This felt like a joke but, I have to learn to accept this unexpected creature.  "Do you want to see?" Slowly, I nodded. "Yes. Maybe if you just used your ability to run fast, we could have arrived there already." "Alright..."  We stopped walking to face each other. A hint of friskiness crossed his eyes and that made doubts grow in me.  Like why... "I'll show you first and decide whether I run like a vampire or not." My eyebrows knotted. "You are playing with me." "I'm not, Lia," he insisted. "You wanted to see me run fast and I'm gonna show you how fast I run." Shaking my head, I continued to walk again. He was playing with me. I know my knowledge about them was sort of stupid but, I was just guessing! That's what I have watched in movies and who knows? There might be a similarity aside from their eyes, fangs, and being a bloodsucker.   "Lia..." I could sense that he was trying to hold himself from letting out a laugh. "I don't run fast. baby. Now that you asked me that, I wish I could run that fast. Sadly, I'm not." I rolled my eyes. I wanted to walk fast so I could arrive at the falls and dip my head in the water to calm my nerves now that I started to get irritated.  "I'm hating you right now, Simeon..." I expressed. "You didn't even tell me that we're going to walk this far. I thought it was near your house yet," I sighed deeply.  "We're getting there, baby." He sneaked his hand in between us to hold mine. "The walk will be worth it once we got there. You'll never regret it." True to his words, everything was worth it. But the moment we reached near the falls, I subsided in the ground, opening the bottle, and drank all the water left. We walked for over fifteen minutes! And my legs got weak. I have never walked that much.  Again, thanks to my amazing boyfriend. Note the sarcasm.  "Woah, babe!" He reached for my hands to help me stand up which I didn't budge. "You alright? I have offered my back but you didn't take my kindness, baby." I rolled my eyes. "I hate you right now, Simeon." "I love you, too..." He kisses my forehead before we sat on the big stone near the falls.  Ugh. This guy! I can't even!  Sighing, I raised my head and closes my eyes, feeling the freshness of the air. It was cold but bearable... The sounds of water calm me despite the harsh noise it makes as it falls down the spring.  "Open your eyes, baby," he demanded and I did.  My attention immediately landed on the circular shape falls. It was naturally made, beautiful... There were big stones and the water was clear green, giving me a chance to witness the beauty underneath the water.  "The family occasionally go here to swim, and picnic, too, of course. No one has discovered this place until us, and you now," he told me as he smiled. "This is our secret place. The atmosphere was too calming for us, that was why we liked it here." Now I felt envious. I wished to have what he has... A family that enjoys time together, and wholeheartedly accepts each other. Perhaps it would be something that I wouldn’t have. But anyway, I’m just glad that he has a good family despite the differences. Despite their complications... They hunt vampires, and Simeon happens to be one. Yet they never treated him differently. He’s part of the family after all. “Do you want to swim now?” he whispered near my ear. “Take off your clothes now, baby. I think we wanted to try something.” I felt him licking my earlobe which sent a shiver down my spine. He was so random! He switched moods that fast! I pushed his head away with my hand. “I was having feels listening to your stories and now, you turned to be a ma niac vampire.” He pouted. “I just want a taste...” “Taste your face!” I grimaced. I stood up and went to the water, soaking my feet in the cold. My lips tingled at the coldness. It creeps from my feet then, up to my head. I chuckled when I saw him knotting his forehead at me, still, his lips were pursed. “Come here, Simeon!” I shouted. “The water felt so cold! Refreshing. This might help you calm down,” I teased. His cheeks reddened. Then later, he busted out in laughter as if there’s no tomorrow. Shaking my head, I scoop a handful of water and threw it in his direction. “Stop laughing!” “I’m sorry!” He laughed again. “It was as if you were telling me to join you there to calm my hardened c ock!” Instead of screaming in his bluntness, my brows shot up. “That was what I was trying to say, Simeon! To calm it, soaked it in the cold water to keep the heat away.” His eyes widened. He never expected me to say those, huh? I was never blunt. I kept my poise and acted innocent and all. However, I wanted to be me whenever he’s around as it felt free. The smell of freedom without being judged. It was overwhelming. “You’re becoming naughty, baby,” he commented as he stood up to walk near me. “I like that, Lia. I like how you pertain to my d ick without even saying it.”
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