Chapter 43 - Heartwarming Smile

1413 Words
It’s amazing how an event can happen so fast... I felt like a big scammer. I have told myself that I’ll need time to sort out my feelings after everything I’ve learned today, but eventually, f uck time. It’s what people needs... Space and time to think. Yet I’m here, hugging him even after learning about their existence. Even if I was given the rights to think thoroughly, my heart would still choose him. Despite him being a vampire, a half undead bloodsucker, my love still overpowers the doubts that was now sleeping inside my heart. I love him... My mind has clear intentions and that was to accept all of him. “We’re going home tomorrow,” he said as we laid awake in the balcony, witnessing the sparkling stars above us. “To your house, you mean?” I doubled check. “Yes... Mom wanted to see you, Lia. Maybe to make up things, and resumed the celebrations that was cut off before.” I moved my head to the side, staring at his side profile. “How about your sister?” He hummed. “She’s fine, at least. And she’ll be away from tomorrow with our Auntie and well, our cousin, Mallory. Don’t worry about it, baby. Emory won’t mind...” “I just don’t want to create another conflict,” I whispered and fixed my attention again in the night sky. The stars were amazingly beautiful. There were brightest, and the less bright stars but still, they shone in the dark. They were the ones who served us light... The ones that give hopes to the people, and us who finds them breathtakingly beautiful. “I love how they shines,” I commented as a smile formed into my lips. “Despite the darkness that surrounds them, they still managed to dominate the whole blackness, giving us light, telling us that there’s life amidst the black shades.” Soon, I will be one of them. And I hope I will be the brightest one amongst them, so Simeon can easily sees me in the future. Raising my hand, I pointed the brightest one with my index finger. “They’re all beautiful but that one was the most noticeable one. And I hope in the future, I will be the brightest one. So, when I die, look for the brightest one, Simeon. And think of it as if it was me, watching you.” He raised his hand, too, and in the air, he intertwined our fingers together. I stared at it. “Don’t talk about death in front of me, baby...” “Why?” I looked at him. “It’s the reality of the human race, Simeon. Death is normal, and it’s something one can’t avoid. It is inevitable and it choose no one. An old man, young, and even children can dies despite being at young age.” He sighed deeply and lowered our hands down. “I know, Lia. But I don’t like it when you talk about your death in front of me.” I chuckled at his remarks. “It’s not as if it won’t come...” Later that night, we just talked shortly and I was kind of tired that I ended up sleeping on him in the middle of our conversation. I just woke up the next day in our room. And with him laying next to me. We both got up and cooked our breakfast and ate together, then later fixed ourselves, getting ready for another hours of travel back home... “I’m nervous...” I whispered as I saw that we were heading now to their house. I noticed that these past few weeks, nervousness were always with me. “Baby, it’s fine...” The car has stopped. This was not the first time that I came here. Yet I still can’t wiped away the uneasiness just thinking of meeting them again. We had left a bad impression on our first meeting and hopefully, this one will turns out good. “Let’s go, baby. They’re all waiting inside...” Except his sister, and the brat cousins of theirs, Mallory. Sighing, I opened the door beside me and walked near him who waited for me. He faced me to tuck the strands of my hair behind my ear, then let out an assuring smiles. “I love you,” he whispered. When we got inside, everything was oddly quiet, and the surroundings... The sun was peeping through the windows and instead of black curtains, I could see light colors. “This is...” My mouth hangs open slightly. They changed everything. I felt like their house was resurrected. It was full of life now unlike the first time I went here. A lot of colors to brightened anyone’s tired days. “Yup, they changed the curtains to the carpet. As per my sister’s requested.” Slowly, a smile formed into my lips. It’s glad to know that she was starting to see life again after losing a friend. “Shall we go?” I nodded, letting out a deep breaths. Holding his hand, we went to the kitchen and there, I saw everyone, looking in our direction with their serious faces. I don’t know... But was kitchen their favorites spot in meeting a new face? “Hey, Lia! Welcome back!” My feet stepped back when I heard a familiar voice. What the heck?! I thought— “I thought you left, Mallory?” Even Simeon was confused for a moment. “Are you supposed to go with Emory? Why are you here, Mal? And where’s my sister? You left her alone, huh?” “Of course not, Kuya!” From hiding behind Aamon’s back, she revealed herself and as usual, her annoying smile was at it again. “Emory is with Tita, Kuya Simeon. Don’t worry... I will actually follow them now after seeing Lia. So, yup. i will go now! It’s nice seeing you, Lia the ugly!” She run towards us and even had the guts to slapped my a ss before she fled away! Oh my god... How can that kid be this annoying?! “Have a seat,” it was Tita Astrid, his mother and we obliged. Simeon pulled out a chair for me and I sat there, with him beside me. Silence filled the whole room. I gulped. Honestly, his family is kind of scary. Their house may be filled with colors now but their expression remain the same. Strict. Do they even smile? “Alright...” Simeon talked. “We’re here again and this time, I hope this will turn out good unlike the first meeting.” My hands were just on my lap, tapping each fingers. I can’t even look at their eyes that long... “Everyone, meet my girlfriend. Dahlia Possenti...” he introduced me. I smiled at them and hoping it won’t look like stiff. Even if I wanted to talk, I can’t seem to think of anything to say. So, I kept my mouth shut and just waited for them to attack me. But it never came. Instead, a heartwarming smile formed into Tita Astrid’s lips... And it was contagious that I smiled, too, genuinely. It was welcoming. “Nice to see you again, Lia...” she uttered. “I’m sorry to what happened before. I was maybe, out of my mind at that time. Don’t worry, I’m not mad at you or anything. I was pissed but it was not meant for you.” I mentally sighed in relief. Now that I heard those words from her, I felt fine. Worries were gone. It was different to hear it from her than Simeon. “I have prepared all these dishes as according to my son, you wanted to taste my creation. Well, aside from him... These are the foods that they all love.” I felt my cheeks burned. I heard small chuckles from them and I just wanted to hide in embarrassment. Aside from him... “She has been dying to taste your food,” said Simeon. “She eat a lot... So, I hope these food are enough for the five of us.” “Don’t worry, there’s still food left on the kitchen.” They all chuckled at Tita Astrid’s words.
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