Chapter 47 - Running Away

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Blaming someone would be absurd. Things unexpectedly come at times when one was not yet ready, where things were still complicated. Perhaps it would hurt at first, and one can't seem to believe the result of the consequences of the actions they committed. Yet it was something we didn't think through before we involved ourselves in something we were both too young to handle.  I never promoted teen pregnancy. I will never even if I, myself was one of the victims... I wouldn't call myself a victim either. It was consensual, and we were both ready to face the responsibilities of being a parent. However, it must not something girls my age should commit. Yet here I am, silently scared, staring at the five pregnancy tests in front of me. My vision was kind of blurry due to my nonstop tears that were constantly falling down my cheeks.  Four of them have two red lines except for one.  I am hoping that the four were not accurate. A pregnancy test was not one-hundred percent accurate after all. But what can that one stick with the negative results can do to the four ones who have the same results?  "Positive..." My lips shivered. "Positive..."  Simeon was just silent beside me. His eyes were fixed, too, in the tab laid on top of my bathroom sink.  I don't know what was running into his mind now. But one thing I'm sure of, it won't bring us any good. As for now, I felt numb. My brain was trying to cope up with this sudden pregnancy yet I can't process this unwanted news. What should I do? Should I just run and totally turned my back away from everyone? It was what I planned to do since day one. This time, it wouldn't be just me that I'd try to save from my family's selfishness but the life inside me.  It won't be a good idea if I stay here during this situation. They will probably kill me. They will probably abandon me and honestly, my heart was too tired to take any hurtful words from them, so I'd rather run as I will definitely be kicked out of the house soon.  "Lia..." It was surprising how Simeon remain calm. "I'll show myself to your parents right now, Lia. I will take responsibility, okay? I will not let you suffer alone in their grasps, baby. Not now, nor even in the future." Shaking my head, I run my hands in my face. "That's not a good idea, Simeon. It will never be a good idea."  "That's the best way that I could think of, baby..." "No, no..." I hiccuped. "You don't know what they're capable of doing, Simeon. Showing yourself to them, announcing my pregnancy would put us in danger as well as this baby in my womb." The baby is still not formed, yes. But sooner, it will come to life. I don't want to think of aborting it just because he has not in the shape of a human. Even so, I still want to keep it despite the risks that await us. "We will run away from them, Simeon..." Despite my voice shaking, I still managed to say it. "That's my only option, baby. I will run away with this child, and they won't find out about its existence the day I give birth. They won't until I secure my child's safety, Simeon." Imagining the wrath that I would have faced from them will probably stress me out and that was something I won't want while bearing this child. "Lia..." His eyes watered. "That's not it, Lia. Your life will be put at risk if we continue this pregnancy. This baby would be the death of you and I don't want that to happen..." As if a cue, my palm landed on his cheek. "Are you telling me to get rid of this, Simeon?" My heart sunk at the thought. How dare he decide for me?  "This child will live. He will live!" I said firmly, gritting my teeth. "If you don't what this, I wouldn't force you. I'd rather have him alone, with myself than be with someone like you who thought of aborting this child." I was about to walk past him when he held my wrist, refraining me from leaving.  "I was just worried, Lia..." he explained. "You know how my mother suffered because of me and I don't... I just can't imagine you getting through the same thing as hers. I'm sorry." I harshly shook his hand away. "Just tell me if you don't it, Simeon."  Turning around, I faced him. The weariness in his eyes was visible but it was not just him who's tired! I am exhausted, too! But I'm still trying... I will still fight for the baby's life even if it cost my life. "I want it, of course, Lia. I want it..." He reached for my hand again. "If you want to run, we will. We'll hide if that's what you want but please, promise me... Don't give up, baby. This battle will tire you physically and I want you to fight, okay?" Honestly, even in my sleep, I never thought that I would be pregnant at this age, or even with  Simeon at any age. And he was right... This will tire me out physically and in another aspect knowing that he has a vampire's blood yet... I am confident and determined to keep it. I wouldn't let it suffer because of our recklessness.  "How do we do that?" I asked slowly, remembering the securities in our house.  "Trust me, Lia..." he answered before hugging me tightly.  Sighing, I close my eyes. "I always trust you, Simeon..." I whispered. "In any circumstances, I know you'll be here with me. Even if you don't tell me, I would give my trust in you." I felt him kissed my head. "We are in this together, Lia. One should not be left behind..." Eventually, I called Alec to pick me up. Meanwhile, Simeon has to climb down my window bringing one luggage that contains my clothes and I brought a small bag with me, bringing all the necessities I need in everyday life. My mother gladly let go of me when she learned that it was Alec. I tried not to get contact with her eyes, so I could avoid showing her my puffy red eyes. Although I know she wouldn’t be interested to know about it but still. “Why the sudden calls?” he asked curiously when we drove away from the house. At that moment, I totally break down. The tears continued to fall down my cheeks and I couldn’t even maintain my loud sobs anymore that I was holding back since earlier. I’m f ucked up. I don’t know what to do. “Hey, hey, Lia! What the hell! Why are you damn crying?!” he panicked. I felt the car stopped and Alec immediately attended to me, tapping my back as if it would comfort me. “Here, tissue. Simeon will probably bite me once he sees you cry. He would think that I made you cry!” I promptly took one and another fly in a tissue box he lent to me. “I am pregnant...” I whispered as I wiped my tears. “Alec, I’m pregnant... And that would end me if my parents find out! I’m freaking out and I can’t even think of ways to overcome this!” I cried. “Holy s hit...” he reacted and pulled himself out of me. “Are you sure about that, Lia? Did you see a doctor for a check-up?” I shook my head. “I just took a pregnancy test,” I answered. “Out of five, four of them resulted positive. I have lost my hopes that it might be just wrong as I admit that it was partly my fault for not...” I wasn’t able to finish my sentence. I am reckless... Due to it, that resulted in me to a big damn problem. Pregnancy. “Alright, okay... But we need to make sure of it, so let me take you to the hospital. Don’t worry, it’s safe... Your parents won’t know.” Before we could meet Simeon, we went to the hospital to officially check my condition. I was hoping that the pregnancy might be wrong but sadly, it’s not... “Congratulations! You are three weeks pregnant, Ms. Lia!” The doctor announced happily.
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