Chapter 34 - Best Start

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I expected nothing but bliss for the following days.  I had high hopes that for one week, I'll probably have the best experiences with Simeon. I prepared my things in a piece of luggage before I slept, and I can barely close my eyes because of excitement. I have long for this for the past months and now that it's actually happening is beyond bliss, and still, I can't seem to believe that it's going to happen and that I will get to see him in an hour from now.  "Tita, I'll take Lia for a one-week vacation," Alec informed. "I was gone for two months and I wanted to at least, make it up to my fiancee. We agreed to have a one-week vacation to one of my properties." Alec came early in the morning to our house for this purpose. It was kind of cringe hearing him addressing me as his fiancee but I have to endure all these for the sake of this plan to work.  "Where?" my father asked, his tone sounded strict.  I looked at Alec through my peripheral vision. We're currently having breakfast together and my parents were constantly asking him regarding this whole week's vacation which I find annoying.  Why can't they just let go of us already without questions? Isn't this what they want? To 'spend time with Alec'  and get to know each other since we're going to marry? That was what they told me after the night of our meeting. To get close to Alec and win his heart. This is clearly fake. I'm not spending time with him, never. And win his heart? Nope. We're both committed and I have no plans in getting to know him better, in a way that we shouldn't.  "That I can't tell, Tito..." Alec answered. "Lia has been ranting on me as she felt like she was being watched because of all the installed cameras here in the house, and the bodyguards, too. I wanted to make her feel that it's just two of us, Tito." I almost choked on my food upon hearing his excuse. I never knew telling him those things would help us get away from interrogation like this.  "Is that so?" I heard my mother.  Raising my head, I leered at them, and slowly, I nodded. They know my stand about the sudden changes in our household. So, I think it wouldn't be that hard to convince them, make them believe our lies, and the likes.  "I have expressed my say about the installed camera and such, Mama. I'm just afraid that you might just suddenly have someone followed us, and that would be too uncomfortable knowing that someone is spying on us," I explained.  It was partly true, though. A white lie. Aside from the reason that Simeon can't sneak into my room because of it, I just felt like I can't freely move and that I had to take care of my actions. I even talk to Simeon on phone inside my bathroom in a very low voice, afraid that I might get caught by that damn camera on my window. There were a lot of things that I have noticed in our house but, I kept myself from asking further questions. As long as it won't harm me, I'm fine with it. Even though it was a disadvantage for us, for Simeon to frequently see me by sneaking.  Creeping through my window was the only way. Yet that way alone was taken away from us.  "I shared the same sentiments with Lia," Alec added. "I hate being followed..." "Alright..." My father sighed, wiping the sides of his lips with the table napkin. "Fine. Just one week and you'll be home, Lia." "Okay," I replied.  I don't find the logic why they had to investigate us. When in fact, in the eyes of everyone, I'm Alec's fiance, and that it is normal for us to have a vacation, right? They shouldn't get worried. They trusted him enough to paired me with him, then they shouldn't worry about anything. Unless there's something to worry about. And obviously, it's not me being with Alec but for another and deep reason.  "Thank you, Alec..." I expressed my gratitude the moment we both went inside his car.  "That was nothing, Lia. We both get benefits for doing this, right? we just did each other favor," he retorted and started driving away from our house. "Yup," I smiled. "But still, thanks. We shouldn't do it more often, though. This shall end..." "I agree but, we don't need to rush it. We will take it slow, but surely. Also, there's still a lot of time to think of backup plans if we happen to fail this one." "They're planning to announce our engagement on the day of my graduation, Alec. I honestly don't want it to happen but if ever, things should not end to the marriage. We both know what will happen if our families agreement to marry us both turn out to be a success." I took a deep breath. I couldn't imagine myself walking in the aisle seeing another man waits for me at the altar. Things will be ruined if that happens, I'd rather live alone for the rest of my life if it's not Simeon that I'm going to spend my life with.  "We'll both sink, Lia..." he whispered. "I love my girlfriend, and there's nothing that would make me leave her." "So do I," I retracted. "I cannot bear losing Simeon either." "That was why we need to work hard for this, teamwork, Lia. If things go south, the four of us will probably live in darkness for the rest of our lives." My heart shattered at the thought. I don't want to live my life in regrets, or even isolate myself anymore. The idea of spending my life alone had vanished when Simeon came. Before, it was okay. I accepted that bitter reality of my life but now that I found love, I won't let it be taken away from me.  "Regrets has no room in my heart," I said firmly. "I'd rather die than marry you, Alec." I never imagined that I would be this desperate for love. I have watched a lot of movies, read stories and I hate how my life turned to be similar to theirs when it comes to love. I thought it was easy, there would be struggles but I deemed that it could be easily defeated. But now that I'm in this situation wherein choosing love over everything is the battle, I realized that loving will never be easy.  However, I don't want it to be more complicated. Clearly, I will choose love over everything...  I am in love with Simeon... That love was too strong that I'm willing to turn my back from my parents and be with him. Maybe if they just acted as my caring and loving family, I would have second thoughts.  But in my entire life, they only think of their own welfare. It was a big factor for me to just leave them and choose my love despite them being my parents. I was even worried about my future, but then, I have come to the realization that I shouldn't let them decide for my tomorrow.  I should be the one that holds my fate. My life, my choice... It took us an hour to finally arrived at the meeting place. But instead of stopping in the shop or something, the car just stopped in the middle of nowhere. From my position, I could see a familiar car and yes, it was Simeon's.  "Get down," Alec demanded. "It's time to switch seats, Lia." Nodding, I unfastened my seat belt and quickly run towards the other car where Sam also went out, the run towards me, stopping midway.  "Enjoy the week, Lia!" "Thanks, you, too!" I cheered. 
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