Chapter 28 - Holding On

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When it was time to give up, it was amazing to deem that someone who appears to have the same problem as yours, showed up and wondrously tried to think of ways to overcome it, despite the burden you two have shared. It was kind of mesmerizing to see people trying their hardest to get through some s hits, then later wonder if they can subdue the existing dilemma.  Instead of hiding, they acted bravely to defeat the enemy within, and the surroundings that have caused them to bleed. I have never realized how important it was to remain neutral when circumstances get in your way, not until Simeon appeared to be calm while I was there, bitter and furious, not giving my mind a chance to reflect.  For the past years, all I could think was to get away yet never in my mind has crossed the question of how to get away. It was the most regretful thing I have ever done... I thought I just wasted my time trying to escape, but never really think of how to defeat the opponent.  "We could try that," Sam was serious. "It could be a factor, Alec. We both know how your mother mind's work. She hates a cheater, and she clearly did not raise one... If you do that, she will probably pursue your father to postpone, or even break the agreement between your families because of you, cheating." "Between us two," Alec moved his finger, pointing himself and me, back and forth. "Am I the only one who will appear as the bad person here?" I secretly hide my laugh. I could feel Simeon tightened his hold on my hand under the table. Glancing at him, I let out a small smile.  "Any suggestion?" I asked in a low voice. "You've been quiet since then, babe. Got a problem or what? I mean, we have an existing one but you know, some stuff?" I shrugged and looked away from him. It was still vividly clear that his family was currently facing some struggle. I just don't have any idea what, and I wanted to know but, I'm just gonna wait for him until he voluntarily opens his mouth to talk regarding that matter.  I don't want to appear as a clingy girlfriend or an impatient one who does not know the word privacy. It was a family matter, but I kind of hope that he would share it with me as it will probably help him emotionally.   "I was just thinking..." his voice was low.  "Of what?" I turned to face him again. "You can tell me." "Now?" His brow shot up as if challenging me.  My lips formed into a thin line. "Yup..." He chuckled and diverted his gaze to his ice coffee, bringing the cup near his mouth and sip on the metal straw.  "Let's talk about my thoughts when we're done here, alright?" he murmured.  Nodding my head, I averted my gaze in front, listening to the two people across us arguing.  "We could just switch the day of our wedding." I think my jaw just dropped when Alec suggested that. Our eyes promptly landed on him, feeling astonished.  "What the f uck are you thinking?" Finally, he spoke. "Are you telling us that you would really spend that much time, or extend further into such a situation to execute the plan?" "I don't like that concept, Alec..." I told him straight. "We should stop at the engagement... No more than that shall happen like wedding and such." "There will be no wedding," it was Sam who fiercely glared at him. "If we could perform the plan without waiting for the wedding, then why not? It's not like there's only one letter in an alphabet. We could think of a plan with a total of twenty-six methods until we successfully tear the bind." Alec acted to zip his mouth. "Fine, fine... I will never talk again. Geez."  Sighing, I fell into depths.  Things will not be easy for us. Our families were eager to continue their plans for us to marry. The future they have planned for us was something that would tear us apart. I don't want to marry anyone if it's not Simeon. I love him, and it will always be him that I'm going to choose no matter what it takes.  If I have to give up everything, I would.  If abandoning my parents' would be the only way to be free from the chain that holds me, I would. It's not just for our relationship, but for me, too.  I'm tired of following their orders. I could not just leave as I still don't have a clear plan yet. I need to think thoroughly about it, and also consider my financial assistance. If I leave, everything will be on me. My food, education, and other essentials.  If I have to give up my desired profession and choose one that I could afford, I would.  "We could not easily get rid off of the marriage," I uttered. "Also, if we ever break it, my parents will still marry off, and I guess you, too, Alec to someone else. It is a never-ending problem, if this would fail, they would try and convince another set of family to arrange us with." Alec nodded. "I came from a family of fixed marriage... Arranging us to marriage became our tradition. No one actually tried to bend it. If Lia and I won't get married, that won't stop there."  "It must be hard to grow up in a wealthy family..." Sam commented. A bitter smile was shown on her face.  I just smiled at her, trying not to argue. Technically, people born with a silver spoon in their mouths were not actually hard to live to. If we have money, we get everything we want. With our connections, we could easily get something without a sweat.  The only thing that makes it hard was having a parent like mine, and their usually damn high expectation and tradition. I envy those people my age who live like a princess, yet still had given a chance to decide on their own without their parents invalidating them.  It is rare in rich families. But I'm sure that it was not rare in the middle and lower class status in our society.  I swallowed the lump down to my throat. "I think the only way that would bring an end to this absurd tradition of our families was maybe, both of us will vanish in their sights, or totally turned our back away from them. In that way, they will not only lose an heir, an asset that would lead them to another set of connections, but also a son and daughter to marry off." I stated in a matter of factly.  "I really think running away will not solve anything," Alec shared. "But as same as hers, that's actually the effective way to get rid of everyone."  Silence enveloped us.  I could feel Simeon's hands in mine getting more tighter and tighter. Then, he would loosen his grip again then, hold me tight. Later, I sighed and intertwined our fingers together. In this way, I could make him feel that I'll not get away from him and that I'll stay by his side.  "They will still make a way to find you," he said carefully. "They wouldn't want to lose a child that would lead them to more success. They will just keep on looking for you if you suddenly vanish." "But that's the only way," Sam butted in. "If we have to fake their deaths, we would! In that way, we could stop them from further investigation."  "Death..." I whispered. "Is being dead the only way to be free?" "That's the bitter sad reality of life," I heard Simeon. "But you won't have to go through that, Lia. If running away is the only way, and if you really desire to leave everything behind, I guess I'll have to support you in your decision."  My eyes quickly run to him, and when I saw his serious facial expression, I think my heart just explodes. I have been waiting for this day to come... Wherein he would finally agree to my plan to just leave if there's no other way, and now that he really said that he'll support my decision, I don't think I could be happier more than I am now. The corners of my eyes warmed up. I tried to hide my tears by smiling at just letting out a small laugh to refrain my tears from falling.  It was just him... It was his decision that I have been wanting to hear, so I could finally administer my plan to leave everything behind.  "So, shall I run, too?" "Alec..." I heard Sam. "I don't think it's a good idea considering the fact that you're still financially dependent on your parents." "Sam, don't worry about it..." he assured. "Simeon and I have been making a lot of money, secretly through the help of someone we know." My forehead formed into a frown.  "What is he talking about?" I asked Simeon who just smiled at me as if he was putting himself into big trouble.  "I will discuss it with you later..." he said apologetically. "For now, let me bring you to a somewhere quiet and calm place to rethink this plan, or finalize your idea." "I'm determined, Simeon..." I explained. "I wanted to leave and just forget everything." "It's not like a simple one, two, three, Lia. Your idea of leaving everything behind will cost you a lot. Your education and your whole future itself... This is something you could not just execute right now... You have to think this thoroughly." I shook my head. "What if I ever change my decision?"  He fell into silence. But it was just a minute when he opens his mouth to answer, "I will still support you, Lia. But..." he paused.  "But what?" I anticipated.  Sighing, he held onto my hand tight. "But I'm kinda hoping that you won't change your mind. So in that way, we could be together for a while, completely forgetting everyone."
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