Chapter 7

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"And you couldn't make a phone call?" My mother asked me, putting both of her hands on either side of her hips and narrowing her eyes at me in disapproval, "You should have called me from there! I was so worried!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air in frustration. That surprised me, "Worried?" I asked in a hopeful tone, my expression softening, "About me?" I pointed at myself. Could this be the day she would finally accept me as her daughter? Have me going on a dangerous mission somehow changed her heart? My mother's eyes turned incredulous, "What are you talking about?" She asked, glowering at me now, "I was worried if Ares would attack us at any moment" She grumbled and continued to mutter something else under her breath but it was too fast for me to catch what she said. Disappointment washed all over me again and I scolded myself for letting myself hope. "Ares has no plans to attack us the last time I checked. I already told you everything" I said in a monotone but then I remember something important, "But Rafael didn't seem pleased with what happened. I have a bad feeling-" "If he is not going to attack then there is nothing to feel bad about" My mother interrupted me abruptly, "You may leave now," She said, waving her hand at me dismissively. Of course, once she gets what she wants, I am no more needed to her."You have to hear me out on this" I stressed, "He might do something to the Underworld out of anger" I continued, not caring that she asked me to leave already. "Rafael has no power to do such a thing," She said without looking at me. She was underestimating him, "But Rafael is strong. Mentally. You don't know how long it took me to conquer his mind" My chest heaved as I argued with her. All my life, I have been listening to her. Always. Can't she listen to me just this one time? It's not like I have bad intentions for her or for the underworld. "Maybe you are not as good as you thought to be" She made a snarky comment before looking at me again, impatience was in her eyes and in her body language, "Why are you still here?" She frowned, her tone was hostile now, "I thought I told you to leave" I clenched my fists at my sides. I was getting annoyed as well, "You can't do this to me" I suddenly vented out what has been in my heart for so long, "You can't use me as you please and throw me away after getting what you want" I raised my voice a little, "I have felt as well" "I don't know you haven't realized this yet but just to make everything clear, I do not care about you nor your feelings. Now leave before I remove you myself from chambers" She growled sharply at me, pointing at the exit of the room. Hurt beyond anything, I slumped my shoulders in defeat, "Fine" I said, my voice cracking a little but of course, it doesn't mean anything to her cold heart. Knowing this is just another battle that I have lost in earning my mother's love, I left the room quietly. I did everything she asked for. I even put my life in danger for her. Then why she didn't reciprocate my love towards her even once? I didn't want to be babied by her but a few nice words from her is more than enough for me... I was so lost in my thoughts that I slammed against someone but luckily, this person steadied me, "Oh I am sorry-" My words died when my eyes fell on the last person I wanted to meet today, "Ugh, you again" I muttered under my breath, snatching my arms away from his hold. Archie's eyes grew dark and he clenched his jaw, "I am not entirely thrilled to see you again too" He snapped back at me. I blinked. Maybe it was just not my day. "Sharp tongue you have there," I said, walking past him, "But I wish your brain was sharp as well," I said sarcastically as I strutted away. Archie let out a growl behind me and I smiled in satisfaction but when he grabbed my arm to stop me from walking, the smile on my face vanished as if it wasn't there before, "I have to talk to you" He said when I raised my eyes to glare at him. This was the time I wished I had laser beams for power. I could barbecue him right here or turn him into dust, "Take your hand off me" I hissed through my clenched teeth but he didn't loosen his grip, "I already had a bad day and I don't want to make it worse so please, leave me alone" I continued after a few fleeting seconds. Can this day get any worse? Something flashed in his eyes and he suddenly yanked his hand from me as if I burned him, "It's not like I am dying to talk with you anyway" He said, not meeting my eyes as he shoved his hands into his pockets. A boiling fury swelled inside of me and I grabbed his arm roughly to turn his body fully facing me again, "Seriously, what is your problem, Archie?" I demanded angrily, "You said you want to talk, and then within a few seconds you're saying you're not dying to talk to me. What are you trying to say?" I growled. Can't he make a decision as well? So far, the list of his cons is getting longer and there are no pros yet. A look of great bitterness swept across his face, "Look, I don't know if you know about this or not but I was a king before I got banished here so I do not welcome the way you talk to me" He said, his mouth going hard and his muscle grew tense. He is angry and so was I. Does he think being a king makes him all high and mighty? A king is nothing next to a deity, "I am a goddess, you moron" I snarled, pushing him away but not enough to send him flying across the room. Archie staggered a few steps back in surprise, "You may have been a king before this but now, you're just a slave. You do as my father says, that's all. Need I have to remind you that all your powers have been stripped off as well?" A wicked smile curved at the corners of my lips. I knew I shouldn't go for the low blow but the sudden urge to insult him got the best of me. He should know his place. He should know where is he right now. Archie looked away as he has been slapped. His frame shook a little and I knew he was trying his best to contain his rage, "Watch the way you talk to me" He repeated the same words he said when we met for the first time, "I am still your soulmate" He reminded me, darkly. I looked around to see if anyone heard that and released a relieved breath when I was sure we were alone in the hallway now, "Please, don't" I said, raising my index finger in front of me, "It doesn't mean anything to me" "Do you think it means anything to me then?" He asked, crossing the little distance between us, "I do not like you. I do not want you. I never wanted a soulmate! This is the perfect punishment isn't it?" He chuckled darkly without any humor, "The Moon Goddess is insane" Well, at least we both agreed on that one thing. The Moon Goddess was not only insane but she is unfair as well. How can she drag me into this mess? "You think I want you?" I asked, looking at him incredulously, "You think I want a criminal to be my soulmate? I am freaking goddess, Archie" I reminded him again, not missing the way he twitched when I uttered his name, "I do not need a man like you to continue my life" Archie was speechless again, "Good to know we are on the same page" He finally said after a good minute of staring session. I scoffed, "Then problem solved, right?" I asked, "You don't want me and I surely don't want you then why are we talking? We can pretend like there is no bond between us and move on with our lives" I suggested. It might hurt me emotionally for a few days, longer if I got attached but thankfully I didn't. Honestly, I think I would be fine. I lived without him before this and I was sure I can do that after this as well. "That's what I wanted to talk about" He let out an exasperated breath, "I wanted to make things clear between us that us" He pointed at me and them at himself, "Us can never happen. I don't know how long I will be in here but I am sure one day I will be free of this and I will leave to live the life I deserved" I rolled my eyes at that, "You deserve hell for what you did, lover boy" I retorted. He is insane if he thought he could go back to his normal life. He was banished from the earth and the demon realm for a reason and for that alone, the Moon Goddess wouldn't let him go back. "Hell is better than being with you" I stilled right then and there. For a second, I felt a jabbing pain in my heart and I was sure my facial expressions mirrored what I was feeling. But before Archie could notice that, I masked my expression, "Right back at ya" I sang, turning to the side to hide my crumbled face and taking a deep breath to make sure my voice didn't c***k, "You're right though. Hell is better than being your soulmate" I agreed, faking a smile now as I glanced at him. His eyes softened and he opened his mouth to say something but words came out. I thought I saw regret in his eyes but again, I might be just imagining things. This man knows nothing about regret, "Now that you made everything clear, can I go or you do you have more to say?" I asked, keeping my tone blank. He shook his head mutely at me, avoiding my eyes again. Nodding my head at him, "Good. Now go and clean the next room or I will tell my father about you not doing what you're supposed to do" I turned around and walked away from him, holding my head high and my back straight. I will never drop a tear for a man who doesn't appreciate me. Never. But still, my chest hurt. The feeling of being unwanted isn't new to me but this time it took me to another level. Why everyone that should love me ends up pushing me away? All my life, I have always been good to others then why they are not good to me? Shaking my head to myself about my own unfortunate life, I made my way to my room and closed the door behind me once I stepped into it. No one needs to see how bad of a day it has been for me. First, I got into an argument with my mother who doesn't accept me as her daughter. Then another argument with my soulmate who doesn't accept me as his soulmate. I let out a tired sigh and leaned my back against the door for a moment, thinking back to the words my soulmate said. Instantly, my heart tightened against my chest as a pang of hurt washed over me again only this time it wasn't so prominent but it was still there. I put a hand over my chest and took a deep breath, telling myself this moment will pass. I have to be strong for myself. Feeling better, I went to my study to look at the picture I put up there along with some information regarding Rafael. If my mother isn't going to take responsibility for what she has done then I will have to. For the sake of the Underworld. Since I got back from Earth, I have been searching for all the pieces of information I can get about Rafael and Ares. Back when I inhibited his mind, I only looked at their plans for the future to Underworld but never their bond with each other. It was Rafael's personal space and I respected that despite what I did to him. A plan formed in my head and I took my phone from the table and dialed that one person on earth that would do anything for me, "Harold" I said when he picked up the call on the first ring, "I need you to do something for me" "What is it, goddess Prosepene?" He asked. A smile formed at the corners of my lips, "I need you to keep tabs on someone" I said, "It is dangerous so please be careful and do not underestimate this man" "Who is it?" My eyes flickered to Rafael's picture again, "It is someone I messed with" I muttered under my breath, "His name is Rafael and I will send all the details you want soon. Remember, I want you to get close but not too close, okay?" I added, worried if I am putting Harold in trouble. "I am waiting for the details, goddess," He said in return, not hesitating even for a moment. "Okay," I said, ending the call. I smiled and put down the phone on the table again, my eyes zeroing on Rafael's picture. Seems like I am on this alone but I didn't care. I will do anything for the sake of the Underworld.
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