Chapter 6

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It took me a few seconds to recover from the shock and look up at him in the eye. He doesn't like me, I don't like him, I don't see a reason for me to be polite to him. Besides, he was the first one to insult me so it is only fair if I made him feel insulted as well. "I see, not only you are the cleaner but you are also an asshole" I shook my head at him in disapproval, glad that my voice came out steady despite the initial shock that I have been. For added effect, I flipped my hair away from my shoulders and narrowed my eyes on him. It was fun to watch his eyes turn black in anger at that. I guess he wasn't used to being insulted, "Watch the way you talk to me" He growled, throwing the broom that I didn't realize he was holding on the ground angrily and balling his fists at his side. I knew this was a serious moment but his behavior seemed childish to me that I smirked at him tauntingly as I took a threatening step forward, "Or else what?" I made sure I looked him in the eye to make it clear I wasn't afraid of him, "What will you do? Hit me with a broom?" I scoffed, playing with the ends of my hair. His eyes widened at that and his jaw fell open slightly. For a split second, he looked like he was at loss for words before he squared his shoulders and opened his mouth to say something. Only he never did. His words died in his throat when my father and Artemis barged into the room, "What's going on here?" My father asked no one in particular in a sharp tone before he let his eyes skim over the room which was still a little messy. A look of great disappointment crossed his face as his eyes fell on the clock next, "Why are you not done yet?" My father asked my soulmate, clenching his jaw. Archie visibly looked alarmed with my father's posture and looked around the room frantically, probably freaking out on the inside to come up with an excuse, and then his eyes fell on me, "She is not letting me work!" He said, pointing at me and I only scoffed at him, shaking my head, "I could have finished this before noon but she purposefully distracted me so I would get punished" Unbelievable. Not only he is a rude asshole but he is also a liar! My father's eyes shot up to me, "Is that true, Pro?" He asked me in a gentle tone, his eyes visibly softening. I looked up at my father, "Why would I do that?" I asked my father incredulously, "I have other important things to look after" I said, my eyes flickering towards Archie again as I stared at him in disgust, "Why would I waste my time on this?" I asked, not taking my eyes off Archie. Archie tried not to look bothered under my gaze, "She is lying" He shrugged, "If it wasn't for her, I would have made this place spotless by now" He said confidently, sticking his nose up in the air. Looking at how he lied confidently, I was amazed by his skills. My attention snapped back at my father when he let out a thunderous growl at Archie in warning and Archie took a few steps away from my father involuntarily, holding both of his hands up in surrender, "She is capable of anything but that" My father growled into Archie's face, "She can never lie!" I couldn't help but smirk proudly as disbelief colored Archie's face, "How can you be so sure?" He asked my father challengingly despite the terror in his eyes, his eyes flickering to Artemis who stood there and watched the scene in amusement. I glowered at Artemis as well but she was busy looking at Archie. I would have to deal with her later for putting me in such a complicated situation. My eyes widened when my father stepped forward to Archie and pushed him against the wall roughly, grabbing the front of his shirt, "Because she is my daughter" My father revealed to Archie, fisting his shirt, "And I never raised my daughter to lie" He growled, flashing his famous fangs in blinding rage. Archie's mouth slacked again but this time, he looked completely flabbergasted. I couldn't stop smirking smugly when his eyes slowly made contact with mine. "I bet you didn't see that coming, did you?" I asked, crossing the distance between us to go and stand next to my father, "I am Prosepene, the daughter of Hades" I introduced myself with a proud smile on my face, "I would say it is nice to meet you if you behaved" I snapped, the smile on my lips fading. Archie looked at me in bewilderment, "f**k" He muttered under his breath. My father growled at Archie, making him tremble a little, "What did you say?" My father dared him to repeat that word again. Archie's eyes grew wider than before and he started to frantically shake his head and then his eyes flashed to Artemis suddenly, realizing that it was her plan all along. Great, he is a slow poke as well. "You definitely f****d up right now," Artemis said, speaking up for the first time since she entered the room, her eyes were on Archie as her lips curved into a smile, "Hades, come on. It is his first day. Please let go of him" She continued in a soft tone. But my father wasn't having it, "He disrespected my daughter! I would never tolerate that" My father growled into Archie's face again. "Hades," Artemis said my father's name in disapproval. A full minute passed before my father let go of Archie's crumpled shirt, "If you ever throw false accusations at her, I will rip your tongue out and feed it to my dog" My father warned Archie before looking at me, "If he tries to disturb you in any way, you should come and tell at once, okay?" He said in a gentle tone, stroking my hair. I smiled up at my father, "I will" I agreed, leaning onto his hand. My father turned to look at Archie again, "Now clean up this room in ten minutes before going to the library" He said, "I expect the library to be spotless by tonight" With that, my father started to walk towards the exit of the room but paused in his steps, "You didn't apologize to her yet" He spun around, his eyes going to meet Archie's, "Apologise to my daughter now" Archie gulped in fear and looked at the Moon Goddess who nodded her head at him, encouraging him to apologize to me. Unwillingly, Archie looked at me, "I am sorry" He mumbled incoherently. "You didn't sound this low when you accused her," My father said impatiently, "Apologies to her loudly!" Archie gulped, "I am sorry," He said loudly, looking at me. "You will address her as Goddess Prosepene" My father continued before I could respond to his apology, "You will respect her as you respect me and every deity that lives in Tartarus, am I clear?" Archie nodded mutely. Satisfied with his silent answer, my father left the room. "Well, that could go a lot more worse but thankfully, Hades was in a good mood" Artemis was the first one to talk after my father left, "You better clean up right away. If he comes back, I can't save you from his wrath this time" She said to Archie who grumbled something under his breath in return. I didn't spare him another glance. He doesn't deserve my time or anything to be exact, "We need to talk" I said to Artemis, clenching my fists. I need some answers from her. Artemis smiled softly at me, "Then we shall" She agreed before looking at Archie, "Bye, Archie. Don't worry, I will visit you from time to time okay?" She sang, waving her hands at him before following me to exit the room. I lead the Moon Goddess straight to my room and closed the room shut after Artemis stepped into the room, "What were you thinking Artemis?" I demanded, spinning around to face her, "How could you do this to me?" I nearly growled at her. I felt betrayed by her. This was unfair! She didn't even blink at my outburst, "Relax" She said casually, "I have already thought this through before making a decision" Relax she says. How can I do that when she fated me to be a tyrant's soulmate?"Oh yeah?" I scoffed, "You just messed with my life by making him my soulmate. Seriously, were you drunk or something?" She crossed her arms against her chest and shook her head, "No, I wasn't" She answered my rhetorical question, "I was sober" I never had an urge to punch a goddess in the face until right now, "Then why?" I gritted out as irritation surged up inside of me. She was testing my patience here. She knew I wasn't the one who gets furious easily. Artemis let out a sigh and dropped her hands to her side, "Because I know with the right motivation he can turn into a new leaf, Prosepene" She said, walking towards me now, "I can't let him die only to be reborn again to threaten the werewolves again" "I could have motivated him without being his fated one" I pointed out. She didn't have to make me Archie's mate. Artemis pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded, "Yeah but it wouldn't be enough" She said, in the same gentle tone my father used on me earlier, "Trust me, you have the ability to change him for good, Prosepene" She said, taking both of my hands in hers and holding it in front of me. I shook my head at her, "I can't change a man, Artemis" I sighed sadly, "This is a burden that I didn't ask for. If he has to change then he should do that by himself. I am not here to correct someone's wrongs" I said, gently taking my hands away from her grip. This wasn't supposed to happen, "Is there a way you can undo this? Werewolves have the ability to reject their mate right? Perhaps I can do the same..?" I trailed, holding onto this new hope. But my hopes plummeted when Artemis shook her head, "Well, what's done is done. I can't change your soulmate now. It would mess up with every other creature of all planets. Werewolves won't survive their mate, Pro" She pointed out, "I don't think it is going to be that bad, Pro" She added when she noticed my glum expression. She might have faith in Archie but I didn't, "He was rude to me. He eyed me like I was a disgusting thing he has ever seen, Artemis" I stated in an emotionless voice. It hurts me though and I put all the blame on the bond that now exists between us, "And he lied. He threw me under the bus without thinking twice" How can I be with someone who is that selfish? Someone who doesn't care about my safety but only theirs? If we ever get in a tough situation, he wouldn't think twice to save me. He will leave me there in danger after freeing himself from that situation. Well, it is not like I can't protect myself but still, it would feel nice to have someone who protects me. "You are familiar with the human slang these days," Artemis said, snapping me back from the train of my thoughts. Of all the things, she noticed that "That's not the concern here. Do you not see that this won't work out?" I asked, looking at her with wide eyes, "This will hurt both of us, Artemis" She nodded her head, "It will work out, trust me" She said confidently. "I wish I can believe you" "Prosepene, please. Let him stay for a while. Get to know him before judging him" She said, "Yes, I understand that everything he has done is not something to be proud of but he is here. He is sweeping the floor and vacuuming the carpets. This is already a good change, don't you think?" I shook my head, "People don't change people overnight, Artemis" I pointed out, "Who knows what he might be plotting as he cleaned that room" "Yes, change needs time but it needs a point to start" She took my hands again, "And this might be, the best point for Archie to change. Please do not lose your faith in him" She continued, "I promise, one day you will be thanking me for finding a sweet soulmate for you" "I doubt that day would ever come" "Oh, don't lose hope now" The Moon goddess shook her head, "I will be watching you two. If you need help or anything, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will help you in any way you want" I nodded my head, "You're leaving" It wasn't a question. It was a statement. She nodded her head, "I have to take care of something else. But don't worry. I wasn't kidding when I said I would visit you guys from time to time" She reminded. "Yeah, I will be waiting" I sighed, "To complain" I added to which she smirked. "Until we see again, Prosepene," She said before exiting the room and leaving me alone to be miserable. I shut the door after she left and plopped face first onto my bed and let out a scream against the pillow. I didn't know how else to show my anger. One thing was so clear. Archie and I will give each other a really bad time while he is here.
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