Mountain Top Specialist Hospital

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❌ Do not copy or share on any platform ❌ Professor MacPherson walked to the sitting room holding his briefcase. He was dressed in a black coat, a tie, a pair of shoes, non-recommended eye glasses and a wristwatch round his wrist. He dropped the briefcase on the table and sat down. He took out his phone and dialed Evelyn’s phone number. He tried the first time, but Evelyn didn’t answer the call. However, at the third attempt, Evelyn finally answered the call. “Morning, Evelyn,” professor MacPherson said. “Good morning, sir,” Evelyn said moodily. “Your voice shows distress; what happened?” Professor MacPherson said. “I am at the hospital now,” Evelyn said. “I am aware; Ayla told me everything that happened in my absence. I've been trying your phone number, but I haven’t been able to contact you,” professor MacPherson said. “That’s caring of you. I guess you and Ayla are not starved?” Evelyn said. “No, we are not,” professor MacPherson said. “That’s good to hear. Are you at your place of work already?” Evelyn said. “No, I am still at home,” professor MacPherson said. “It’s alright. Send my regards to Ayla; I really miss her,” Evelyn said. “She reciprocates that too. Which hospital are you?” professor MacPherson said. “Mountain top specialist hospital, California,” Evelyn said. “It’s alright. I am on my way,” professor MacPherson said. “You shouldn’t come here now; your place of work is more important,” Evelyn said. “Your husband’s health is important instead. I will come over to the hospital, then from there, I will go to my place of work,” professor MacPherson said. “Alright. Till you come,” Evelyn said. Professor MacPherson dropped the call, he put the phone in his pocket and gazed at Ayla who had been sitting for over a minute. “Dad, I could eavesdrop on your conversation with Mrs. Evelyn. Are you going to the hospital from here?” Ayla said. “Yeah; I need to greet Mason,” professor MacPherson said. “That’s good, dad. Send my regards to him,” Ayla said. “Alright, I will,” professor MacPherson said. Professor MacPherson stood up, he dipped his left hand into one of his back pockets and brought out 15 USD notes. “Take this money, buy food with it,” professor MacPherson said. Ayla stood up from where she was sitting and collected the money. “Thank you, dad,” Ayla said. “Goodbye and have a nice day,” professor MacPherson said. “Goodbye, dad,” Ayla said. Professor MacPherson carried his briefcase from the table, he removed a thread-like substance from it and walked in the direction of the door. He opened the door and walked to where he parked his car. Professor MacPherson opened one of the doors of the car, he entered the car and drove the car away. After about 15 minutes' drive, Professor MacPherson reached the hospital. There was a long fence that travelled in a rectangular shape. He entered through a black gate and parked his car under the tree. In a region slightly above one of the windows of a building was the inscription “Mountain Top Specialist Hospital, California. There were other inscriptions like; male and female toilets, provision store, medicine stores and sundries. The hospital had several buildings with many rooms. There were trees and ornamental crops, ambulances, tents and sundries in the exterior part of the hospital. Professor MacPherson placed his briefcase on one of the seats of his car and alighted from the car. He looked everywhere and could see patients and medical personnel moving round the hospital, but he couldn’t see anyone who resembled Evelyn or Mason. He took out his mobile phone and dialed Evelyn’s phone number. “Hello, Evelyn,” Professor MacPherson said. “I am fine. Are you at the hospital already?” Evelyn said. “Yeah. I am standing beside one of the trees outside. I am perplexed,” professor MacPherson said. “Don’t be perplexed; I am coming right away,” Evelyn said. “Alright,” professor MacPherson said. Evelyn stood up from the long bench she was sitting on, she walked in the direction of one of the doors and walked out of the waiting room. When she got outside, she could see Professor MacPherson dressed cutely and standing under a tree. “There you are!!” Evelyn said and walked towards professor MacPherson's direction. “I got perplexed when I got here. Where is Mason?” professor MacPherson said. “He is in one of the males’ wards,” Evelyn said. “Is that so serious?” professor MacPherson said. “It’s a long story,” Evelyn said. “You can make it concise, you know,” professor MacPherson said. “I walked to the sitting room yesterday morning, I met Mason watching and listening to the news. I got angry and switched off the television. He became upset and descended on me. Landon rushed to the sitting room after he heard my teary voice. The lad couldn’t behold what was happening. He told Mason to leave me alone, but Mason refused. However, he took an empty glass cup from the table and hit it on Mason’s head. Blood started oozing out and I tried my best to stop the blood flow. After I administered first aid treatment, the blood finally stopped. So, we brought him here for further treatment through Mrs. Anthony’s car. We thought Mason would just be an outpatient, but little did we know that the glass cut down his scalp,” Evelyn said. “That’s a pathetic story. I am sorry for what happened. But how could a man sit and watch films very early in the morning when he should be off to work? I need to talk to Mason when he has come around,” professor MacPherson said. “I shall be grateful, professor MacPherson,” Evelyn said. “Alright. Now, take me to the ward,” professor MacPherson said. “One of the doctors is attending to him right now, so we can’t see him now. But we can wait for him in the waiting room; how about that?” Evelyn said. “I won’t mind,” professor MacPherson said. “Okay,” Evelyn said. Professor MacPherson and Evelyn walked to the waiting room and sat on a long bench. Inside the waiting room, they could see other patients with numeric tags attached to the chest side of their clothes. After sitting for 4 minutes, doctor Naomi walked to the waiting room. “Well done, doctor. Can I see my husband now?” Evelyn said. “Sure; but ensure you don’t shout in your conversations. He might develop migraine,” doctor Naomi said as she was going to her office. “Alright, doctor; I won’t,” Evelyn said. Evelyn walked professor MacPherson to where Mason was. She opened the door and the duo walked in. They moved closer to Mason and saw plaster covering the middle part of his head and his eyes closed. “Hi! Mason; are you sleeping already?” Evelyn said and touched Mason’s neck. Mason opened his eyes and saw professor MacPherson standing beside him and Evelyn sitting close to him on the bed. “How are you, Mason?” professor MacPherson said. “Well, as you can see, I am not fine,” Mason said. “You will be fine soon. The fact that you are not an outpatient doesn’t mean you won’t be fine. So, cheer up,” professor MacPherson said. “Alright,” Mason said. “I hope he has eaten?” professor MacPherson said. “Yeah, he did after persuasion,” Evelyn said. “I think Mason needs rest now and I need not disturb him. I want to be on my way now. I will come and check on him properly on my way back home,” professor MacPherson said. “Alright, professor MacPherson,” Evelyn said. “Mason, be the man you are. I will be here in the evening,” professor MacPherson said. “Thank you for the gestures, sir,” Evelyn said. “Don’t mention,” professor MacPherson said. Professor MacPherson walked in the direction of the door, he opened it and exited the room. He walked to his car, opened one of the doors of the car and entered the car. He started the car and drove to the direction of the gate. One of the security guards saw Professor MacPherson's car and opened the gate. The car hooted and moved away from the vicinity of the hospital.
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