Coffee and Tea

1021 Words
❌ Do not copy or share on any platform ❌ Soon, Peyton returned to the sitting room with two cups, she was clutching a cup with her right hand and the other with her left hand. “Take this cupful of tea,” Peyton said as she handed over the cup she was clutching with her right hand to Charles. “Thank you,” Charles said. “You are welcome,” Peyton said and sat down. The threesome clustered around the television as they take sips of tea and coffee. At exactly 6:45 pm, knocks were heard from the door. “Hold on! I am coming…,” Luca said and walked towards the door. He opened the door and said, “Good evening, sir.” “Good evening, lad. Is Mr. Charles around?” professor MacPherson said. “Yes, sir. Please, come in,” Luca said. “Thank you,” professor MacPherson said and walked into the sitting room in the company of Luca. “I can see enjoyment in this house,” professor MacPherson said. “Enjoyment, you say? There is no enjoyment. Please, come and sit down," Charles said with a gesture. “Thank you, Charles,” Professor MacPherson said as he sat down beside Charles on the couch. “Good evening, sir!” Peyton said. “Good evening, Peyton. You are really enjoying yourselves,” professor MacPherson said. “We are only enjoying the grace of God. Will you mind some tea?” Peyton said as she gazed at professor MacPherson's face. “Yes, Peyton. I am satisfied”, professor MacPherson said. “Alright, sir,” Peyton said. “How was the trip, Charles?” professor MacPherson said. “It was fine. I hope you are fine?” Charles said. “Yes, I am fine, just that I’ve been a little worried. I was here while you were away,” professor MacPherson said. “I was told. Luca, turn off the television and go to your room now,” Charles said. “Alright, dad,” Luca said and stood up from the couch. He walked towards the electronics, switched them off and walked to his room clutching his cup. “I think I should go and join Margaret in the kitchen, since I can sense you two need privacy,” Peyton said and stood up from the couch. “Alright, Peyton,” Charles said. Peyton sauntered away from the sitting room clutching her cup. “Charles, I am worried…,” professor MacPherson said. “I guess it’s because of your wife?” Charles said. He stood up from where he was sitting, walked towards professor MacPherson and sat beside him on the couch. “Yes, she has spent weeks with the unknown abductors and we are yet to discover the abductors’ hideout,” professor MacPherson said. “No worries, professor MacPherson; we are back. By tomorrow, we will start combing through the nooks and crannies of the state, and I know, we will definitely have good news for you,” Charles said. “I will be very appreciative physically and behaviorally. My daughter is more worried, but I want her to be happy again,” professor MacPherson said. “She will be happy. Did you have any dispute with anyone in the past?” Charles said. Professor MacPherson looked at the floor as if he was trying to reminisce. He finally said, I don’t think I had polemicized with any man born of a woman, but if I had, the person should have told me so that we could sort out things, instead of abducting my wife,” professor MacPherson said. “Alright, professor MacPherson. And as I said hitherto, we will get to the root of this. Just go home and rest your head on your pillow,” Charles said. “I have always trusted your words, which have resulted in actions. Do you think I can trust you again?” Professor MacPherson said and gazed at Charles’ face. “Yes, you can trust me,” Charles said with a smile. “Alright…,” professor MacPherson said. “You need to brighten up. Should I get you a cupful of tea or turn on the television?” Charles said. “That won’t be necessary, but thank you,” professor MacPherson said and stood up from the couch. “Are you going now?” Charles said. “Yes, sir; I promised Ayla that I wouldn’t stay long, she would be worried by now,” professor MacPherson said. “Alright, sir. Let me see you off,” Charles said, and stood up from the couch. “Please, extend my regards to Peyton when she is done with cooking,” professor MacPherson said. “Alright, sir; I will,” Charles said, and the duo walked towards the pithead. When they were closer to the pithead, Charles pulled the door and the duo exited the room. It was a bright and windy day, all the roads led to king Rehoboth’s palace as he was about to choose a new queen. The contestants, the chiefs, the palace security guards, some invitees and non-invitees, and the king were all gathered in the inner chamber. The inner chamber took a new state as it was ornamented, even the blind couldn’t doubt the beauty of the ornamentation. On different walls of the inner chamber were inscriptions like “Beauty Pageant”, “Who Wins The King's Heart?”, “America Has Beauties” and a host of others. The contestants, in their twenties, were much adorned. Should we talk about bracelets or expensive dresses and pairs of shoes? I guess everyone would love to win a Californian king's heart. On the chest regions of their dresses were numeric tags, one, two, three, four and so on. The orchestra was not left behind, the team started with lullabies and later rolled into more matured songs. Chief Cooper walked to the center of the inner chamber, he took the microphone and began, “ We are pleased with the fine and subtle faces gathered here today. Now, it is time to start the event!”
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