Agreement & Proposal

2077 Words

    I walked up the stairs with Max heading towards the west wing, today has been a good day. I just hope my grandparents don’t ruin my good mood, I feel like I’ve made my pack proud of me, our weed was in high demand. Can you imagine the faces of other Alpha’s ? I took over in less than five years, how crazy is that?! I chuckled to myself, Athena was feeling the same way, there are times I wish we could talk  to each other already. My phone buzzed in my back pocket, I pulled it out quickly to see who it was. I looked at the screen doing a double take before sliding my phone back into my pocket, a smirk spread across my face. Could this get any better? My anxiety was lingering on the surface of my happiness, truth be told things could always go to s**t in a split second. Shaking my head li

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