Chapter Nine

1405 Words
Gina’s P.O.V ‘Did you f*****g hear that?’ Charlotte yelled down my ear, Almost deafening me. I ‘’Shhh’’ed her. If she carried on yelling like that, those creeps will come back in here! I just nodded. What the hell does all this mean? Would we be able to trick them into letting us go? I hoped they would just decide to let us go regardless. If not now, then at some point. Mum and dad didn’t deserve to go through all this again.. And Charlotte and I didn’t deserve this to be happening to us! Noone did. ‘What do we do?’ I whispered, but before she could answer, We heard footsteps, and they sounded like they were coming towards the room. Fuck, What do we do?! I looked around the room quickily, but there wasn’t anything I could grab to defend us with. I grabbed Charlotte by the arm, But she cried in pain. I let go of her instantly, confused, but before I could ask what was wrong, the door opened and there they stood. ‘Oh, You’re awake’. Brian asked. I froze, I stole a look at my sister out the corner of my eye, She was still holding her arm. ‘Y-yes, we are’. Charlotte was the one to speak. The two guys shared a look before coming into the room and closing the door behind themselves. Coming over to the bed, We both moved closer to each other. ‘I’m Brian’. He told me softly, as if not to scare me, but it wasn’t working. ‘This is Rob’. Gesturing over to his friend. My eyes shot to him quickily, he was looking at Charlotte, but Charlotte wasn’t looking at him, Her eyes were firmly fixed to the bedsheets under us. He tried to approach me, but I moved away. ‘You don’t need to be scared of us anymore... You’re in no danger’. Rob spoke this time, Charlottes head snapped up, I don’t think I’d ever seen her so angry. ‘We don’t need to be scared of you? Are you f*****g joking?!’ She yelled It made me jump. I turned my whole body to look at her, I pulled her to me once more, trying to calm her down before she did or said something that angered them, but she just pushed me away. ‘After what you sickos just did to me and my sister?!’ ‘You’re right, We’re monsters, but we’re not going to hurt you. So, Calm down’. He told her calmly, clearly trying to chill her out as well. He moved his hand towards her, not to hurt her, just to touch her, but she moved away before he could and averted her gaze once again. ‘We heard everything you said’. I suddenly blurted out, CHarltote wasn’t impressed. ‘What the f**k did you tell them that for you i***t!?’ I shrugged my shoulders. The honest truth was, As stupid as it sounded, I kinda believed them when they said they won’t hurt us again. They had no idea we heard what they were saying, So, It was clearly true. ‘You heard us? All of it?’ Brian asked, I looked at him and nodded. ‘Yes’. ‘How’s your lip?’ I looked into his eyes for a moment, second guessing myself. Was this a Play? Was this a trick to get our guards down? Staring into his big, brown eyes, I almost got lost. No.. It was the truth. When I didn’t answer, He sat down in front of me and lifted my head with his finger, Giving himself a better look. Even though I was still completely terrified of him, I didn’t pull away. ‘It hurts., What do you think’. He moved his hand away again, Smiling sadly. ‘I apologize’. What could I say? Oh, don’t worry about it, You caused me serious physical pain and scarred my face forever, but it’s fine? I just nodded, not verbally responding. I turned to look at Charlotte again, Nudging her arm. ‘Dude?’ She turned to look at me. ‘What?!’ She snapped. She was clearly angry at me. Fine. ‘f*****g forget it! God!’. There was an awkward silence in the room. I’m sure that was to be expected. Shaking my head to my sister's attitude, I turned to look at the man in front of me again. He smiled friendly at me, It took me a moment, but I returned it. I noticed his eyes dropped to my chin, but only for a split second. ‘You still... Um.. Have a little bit of blood on your face’. He told me. Automatically, my hand flew to my lip, and I touched it, Instantly wincing in pain. It was so raw and sore. ‘Here, Come with me’. He stood up and walked across the room to another door. I was very weary at first. Where was he wanting to take me? Clearly sensing my resistance; ‘It's a bathroom’. Climbing off the bed, I looked over my shoulder at my sister, who was still ignoring me and walked into the bathroom. Walking into the room, He patted the counter by the sink, Telling me to hop up. I did and waited. He got some paper towels and wet them. ‘This will hurt for a minute, Ok?’ He told me, I nodded. Lifting my chin again, He raised my head before sliding his hand to my cheek. He started dabbing my lip with wet paper towels, It DID hurt, I winced again. ‘Sorry’. ‘It's cool’. Carrying on, I decided to test the water, ‘Why do you do this?’ I asked, but the question seemed to catch him off guard. It was clear he didn’t know how to answer. I looked deep into his eyes again, and he stared back into mine. ‘It's fun’. He said honestly. ‘You realise how f****d up that is right?’ ‘Yeah, I know. I’m a monster. It’s why every girl I have ever loved has left me. You can’t love a monster’. I felt sorry for him. ‘Even someone who I thought was’’The One’’ was seeing my brother behind my back. Do you know what that feels like?’ I shook my head. ‘I can’t say I can, Sorry’. I told him. There was silence while he finished clearing my face, apart from my occasional wince. ‘Ok, All done’. I smiled and hopped down off the counter. Flushing the bloody paper down the toilet, He turned to look at me. Once again, Our eyes met and for some reason, I couldn’t help myself. I noticed he moved ever so slightly towards me. My eyes shot down to his lips and then just as quickily back up to his eyes. He did the same. Moving forward slowly, I backed away. I have to remember what the hell was going on. I must be f*****g crazy to think of anything different right now. When I moved away, I noticed he froze, but only for a second before he leaned forward again. Placing his hands on my hips, I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want this! His face came closer, I could feel his breath on my lips… Did I want this? Yes… No.. Yes... I don’t know! Either way, It was happening, It was happening now. I closed my eyes and waited. ‘f**k you!’. I suddenly heard Charlotte scream. I pushed Brian away from me and opened the door, Running out without looking at him. What had made my sister scream like that?
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