Chapter 1

1240 Words
Chapter 1, The Welcome Wagon! Iris POV I was moving into my new place. We moved in where my mom used to live. Well, the town where she used to live in. She grew up here. We moved all the way from Michigan to California. I was excited to be here. I loved sunny weather. I really hated snow. So, when my parents got divorced sure I was sad about it. But there were perks for this. I was excited about the neighbors we were moving beside. Across from them. I hoped that I would love the school here. I used to sing back home at my old school. I won many awards in shows back home. Did a few plays. But I am not that sad to be leaving friends behind. I know I will see them once more when I go back to visit my dad one day. I smile as I take a quick glance over at the house across from us. No one was outside there. No music playing yet. My heart sinks. I could not tell if they were home or not home. The car was not in the drive way. I really was looking forward to making new friends. I hold my box and nearly drop it. It was heavy. I better be heading back in the house before mom called for me. ♡♪♬♪♡ "Hoping to spy on handsome Keith Partridge?" giggles my annoying little sister Emily, she nearly makes me drop my box. "Shut up!" I mutter. "someone might here you" I scold her. Though she was right. The Partridge Family was right across from us. Our moms were good school chums. And I hoped to befriend them all. I wanted to meet Laurie. And Keith. We would attend the same school together. I had a little crush on Keith. What girl didn't? It was puppy love. I am sure once I met him in person this crush would be long over with. I make Emily come inside with me. "Well, are you going to deny it? You are dying to meet him. And mom is going to introduce us" says Emily. A blush comes to my cheeks. ♡♪♬♪♡ "So what? Sure I want to meet him. Stop teasing me. I won't forget it when you get your first crush" I turn things around. "Never. Like boys? Ew" she makes a face. "You will one day like boys" I giggle. "Girls go wash up. Company is coming over" warns mom as she goes through boxes. "What? Who is coming? Grandma?" I ask her. "No Mrs. Partridge and her manager Reuben" mom tells us. "Anyone else?" jokes Emily as she smirks at me. "That is it as far as I know" says mom. We rush up the stairs. My heart races. What if Keith did come with his mom? The thought made my heart go into over drive. Emily goes in her room, I head to mine. I get dressed into a old easter dress then I add a bit of make-up. And make sure my hair looks decent. Then I rush back downstairs. "Mom?" I ask. "Yes dear?" "How do I look?" I ask her. "You look fine dear. I love that dress you should wear them more often" she quips. "I might mom" I say with smile. I help my mom get cookies and set them on the table. "You sing so well and I was thinking you should sing for Mr. Kincaid sometime. He is a manager Iris" mentions mom. I shake my head. "Mom that would not be a wise idea then they might think we are using them to gain fame" I sternly tell her. "But you have a beautiful voice" she says to me. "Mom drop it. We won't use our connections to them you hear me?" I warn her. The door bell rings. I let mom answer it. There was Mrs. Partridge with a Mr. Kincaid. And someone behind them. ♡♪♬♪♡ "Oh Shirly it is so good to see you!" gushes my mom as they hug. "come in" "Welcome back! I can't wait to meet your girls in person. I know them from your letters" says Mrs. Partridge. "This is my oldest my Iris. She will be going to school with Keith and Laurie" says mom. My face turns red as they come in and they look at me. I see Danny Partridge behind them. My heart sinks a bit. I was hoping Keith was with them. I shake hands with them all. "Pleasure, to meet you" I say. "You are something" says Danny as he has a funny look on his face. "I think someone is smitten" laughs Mr. Kincaid. "Iris you are as beautiful as your mother. When she was younger" brags Mrs. Partridge. "Do sit down. We are not settled in yet. I baked cookies" I tell them. I offer one to Danny first. "You cook to? She is a keeper" brags Danny. I giggle. "Danny!" warns Mrs. Partridge. "Stay away from my older brother" Danny warns. "Why is that?" I wonder. "He is a known ladies man" Danny tells me. "I am not. I am a lone wolf" he had a cute cheeky green and freckles al over his face. "And to young for Iris" warn Mrs. Partridge. "let Iris judge your brother for herself" "Aw mom" says Danny. "Danny?" Emily gushes. She has a fan girl look on her face. "Yeah that is me." answers Danny. "I helped bake the cookies. You like them?" she asks. "Kids" I laugh. "You know my Iris sings to" mom has to bring it up. "she plans on joining the choir at school" "Mom" I grumble. "Oh really?" says Mr. Kincaid as he looks at me curiously. "i sing a little" I mention. "not that great" "She won nationals in choir concert last year" says Emily bragging on me. They look impressed. ♡♪♬♪♡ "Keith and Laurie take choir as well" says Mrs. Partridge. "Oh, that is something" I manage to say. "Mom there you are! Keith is trying to fix the kitchen sink but it is flooding again" warns what must be Laurie as she comes in. "This is Laurie" says Mrs. Partridge. I shake hands with her. "Pleased to meet you" I tell her. "We heard so much about you. Glad you are here" she tells me. "Thanks" I say shyly. "I hate to go so soon. I better go see what Keith is up to" sighs Mrs. Partridge. "We could have lunch when the kids are in school and catch up" offers mom. "I would love that" says Mrs. Partridge. "See you soon do not be a stranger" says Danny with a smile. "We won't" Emily answers him. I giggle. So does Laurie. So Danny had a thing for me. And Emily had a crush on Danny. Much to young ones. I had to laugh. "We should hang out soon. I could give you a tour of the town" offers Laurie. "I would love to" I answer her. They head off. "Danny is something" sighs Emily. "I thought you did not like boys" I point out. "Danny isn't a boy he is a man" brags Emily. I roll my eyes and mom and I laugh at her. I hoped to meet Keith soon. What was it going to be like to have him in my world. I could hardly wait to find out. ♡♪♬♪♡♪♬♪♡♪♬♪♡♪♬♪♡
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