Chapter 2

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Chapter 2, School Bells! Iris POV It was my first day of school. Thankfully I did not have choir yet. That was on Thursday. I had yet to meet Keith. I thought I saw him mowing his mom's backyard yesterday. I did not want to seem too desperate to meet him in person. Though I was. I wanted our meeting to be special. Did I think he would fall in love with me? No but I hoped he might. Silly notions. The school bell rings. I grab my books from my locker. And my brown leather purse. My first day went well. I had lunch with Laurie and she introduced me to the girls in the senior class. Though she was in a lower grade. Everyone knew Laurie. It was great to know her. I wondered if I would meet Keith today. ♡♪♬♪♡ "Hey Iris! Iris" I hear Laurie calling me down the hall way. I see her smiling and waving. With her was Keith. My heart rushes in panic mode. I drop my books. "Not yet...." I moan. I was so clumsy. I grab my books and pretend I did not see them coming. I rush outside. I hide over beside the bush that was by a water fountain. "I am sorry Keith. I could have sworn she heard me call her name" I hear Laurie telling her brother. "No worries. We have plenty of time to meet. We live next door. I look forward to meeting her" I hear Keith say about me as I lean over pretending to get a drink as I hid my hair over my face. "She is so sweet. I hear she can sing to" says Laurie as they wander off. Keith was talking about me? I feel a blush of pride wash over me for a moment. He wanted to meet me? After how long it took to meet him. I was not looking where I was going and I run into the principle. I drop all my books. Students laugh at me. I blush. ♡♪♬♪♡ "Watch where you are going young lady" warns my principle. "I will sir sorry about that" I softly say before heading on my walk home. I stop by Emily's school to walk her home. She was with two other kids. I did not know her little friends. "How was the first day sis. Who are your friends?" I ask her. "I can walk home by myself" she warns me. "I know" I add. "checking in with you" "She needs me" brags Emily. "Emily!" I warn her. "Well you do" she giggles. Her friends laugh. "Who are these two?" I ask her. "You know them" she tells me. I frown as we walk home. "I do?" "Yes this is Tracy Partridge and Chris her brother. The younger ones of the band" says my sister. "Our neighbors" "Pleased to meet you" I tell them. They smile. "They were telling me all about Danny" says Emily. "Danny has a crush on you" brags Tracy to me. "But she is to old for him" says Emily. "And you are to young for him" I try to warn her. "I will catch up soon" she tells me. I shake my head and laugh. I walk the kids home. Then Emily wants to play with her new friends. She asked if I wanted to come. I lied and said I had homework. I was still nervous to meet Keith. It was surreal to meet him in person. I was not ready just yet. I would be soon. I go inside. The boxes were nearly all gone and unpacked. It was looking more like home. Mom got half of the stuff in the divorce. ♡♪♬♪♡ "Hi honey how was school?" mom asks me. "Good, I loved it. I did well. I only dropped my books about a dozen times" I giggle. "You will get used to things" she says. "Have a brownie" "Sure, thanks mom" I say. "Oh, where is your sister?" she asks me. "She is playing with Chris and Tracy. I am sure she is really bugging Danny" I laugh. "I am sure. Her first crush" mom says. "they get older fast" she sighs. "That they do" I answer. I set my books on the table then grab a brownie off the table. "Have you met Keith?" mom asks me. I blush. "No why?" I answer. "I know you had your heart set on meeting him. I am sure you will in no time" brags mom. "Mom!" I sigh. "You have all you're his records. I listened to them through the walls a dozen times. You know all their songs by hearts. Maybe one day you and he will do a duet together" she says. "Mom" I mutter. "stop" I laugh. "You never know" she tells me. She winks. I know mothers always think their kids are best at anything or the prettiest. I was nothing. Mom was good for my ego though. "Thanks mom. I have some homework to be done" I tell her. "Already?" she asks me. "Just to start reading for a test next week" I tell her. "Go for it get those grades and there is not anything you can't do" she brags. "Thanks mom" I sigh. I head upstairs. I nearly had my room all unpacked. Mom helped me paint it violet. It looked so pretty. Calming to. I set my books down. Why was so nervous around Keith? Or to meet him. It was not that big a deal. He was a normal person. A handsome one. I sigh. I bet my sister was meeting him and telling him her sister had a crush on him right now. I wanted to go over and stop her. But I did not dare do that. I get a book I checked out today. Not study. It was about having more confidence in yourself. I needed more of that. The phone rings. ♡♪♬♪♡ "Iris, dad is on the phone! Come here" calls mom. I set my book down then head down the stairs. I pick up the phone. "Hey dad" "How are things out there?" dad asks me. "I started my new school" I tell him. "Make any new friends?" he asks me. "Yeah, Laurie Partridge so far. Kids here are really nice" I say. "I miss you dad" "I miss you to. Write me a letter tell me more okay?" he asks me. "I will dad" I say. "How is Emily really? Is she taking this hard?" dad worries. "No, she is good. She made new friends and everything" I brag. "Good good" says dad. "Dad are you okay?" I worry. "No but I will be. I miss you all. You never stop loving someone. Just things don't always work as you hoped they would" he points out. "To true dad" I agree with him. "I will call you later in the week, so we can catch up. Love you pumpkin" he tells me. "I love you to dad" I say we hang up. I wish mom and dad could get back together. But they were too different to get along with. The oven in the kitchen dings. "Go get Emily next door please. Dinner is nearly done" says mom. "Sure mom" I say. I head next door. Maybe Keith was not home yet. Nervousness fills my stomach again. I get to the house. I hear the kids playing in the back yard. I ring the doorbell. ♡♪♬♪♡ "This is it. I can do this" I pep talk myself. "Hey come on in. I was hoping to see you today" Danny greets me at the door. "You were?" I ask. He nods. "Your little sister is cute and all. But she is too young for me" he whispers. "not like what we have going on. But she is to young. You will have to talk to her for me" he asks of me. "Will do" I laugh. He winks at me. "Who is here Danny?" asks Laurie as she comes down the stairs. Her eyes light up when she sees me. "Hey stranger" she jokes. "I am here to get Emily" I tell her. "we are going to eat dinner" "Oh sure. She was in the garage. We are getting ready to practice" she explains. She leads me to the garage. "Keith is running late. He went to get tacos for dinner with mom" "That sounds good. We are having meatloaf" I sigh. "Lucky you" says Laurie with a chuckle. "Mom says come home" I tell Emily. "Aw I wanted to hear them play" she begs. "Another time. We have dinner plans with mom. You missed dads call" I tell her. "Oh darn. Dad." she sighs. She looked bummed. "I am sure he will call back for you" I say. "Where is your dad?" asks Danny curiously. "My parents are divorced. Emily was very close to dad" I tell them. "We practice a lot. We will let you and Iris watch us sometime" offers Laurie to Emily. "I would love that" says Emily. "Come on Em" I say with a smile. "thanks for having her over" I tell them. "Anytime. Sorry you keep missing Keith. I thought you heard me at school today. He really wanted to meet you" says Laurie. "Oh, I will be sure to soon" I add. "That bell in the hall is so loud" I sigh. "Sure is" answers Laurie. "See you all soon" I tell them. ♡♪♬♪♡ I lead Emily home. Just as we reach the our drive way I see Keith driving his mom home. His mom waves at me. Keith flashes a smile my way. Emily waves. He waves back. I nod and smile as we head inside. My heart skips a happy beat. "Didn't you want to meet Keith? We could have stayed. He is swell" says Emily. "You met him? I bet you told him I liked him" I groan. "I would never tell. I am your sister. My loyalty is with you" she adds. I hug her. "Oh, I love you" I gush. "Maybe you can help me win Danny over" she confides in me. "But he is to old for you" I warn her. She rolls her eyes. "Men are known to be drawn to younger women" she informs me. I laugh at that one. Kids had a lot to learn about love. ♡♪♬♪♡♪♬♪♡♪♬♪♡♪♬♪♡
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