Chapter 13

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Lily's (Mahila) point of view I must have a look of confusion on my face. I knew I would have a guardian, but now I have two. On top of that I thought all of the lycans died with the war. Looking up at Jazel, her Hazel eyes looking down at me with warmth, I ask her "how?" Thats all I could get out, I didn't know what else to say. I had so many questions but I didn't know where to start. As Jazel bent down to my height, and was about to say something, my mouth just opened and questioned flowed out. "How do I have two guardians, How are you alive? I thought all the lycans died in the war. Where have you been all this time, and how did you find me?" With a huge smile at my blabbering, she put one hand on my shoulder. "Ok I will answer your questions but can I please get some cloths." I look at her and forgot she was in just a towel, I smiled and turned to the alpha. Hey you don't happen to have any cloths here for Jazel?" With a nod of his head he turned to Ryker, who I might mention has been very quiet this whole time. Hey son you know where your moms cloths are, can you get this nice young lady something to wear." "Yes dad, i'll be right back," Ryker took off and just a few mins later he was back with a pair of black stretchy pants and a pink tank top. He handed them to Jazel, "follow me I'll show you where you can change." I walked her into the cabin and showed her to a bathroom. It only took her a couple mins and she was back out with the cloths on. We walked to the living room to talk, where Damon, Ryker, and alpha Thane were already sitting and waiting. I sat on the couch next to Damon while Jazel sat on the chair to my left. "Ok Jazel are you ready to tell me what's going on?" She turns to me and has a cautious look on her face. "You trust all these people?" Looking around with a smile on my face, "Yes I do. They know who I am and I trust all of them with my life. What you know and say, they need to know as well." Jazel sat back in her chair more relaxed now, had her arms on the arm rest and folded her hands together. "Well Mahila, I am sure you know by now you are special. Every king and queen before you only ever had one guardian. You my dear will have a guardian for every ability you come into. You came into your lycan, and as soon as you did I sensed you. My wolf shifted that night you got your lycan and when she shifted she grew. My wolf turned into a lycan the night you got yours. She got bigger, stronger and even faster." "Now to answer your question, yes the lycans got killed in the war. You are more powerful then you realize. On m journey to find you, my lycan let me in on a few things. It's taken me six months to find you, and I learned a lot. Not only are you the most powerful fae in the world, nut you will have the ability to make other hybrids when you are ready. No longer will it be just the royals who can be hybrid, but those of who you choose one day." Leaning up she looks me in the eyes and says, that's all I know for now, but if you need to know anything or have any questions just talk to your wolf." Taking all of this in, I glance around the room to everyone. They all look like I feel, confused. I ask myself, Why me, i'm nothing special. Startled I jump a little cause Sheba answers my question. Dear Mahila you have no idea just how special you really are. You have the purest heart, the strongest will, and the brightest intelligence of any ruler before you. Your heart will never fall to darkness, your will will never be broken, and your intelligence will lead you to great places. I got to thinking about what she was saying, it's hard to believe that I am this special person. I am just a 10 yr old girl, who wants to play, go to school and learn new things. I also want to win this battle and get my family and home back. I will learn everything I need to know to take down the evil that has ruined my home and took away my family. As I am thinking about all of this I feel the anger building up inside of me. Calming myself down the best I can, I got to thinking about something. Looking up at Damon I ask him "I haven't come into my demon yet, how are you my guardian already then?" Damon looks down at me and tells me "I am not your demon demon guardian, I am your royal guardian. When you come into your demon you might just get another actual demon guardian. I will always be by your side no matter what." I was actually calm compared to what I should be. I should be freaking out, hyperventilating and maybe even going a little crazy. Here I am, sitting on the couch next to Damon and just taking it all in. I look up at the alpha, "do we have room for Jazel here?" Looking at Jazel I think of something, "Have you found your mate, and will he be coming with you?" With a small but hurt smile she shakes her head. "Not yet, but maybe one day," Looking back at the alpha he nods "Yes we always have room for anyone you need Lily. Before long we will have to build you your own house for all these guardians." He said with a chuckle. Thinking about it, "That wouldn't be a bad idea, we could build a house out here and we can make a portal from the pack house to the house and they can stay at that house. You know so there aren't so many questions." He has a look of understanding on his face he is shaking his head, "You know that's not a bad idea. There is already a portal to this house, you can just take this one. Not Jazel being a lycan she is more then welcome to stay at the pack house if she wants." Looking over at Jazel she nods. "Yes I would like that, at least until some more of your guardians show up. I don't like being alone in a big house like this." She said the last part with a bit of a sigh. Looking over at her with a smile I tell her "maybe you might even find your mate while there." She giggled a little and said "maybe." We got done at the cabin and went back to the pack house. I told my aunt and Shyan all about the events of the day and introduced Jazel. Like the rest of us they had a shocked look on their face as well. After they got over their shocked state they introduced them selves to Jazel. They went to the living room and just chit chatted. The rest of the day went by uneventful until we get ready to eat dinner. The alpha comes in with Ryker, while me, aunt Jane, Shyan, Jaz, and Damon are already there. The alpha walks over to his wife and kisses her on the cheek, then turns his attention to Jane. "Did you go and see Mick today?" That caught my attention, I look over at them and listen in "Yes I did, and your not going to like what i found out." A look of concern on his face as he wipes his hand down his face, "what is it?" Jane looks up and proceeds to tell him, "I know Mick, more knew him from before. He was one of our best warriors in the royal pack. His team went out to fight and we were told that they were all dead or taken prisoner. We tried to find them but there was no trace or scent to lead to their location. When the witches got there, it was to late to trace the magical signatures. I don't know what they did to him, but he has no memory of any of us. He is under the impression he has been a rogue all of his life. I feel the power of strong magic coming from him." "Is there anything you can do to get him to remember and maybe we can get more information about this man who calls himself the rogue king?" A look of defeat crosses her face, "I honestly don't know. All's I can do is try and see him everyday and try to magically remove what has been done." With defeat now in the alpha's eyes, he puts both hands on the counter and puts his head down. Having a thought pass through my mind, I walk over to the alpha and tug on his shirt. Looking down at me with a small smile, "Yes Lily, what do you need?" "Let me try and get through to him," with that said a chair goes flying across the floor and Damon is in front of me. "That is out of the question, did you forget what he did to you?' He growled the last part out. "Damon I have not forgotten, but he is no threat to me. I am sure he is chained up and also in a cell?" I look up to the alpha and he nods in agreement. Looking back at Damon " See nothing to worry about." "I'ts not happening Lily, I wont allow it." Damon said in a demand tone. "ENOUGH, I WILL GO SEE MICK AND YOU WILL NOT STOP ME. I am the princess hybrid and I will do anything and every thing I can to save everyone I can and take down this rogue king. Are we clear. I didn't recognize my own voice, it was strong, sturdy and very powerful. Looking around everyone had their head bowed to me. Oh I guess that was my alpha lycan voice. I look at Damon and he looks hurt, "Damon I will be fine. I appreciate everything you do for me, but you have to realize I will never know my true power or strengths. I wont become who I need to be." He just nodded and the hurt was gone. "Alpha lead the way," I said but the alpha was hesitant. "A slight problem," he said with worry pinching at his voice. I looked at him in my best, what face. "Well you can't go in there like that, Kids don't go into the cells." Understanding now what he was talking about, I look at Jane. "Give me a second and you will be an adult." She walked toward me but I stopped her. "Wait, I have been learning magic, let me try." With a small giggle she nods and waves her hand in the manner of. by all means. concentrating really hard on changing my look, I think of looking like Jaz but with blond hair like Jane. With the warmth in my body I see a bright purple glow around me and then it was gone. Looking around there are gasp and a few heads turn around. All of the guys heads anyways. I look at Jane and she comes over with a blanket she took from the back of the couch in the living room. "Next time concentrate on putting some cloths on along with your appearance." she said with a laugh. She then waved her hand over me and I then had cloths on. "Ok yall can turn around now, I'm all covered," I said with laughter in my voice. They did and look of relief crossed their eyes. "Ok alpha are you ready to take me now?" With a sigh he waves his hand in a follow me way, "Lets get this over with." We make it to the cells no problem and I make my way over to Mick's cell. Looking at him brings back to many bad memories, but I push them to the back of my head now. I muster up my voice "Hello Mick."
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