Chapter 16

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Lily's (Mahila) point of view As we got back to the cabin, we all got back to our human forms. Again they all had that shocked look on their faces when I shifted back with my cloths on. After they got over their shock, we went back into the cabin and got to know each other. They were all coming around, even Stephanie might I add. They were going over the plans on how we are going to find the men and women that have been brain spelled, that's what we are calling it. Also making plans on training everyone up for the big battle to come. Yes we will have years to train, but you can never be to prepared. Everyone was on their way out, when I put my hand on Mick's arm and asked him to stay for a min. He turns toward me and bends down to my level. "Yes Lily." With confusion written all over my face, "Your a lycan, how is that possible? I thought they were all gone." With a small smirk crossing his face, "Yes Lily I am a lycan, and so were most of the warriors of the royal pack. They are all thought to be dead, but as you have found out we have been kidnapped and brainwashed. I am so sorry again little bit, I will never forgive myself for what I put you through." Lowering his head down and shaking it, I put my hand under his chin and raise his head. "I know it's hard for you, just know I have forgiven you." As I said that, a single tear rolled down his cheek. As he wiped the tear trail away he pulled me in for a tight hug. "I promise to never let you down my queen. You are going to make a fine queen one day lil Mahila." He said that last part as a whisper in my ear. I couldn't help but smile, my heart warmed at his words. As we got back to the pack house, things went back to normal. Days became weeks, weeks, became months and months turned into years. I was having so much fun playing with Ryker and my other friends. Speaking of I have a new female best friend. She was part of a rogue camp that we saved. Her name is Montana, she has light brown hair, a year younger then me, with brown eyes and porcelain skin. She literally looks like a doll, but she is a little fire cracker. We almost instantly became friends. I tell her everything, I even told her what Kelly has been saying to me and doing to me behind Ryker's back. She wants to beat her but I told her no that i'll handle it. In case your wondering my pack and the help of the other allies we have we have destroyed over 70 rogue camps in the last three years. I have been able to get through to most of the rogues and save them. It's becoming a pattern though, it seems like all of the leaders of the rogue camps are part of the royal pack that went missing with Mick. The only ones I have not been able to save are actual rogues who were not brain spelled. Those rogues stay locked up, we don't need them running off and warning other rogue camps. In the past three years, I have been training a lot and my lycan is very strong. Between Jaz, Damon, the alpha, and even Mick I have become one of the best fighters. They have stopped taking it easy on me in training and actually trying to defeat me. I have won against them all except Damon, but he is a demon what do you expect. They are just super charged vampires but with wings. I am close to getting him down. The friends and family are amazing. Damon and auntie Jane have completed the mating bond and they are actually expecting a little one of their own. I am super excited to meet the little thing. They wont find out the s*x, they want it to be a surprise. I am so happy for them, they are so happy and both still make lots of time for me. I am also stoked about Mick and Jazz. They are mated and never leave each others side, but Jaz wants to wait just a little bit longer for the babies. I am glad Mick has come around and doesn't talk about what he did in the past, he is super determined to make things right and help take down the rogue camps. Through this he has found a lot of his old warriors and friends. They are staying with us until the construction of the expansion of the pack house. The pack is getting bigger. So in a few more days its going to be mine and Rykers birthday party again and this time it was Ryker who was getting his wolf. It is custom for the alpha's son to shift and go for a run with the pack. I was excited but nervous because I can't let the pack see my lycan yet. I'm headed to my aunts room to talk to her about it as we speak. Knock knock knock, I tap on her door. "Come in Lily, you know you don't have to knock sweetheart." I crack the door open and peek in, "Well I don't want to see you and Damon doing anything gross. She chuckled and I opened the door when I saw the coast was clear. I hopped up on her bed as I bounced a few times before the bed settled. I am looking down fiddling with my hands, "What is it sweetie? You always do that when you are thinking to hard, nervous, or sad. Which one is it this time?" I look up at her and as I am looking up my eyes land on her little round belly. I reach out and put my hand on her baby bump and wait a few seconds and the baby moves. I dont know what it is but I have a strong feeling its a boy. I look at Aunt Jane in her hazel green eyes "I'm scared about tonight. Ryker gets his wolf and he is suppose to shift and run with the pack. How am I going to run with them?" Jane reaches her hand down and puts her hand on my cheek, with a smile on her face she says simply, "The same way you look like this." "You can do that, you can change the look of my wolf?" As I say this I can hear Sheba in the back of my mind. I am no wolf Lia, i'm a lycan and are you ashamed of me, do you not like the way I look? Why do you want to hide me from your pack. Sheba I love the way we look and I love you, I would never be ashamed of you, I am proud of the way we look. I have told you before that the world can't know about us yet. I'm not ready, I have a lot more training to do. Yes you and I are strong, my magic is strong but I might come into more abilities and I will need to be trained and strong if we are to defeat this rogue king. With a huff she shot back, I understand but I don't like to be hidden. If your magic is so strong then why are you asking your aunt to change us? Well that was a good question, I don't know actually. "Auntie I think I will change my lycan tonight if that is alright with you, Thank you for helping me figure this out." With a proud look on her face and a slight nod, "well ok then, I have faith you can do it." So with that said I asked Ryker and Montana to come to the cabin with me and let me know if it works. Yes Montana knows all about me, she is my best friend, of course i'm going to tell her. We get to the cabin and it is almost night so we go outside. "Oh Ry and Montana tell me how this goes." As I shift I think about what I want to look like, and then I start to glow blue and then I was in my wolf form. I look up at the two and they have a smile on their faces "Did it work" I send through my mind link. They shake their heads at the same time and Ryker chimes in, "yes it worked. You are pure black with beautiful bright blue eyes and you are smaller, like the normal size." With the comment of beautiful my tummy fluttered. Why do I get these butterflies when my best friend complements me or looks at me in a way like he is seeing into my soul. Shaking off the comment I get back to my human form an I look at Ryker in the eyes as he is staring into mine. Again with the butterflies. "Ugh hum am I interrupting something here, I can always leave." Montana said with a chuckle. Me and Ryker both look away from each other and both say no at the same time. "So Lily how are you going to shift into that wolf with out glowing?" Montana said with her arms crossed over her chest. "I'm just saying I think people might notice if you start to glow." With a laugh of my own "yes I have thought of that, that's why I kept the spell on Sheba until after the run. She is not happy but she understands. So when I go to shift, i'll act like its my first time and I will turn into what you just saw." Satisfied with my answer we go back to the pack house and go to bed. That night I had the craziest dream. I dreampt about Ryker and I with a family of our own, we were so happy and in love. It was the most real dream I have had in a long time and I didn't want it to end. The next couple days went by just like that. It was the day of the party. I had went back to the cabin to shift, to make sure that my spell was still in tact. So far so good. We had a picnic style party this year with paintball, laser tag, mini golf, horse shoes, corn hole and a bunch more games. I went to play the paintball guns, we got all geared up and me Ryker and Montana went in and we were ducking and running away from each other. I got hit in the face by Ryker, thank goddess for the face mask. Got hit a few more times in the chest by Montana, but I got her in the face a couple times and the leg to. I managed to hit Ryker a couple times but only in the arm. As we were in the area for the paintball, there were cheerleaders outside the walls, and by the sound of them cheering for Ryker, I knew it was Kelly and her snob crew. I ignored them cause I was having so much fun. We got done and got out, as we were leaving the snob fest went in after us. I payed them no mind, the three of us walked a few feet away to figure out what to do next. As we are discussing what to do next I get slapped in the nose with a paintball, It stung but nothing I couldn't handle. Ryker sees it and he was pissed. I don't think I ever seen him this mad. He turned toward Kelly who I saw was laughing but when Ryker turned toward her she put on this fake shocked face. "Are you kidding me Kelly, are you so immature. You ever do something like that again I'll lock you in the cells myself." Putting her hands up and with fake tears "I'm so sorry Lily, I picked up the gun and was trying to figure out how to work it when it went off. I didn't mean to, you know that right." "Come n Ry leave her to her childish ways, maybe one day she will grow up." I said to Ryker as we walked away and I slid my arm through his and he held my arm with his other hand. I did this to piss off Kelly and it worked cause I heard her squeal from behind up. After the party and as it was getting dark, we all get ready for the run. I can hear Rykers bones pop and I start to shift as well. After we are all in wolf form we run, and Ryker being the one to lead them he asked me to run beside him. Montana had to stay behind because she doesn't get her wolf for another wolf. We are having a good ole time, running and jumping over logs. We came to a beautiful spot in a small clearing. It was a big beautiful waterfalls, with a big watering hole at the bottom of it. We ran beside it and as we were running something felt off, I couldn't keep my mind off of wanting to go into the water. I look over at Ryker, His beautiful smokey gray wolf with bright green eyes. He is so beautiful and I can get lost in those eyes. As I was thinking about this his eyes got huge and next thing I know he pushes me in the water.
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